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To feel aggrieved and hard done by?

83 replies

PollyCazaletWannabe · 14/06/2014 17:36

DP and I are both female and DP is black and I am white. We are broke at the moment and so I haven't bothered going to the hairdresser for nearly a year- I see it as an unnecessary expense even though my hair is so awful I can't wear it down any more. However, as DP is black, she has to go to the hairdresser regularly- it's unavoidable unless she just wears her hair in an Afro. It takes ages. She is there now while I am at home working- I've taken on an additional job marking exams (am a teacher) to bring in some money.

Now I know it's really unfair of me but it makes me feel unreasonably angry! I feel annoyed that she's spending money on something that I don't, when we have so little. I feel annoyed that she just swans off and leaves me alone for hours without notice. We need some shopping which she said she'd get while I did my marking, but she isn't answering the phone and I don't know when she'll be back with it so can't start thinking about dinner. AIBU?

OP posts:
GarlicJuneBlooms · 14/06/2014 18:37

I think she would get quite defensive if I asked how much she had earned.

What, you haven't asked her? Shock

HeartsTrumpDiamonds · 14/06/2014 18:37

Yes, stop funding her nicotine habit.

Quitting with the NHS stop smoking program where they give you all the NRT for free is the way to go. I quit just over a year ago and it was way easier than I expected. I have saved over £1800.

That's a heck of a lot of haircuts and blenders.

DickDasterdly · 14/06/2014 18:39

£40 a week on smoking Shock - that is truly shocking to spend that much of your money on one thing. I get that it's hard to stop but I find it amazing that people who are skint smoke. I would feel really stressed by wasting that amount of money every week.

GarlicJuneBlooms · 14/06/2014 18:42

I would feel really stressed by wasting that amount of money every week.

I do! And my addiction takes advantage of my stress Confused Sad Blush

PurplePidjin · 14/06/2014 18:43

She doesn't have to go to the hairdresser. My SIL doesn't, she uses specialist shampoo to keep her hair moisturised and regular straighteners just like mine to keep it straight - if anything, her straightening lasts longer and definitely looks better than mine because she doesn't have to wash her hair every day!

DP has his in dreadlocks. Shoulder length ones. Easiest hairstyle ever, gets rinsed in the shower every day and washed with shampoo once a week.

And there are apparently many many tutorials on youtube on how to do corn rows. I plan to learn by next summer so I can keep our mixed-race toddler ds's hair under control as it doesn't look like it'll be curly enough for dreads like daddy's Sad

ZenNudist · 14/06/2014 18:48

What's the female equivalent of a cock lodger? Pardon the metaphor but you need to (wo)man up. Stop feeling guilty, she is taking advantage of you.

Your income supports you both, fine. Any left after rent and food and overheads is to be split equally at least. Ideally she should cut down on hairdresser costs and smoking. You can't afford it. It isn't a necessity.

Get your haircut. As a teacher you still need to look professional. Can you do this with your over long hair tied up?

Also if / when she earns you need to know what she is contributing. It's a red flag that she keeps her earnings secret. If you can't talk honestly about money in an undefensive manner there's something wrong. Best you recognise this now rather than continue to be bled dry.

How old is her dd? Why are you supporting the dd?

What incentive does your dp have to contribute if you do everything earn money make sacrifices and she carries on as usual?

naturalbaby · 14/06/2014 19:48

Go over your monthly finances together, talk about how you can manage expenses - write a list of essentials (not including smoking if possible) and then write down what's left over. As her how she thinks you should be spending/saving what's left over.

NoArmaniNoPunani · 14/06/2014 20:15

What's the female equivalent of a cock lodger?

A CuntFreeLuncher

PollyCazaletWannabe · 14/06/2014 20:24

Hmmm I know we need to sit down and talk. It's just it will be hard.

OP posts:
HermioneWeasley · 14/06/2014 20:28

OP, you are waaaay too nice about this. It's not ok for her to get upset about discussing money when you are funding her and her daughter.

What would she do if she wasn't with you?

PollyCazaletWannabe · 14/06/2014 20:35

To answer a previous question, my DSD is 19. We put £200 in her account every month, so not masses really.

OP posts:
caroldecker · 14/06/2014 20:40

I asked about the job hunting to understand how you feel - look through the posts and think about what most annoys/upsets you. This can then lead to a discussion and/or a decision.

HermioneWeasley · 14/06/2014 20:42

OP, £200 is a lot of haircuts!

Your DP has lost her job through her own fault and it seems the only person adjusting their spending is you.

ImperialBlether · 14/06/2014 20:44

No, "we" don't - you do.

I couldn't live with someone who spent that much money on cigarettes when she wasn't bringing in any money, £200 was going out on her 19 year old daughter AND her partner couldn't afford to get her hair cut.

