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Work harassing me while on maternity leave

346 replies

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 10:42

I found out I was pregnant April last year and after asking the home I work in to put me down for shorter shifts was declined I took my maternity leave ASAP. Since then they have made a list of bank staff and text them with available shifts for the week, but it's every single day. My little one is 5 months old now and these bloody texts keep waking him up! I shouldn't have to silence my phone all day every day. I never opted to be on this list, I even told them late December I had quit. I get about 8 texts a day, I have called them twice last week, the first time the person in charge was supposed to call me back and never did and the second time the receptionist was supposed to pass a message on, I have called them this morning and am waiting again for the person in charge of the list to phone me back. Does this constitute harrassment?? What can I do about this? It's driving me nuts. Especially when little man has been ill and only just drifted off to sleep them to be woken by work texting

OP posts:
Lilannii · 07/07/2014 22:01

Oh no im not going to sue. its to prove to the manager or ccc if needs must be that it goes that far. I just want to be able to show the manager exactly what I mean by however many texts a day and that im not making it up (not exactly a nice company)

OP posts:
mercifulgibbon · 07/07/2014 22:01

And bring our faaaaces, down to our paaalms.

MrsJossNaylor · 07/07/2014 22:01

OP, why are they sending you payslips when you have resigned? You say they have "nothing written on them"...well none of my former employers send me blank payslips. Seems odd.

DottyDooRidesAgain · 07/07/2014 22:02

Hang on, if the OP is still getting pay slips, then she's still being paid. When she has resigned.

I did payroll for years in a care home. For bank staff because they are contracted zero hours they still receive a payslip it's just blank. This is because it is a computerised pay roll so spits out payslips for everyone on the list. Being bank means you can go a month without working and not need a payslip but the computer does not know this so sends one anyway.

You have to be manually removed rom the list. Which usually only happens when you give formal resignation or you have been AWOL and they have sent you at least one letter asking where you are and if you still wish to be employed.

Tbh sounds like they have just forgotten about the OP.

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 22:03

I do not know why they send them. They do though.

OP posts:
DottyDooRidesAgain · 07/07/2014 22:03

removed even

DottyDooRidesAgain · 07/07/2014 22:05

And bring our faaaaces, down to our paaalms.

Squashed me fag now Grin

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 07/07/2014 22:09

But why do you need to prove to the company that so many texts are coming, Lilannii? What will that achieve?

What you WANT is to be able to feed your children and use your phone in peace and quiet. You do not NEED to prove how many texts there have been. You do not NEED to prove harassment. You do not NEED to make such a huge drama out of this. You just need to block the number.

I do not understand why you are not taking the simple, sensible route out of this. Write to them reiterating your resignation, and block the number.

bearwithspecs · 07/07/2014 22:09

Cos they forgot to take you off the computer. A case of 'computer says yes yes yes' not no no no. About 50 odd people have now said do not take it personally ... But you obviously hate the company and think they have it in for you ?

Rabbitcar · 07/07/2014 22:10

This thread is probably getting a little bit too much now. Fwiw I think OP is in the wrong here, and shouldn't be building a case about nothing really, but maybe we can lay off her now. I'm sure she knows what our views are, but doesn't want to accept it.

Also, I'm afraid I can't bear 'little man'. This is the first thread I've seen where I can admit it. I've no idea why, it just seems terribly self indulgent for some reason, as if your son is particularly special. No idea why it makes me feel like that, and I am articulating it badly. There doesn't seem to be a female equivalent for girls. But plenty of people use it, and I'd never criticise it in real life, so go ahead. You're not the first!

OP, I'd give up this thread now, you've made your point, and others have made theirs.

Hope you resolve this.

fawltydoge · 07/07/2014 22:11


WHY won't you just block the number, wash your hands of this and MOVE ON? WHY?

bearwithspecs · 07/07/2014 22:14

Dotty you just made me spill my wine

DottyDooRidesAgain · 07/07/2014 22:16

For Faelty

Work harassing me while on maternity leave
DottyDooRidesAgain · 07/07/2014 22:17

oops fawlty even. Blush

mercifulgibbon · 07/07/2014 22:20
Ragwort · 07/07/2014 22:27

Love the idea of an iprod Grin

BerylStreep · 07/07/2014 22:46

OP, loads of advice about formally reiterating your resignation in writing and asking for the texts to stop.

In the meantime, block the number, or if you are intent on receiving the texts, edit the contact and change the text alert setting to silent.

TBH, you sound quite fixated on this, to the point of not listening to reason. Do you think you might be suffering from PND? I remember getting really irrationally annoyed about things when my DC were young, and in hindsight, there was a combination of severe sleep deprivation and PND going on, not that I would ever have admitted to it at the time. How old is your baby? Why do you need to stay awake when feeding him (assuming you are BF)? Why are you worried about dropping him?

Boudica1990 · 07/07/2014 22:47

I have such a dirty mind, dont think I'd be using a iprod to keep me awake as such Wink

Ill get my coat....

DottyDooRidesAgain · 07/07/2014 22:55

Don't you mean your MAC you dirty beast Wink

ilovesooty · 07/07/2014 23:17

I think I've rarely seen a more bizarre thread than this one.

secretlypregnant · 08/07/2014 00:52

I am mystified. OK, you don't want to block the number, you want them to stop texting you and you're writing to them, fine, but why won't you put it on silent? I don't understand. If you're sitting in a dark room trying to be quiet, surely you would put your phone on silent, with or without texts from the non-employers? Isn't that common sense?

ILoveCoreyHaim · 08/07/2014 01:10

Is there a reason you need to keep the phone on constantly and with any alerts on. My phones on silent and just vibrates and i haven't got any young babies. If you no longer work there you dont need to read tge texts so block the number, if tou are sick of friends and family ringing/texting put it on silent.

Are you sitting with the phone constantly on looking at the net or playing games or doing whatever on it and the calls and texts are interfering with this. Thats tge only reason i can think of why you would be bothered or your having a conversation on the phone with someone and its interupting

ive got loads of numbers on my phone blocked, theres absolutely no need to speak or read texts or messages from anyone you dont want to. Im struggling to see how its waking your child up unless on your knee with a really loud tone on it.

Anyway everyones saying the same thing really so if you dont want to do any of the above then you will just have to put up with it but you cant really blame others for waking your child up as ultimately its your phone doing it and you can stop it.


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ILoveCoreyHaim · 08/07/2014 01:17

Never mind just seen this post

My phone helps me stay awake because I browse the net and play games on it, I sit in a dark room and stay quiet while he drops off in the evening so tv is out of the question and reading also. Is it so wrong that I use MY phone for MYSELF

are you on the phone a lot as for it to be interupting you constantly people would have to be catching you at the same time your on the phone. If your noticing and its interupting you this much your either on the phone a lot or constantly getting calls or messages. This would explain not putting it on silent as you would still be interupted anyway as your on the phone so it doesn't matter.

AlpacaYourThings · 08/07/2014 01:24

Can I claim harassment for having to read 'little man' so many times in one thread.

I could hide the thread but I want to be here just to ensure I know how many times the phrase is used so that I can build a case against MNHQ.

SnookyPooky · 08/07/2014 06:31

The most bizarre thread ever.
Re 'little man', many people myself included find it vom inducing and very twee. Right up there with bubba, bubz, hubby, hubster.

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