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To have found Tamsin Grieg slightly mean on Graham Norton

135 replies

Noellefielding · 15/12/2014 12:24

Firstly she looked amazing, if a bit uncomfortable showing that level if Uber oiled flesh... Lordy Tamsin! I mean I have to tip my hat to how fit she is and how buff she looks although it did make me wonder about the maxim after 30 (or is it after 40) Either show arms OR legs not both.

BUT that story she told about her dad saying on his deathbed 'don't let yourself go like your mother did.' I guess is fine if you are an only child but Greig isn't. It seems massively tactless and Lots of people can't keep as buff as Greig at her age for all sorts of different reasons. I was surprised at how unkind she sounded.

OP posts:
ghostyslovesheep · 09/01/2015 19:21

My and my elder two (10 and 12) are addicted to Friday Night Dinner Grin

KurriKurri · 09/01/2015 19:20

I remember enjoying the GN show with Tamsin on it before Christmas - and thinking what a great, funny talented woman she is. The anecdote about her Dad's last words was surely taken by almost everyone as the funny and affectionate story it was.

My own Dad's last words to me were ' When are you next coming to visit, I want to make sure I'm out' - he had alzheimer's and was given to rude remarks in the latter stages. It wasn't the profound moment of wisdom I might have imagined - but actually makes me smile when I think of him. Grin

TheSpottedZebra · 09/01/2015 19:10

Hello Tam's sister! Did someone tell you about this thread, and tell you to check it out? How did they sum it up to you, did they mention the issues people had with her levels of moisturisation? Tis a bit bonkers, isn't it?

YouTheCat · 09/01/2015 18:54

I love Greenwing and Black Books. Tamsin is hilarious. Grin

Coumarin · 09/01/2015 18:52

Which is also ridiculous.

Coumarin · 09/01/2015 18:51

She doesn't go to the gym Shock

She's an intelligent, witty, gorgeous woman and this thread is ridiculous. Not least because the 'rule' is 'boobs or legs not both' not arms.

trufflehunterthebadger · 09/01/2015 16:14

Still in stitches at the idea of nicole scherzinger ever looking classy.

Ablamo67 · 09/01/2015 16:07

Hello MardyBra. We love those two shows too. But Black Books was my favourite!

MardyBra · 09/01/2015 16:04

Hello Tamsin's sister. Haven't RTFT but we love her in this house. My kids love Episodes and we recently introduced them to Green Wing. (Don't worry they're not toddlers or anything!)

Ablamo67 · 09/01/2015 15:58

I'm pretty sure Tam is not a Mumsnetter, Sprink, but her sister is and is finding this crazy conversation absolutely hilarious! Our dad was from a very different generation and his comments reflect this. It's true, he did say it, but Tam regaled this story because she found it funny, not for any other reason. Our mum died many years ago, so Tam was not in any danger of offending her. And nor were I or my other sister offended. Tam is a lovely, lovely human being. And she doesn't go to the gym. Although she does eat like a bird. And she runs a lot. Hope that has reassured all.

TheChandler · 16/12/2014 12:38

I hope Tamsin Greig makes a comedy sketch out of this thread!

JL looks as if he has been round the block a bit too much. Mind you, he has always looked a bit like that, and a bit too narrow of build to be conventionally good looking enough for me (I'm fussy). I'm sure he's got an interesting personality though.

shadylane · 16/12/2014 12:34

Jude doesn't care he's a party boy.

RiffyWammal · 16/12/2014 12:32

I winced a bit at the story when I heard it, I think it was because some things weren't clear; the spirit of telling the story (although from the context of 'knowing' TG I assume self-deprecation rather than boasting); whether her father was joking or actually being horrible and we were meant to find that funny, whether her mother was in the room/still alive etc...maybe it was the way it was edited but it needed to be explained better.

For what it's worth I thought TG looked cold and uncomfortable, but if she was happy with what she was wearing then good for her.

Blue69 · 16/12/2014 12:23

I thought JC looked tired out. I imagined he was tired of having to 'be Jim Carrey'

Jude always to me looks weak.

Noellefielding · 16/12/2014 12:17

Also Jude has a serious acting career now so he can relax and go forth and father a child with every woman he meets.

Oh soz for that.

OP posts:
Noellefielding · 16/12/2014 12:16

this is aibu?
all you have to say is 'yes'.
you don't need to call the marines and have me murdered in my bed for crimes against the liberty of gym bunnies and gladiatorial body oil addicts, lawks, I did ask AIBU, and obvs I AM.

I still think she used to be a nicer person.....
I think fame can corrupt.
I think Jim Carrey interrupted appallingly but I think he is deranged at the best of times so going on air with him is going to produce that.
The Wee story was classic TG (who I still adore/worship etc) but the dad story was too ambiguous to be funny imho.
That's ALL.
And she did look too oily!
(runs and hides under table and covers ears singing lalalalalalalala)

OP posts:
Blue69 · 16/12/2014 12:10

Agree Jude has lost it.

Jim Carrey looked surprisingly old.

StripedCandycaneOss · 16/12/2014 12:07

i thought jude looked rough.. my only thought on appearance that whole episoide was 'bloody hell, he's let himself go.. wtf has he done to himself?'

Blue69 · 16/12/2014 12:00

TG absurdly oily, was very intelligent and very funny. Proud of her!

Whoever doused her in that much oil should be spoken to. I kept wanting to reach forward and wipe her off with a hand towel.

duchesse · 16/12/2014 11:54

Have to say my father said horrible things all the time about all of us, and tbh none of us would have given a shit if yet another rude thing he'd said had been reported, not even my mother, who really doesn't care at all what crazy things came out of his mouth. The point is that being brought up by a person like that forms your character in a certain way.

I don't think Tamsin Greig's mother or siblings will have given a flying hoot what her dad said on his deathbed.

Sprink · 16/12/2014 11:05

Fuck me, five pages? I'm hoping Tamsin Greig is a mumsnetter and laughing her socks off. Or her red stilettos. Whichever.

TheSpottedZebra · 16/12/2014 10:33

But, TheChandler, Jude wasn't showing his elbows was he? Nor was he so conspicuously moisturised.



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TheChandler · 16/12/2014 10:14

It was black humour, surely that was obvious? Some people deal with tragedy by joking about it. I agree its too literal to assume someone making such a joke is psychopathic reveller in death, too obsessed with their own appearance to notice the death of their own mother.

Women can't win, can they? Strange how multiplex-father Jude Law draws almost no criticism in comparison, despite his far more recent exploits on the family stage.

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 16/12/2014 10:01

I did notice the poor woman wasn't allowed to finish a story on that show. Every time she started to answer a question one or other of the men on the show started furiously competing for Graham and the camera's attention.

Perhaps if she had been able to finish a whole anecdote it would all be clearer for those of you struggling with this? Although I'm afraid she would have still been looking fabulous in a little black cocktail dress that shows both knees and shoulders Shock so that may still be too distracting for some of you Wink

MistressDeeCee · 16/12/2014 10:00

So her father's last words were a diss to her mother.

I bet her siblings loved hearing that story told to the masses.

I saw interview and thought she was massively tactless too, you don't have to repeat everything do you, I wouldn't want my family to know my father said that (& its a weird thing to say to a daughter anyway) but I do think anything goes long as you look "hot" the defenders will come out in force whatever you say

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