Your girlfriend is selfish, OP.

Famzilla · 14/06/2014 20:56

Wow £200 a month to support an adult through university!?

I'm sorry OP but you are being taken for a bit of a mug. I'm only a few years older than your DSD and worked every hour I possibly could to support myself through university. I didn't get a penny from my family and neither did any of my friends.

Read through your posts, you're scared to talk to your own partner about money. She has manipulated you into feeling guilty.. For what? Taking the piss and only thinking about herself? Fags are never essential, and even if they are she must be smoking a hell of a lot for it to take such a chunk out of your income.

zzzzz · 14/06/2014 21:06

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ImperialBlether · 14/06/2014 21:07

Isn't her daughter working over the summer?

TheFairyCaravan · 14/06/2014 21:24

My DNiece has Afro hair. She doesn't have to go to the hairdressers all the time because she can't afford it as she is a single parent and by the time she's paid out for child care so she can work and go to college, paid the bills and the rent there isn't the money. She uses specialist shampoo and conditioner and straightens it with GHDs.

Your DP is taking the piss. With your budget of £150 for food, travel and everything else there should be money left. After you've spent the £50 on food and £40 on travel which is essential, you should both have £30 each to do what you want with. If she wants to set hers on fire, let her but give her nothing else.

HippyPottyMouth · 14/06/2014 21:45

Can you learn to do her hair? My friend taught her DP to do hers, and my old boss used to get his sister to do his. I echo previous comments that the hair isn't the real issue though.

whois · 14/06/2014 22:40

She's a cock lodger. Lost her job and won't cut back on haircuts or fags, won't discuss money, spends any she for warm on herself not the partnership AND you support her uni age DD?

Yeah sounds wicked.

Suggest you live apart for some space tbh and see how things pan out. At the moment she's just using you.

If you really want to stay with her, just give her £30 or whatever amount you could BOTH have each week as 'spends' and you take charge of food and travel and rent.

PollyCazaletWannabe · 15/06/2014 01:33

Food for thought here- thanks everyone. Bit tired now but will write more in morning.

OP posts:
Iswallowedawatermelon · 15/06/2014 02:22

Op this is so confusing to me Confused

You are not broke, simply wasting money on non-essentials (cigarettes and dsd- who doesn't need £200 a month- talk to her and cut this right back).

I understand how dp may need frequent hairdressing costs, but these are important if she is still needing to look presentable for job interviews etc. But you also need to keep up your own grooming for your professional role (maybe a haircut every 3 months?)

We are skint at the moment but haircuts are part of an essential outgoing expense. Dh gets his cut every 2 months (I have tried to cut it myself but I looks terrible so he does need to pay for this. I stretch myself out to 3-4 months (am pregant at the moment so have been able to make it to 4 months easily). We have to look presentable for self-esteem/mental health and for our work. But then again we have no money for luxuries such as smoking Confused, at the moment second hand clothing are a 'luxury' to us.

So my advise would be to tell dsd that next month she will be getting £100 until dp has resumed employment. (If your money troubles are ongoing be open to cutting this back further as dsd is an adult and really doesn't need to be propped up by you)

Has dp considered other hair care options? Cheaper style, hairdresser, DIY options? She needs to take some responsibility for this and find the second best alternative if at all possible.

Go and book yourself a good hair cut for next week, dps cigarettes will need to stretch to last longer than usual Hmm


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PollyCazaletWannabe · 17/06/2014 07:11

Update. DP and I talked and she claimed that she had told me how much she was earning (she hadn't) and protested that she had been paying for stuff (she had, but not in an organised way). Unfortunately the talk came out of an argument which ensued because we ran out of gas (we have a prepayment meter) and I got pissed off because she is meant to sort gas and electric. It also wasn't very satisfactory, as we still didn't really end up with an agreement about budgeting.

On the plus side, DP has got a job for the next 5 weeks which started yesterday :) so tonight I am going to sit her down and have a proper chat about budgeting. Wish me luck!

OP posts:
PollyCazaletWannabe · 17/06/2014 07:27

PS I think the stress of it all is getting to me a bit though. Started crying on bus to work yesterday morning for no reason :( I'm hopeful that the new job wil be an opportunity for a proper chat, but crossing fingers that it won't end up in an argument.

OP posts:
GarlicJuneBlooms · 17/06/2014 10:41

Oh dear, Polly, poor you!

It's a bit worrying that DP's fibbing & fudging about the contributions she makes. We can hope that this is more from embarrassment than manipulation - in which case, having steady work for a while might help her feel & act more like a grown-up!

You can't accept a 'parent' type role with your partner; that way madness lies. While I'm not feeling too hopeful she will prove able to take care of things herself - and of you, should you need it! - I do hope your talk reaches a definite agreement of some sort. Best of luck.

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