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To wonder what heroin makes you feel like...?

143 replies

Nancery · 02/05/2014 14:11

As it's so risky (I presume so anyway), and physically addictive, and while some people seem to be able to use it regularly but hold it together while others unravel I wonder what it's a) appeal is and b) what you feel like on it....?
Anyone have first hand experience?

OP posts:
Weathergames · 02/05/2014 17:52

Typos Blush

Greyhound · 02/05/2014 17:57

It's human nature to crave pleasure - that's how addiction starts.

whois · 02/05/2014 17:58

Some were very good at masking them and certainly very many thought it didn't 'show'. It shows (if you know what to look for)

Yes , much like someone with experience of alcoholics can spot an alcoholic a mile off. Once you know what to look for you'll spot it. But Mrs straight laced from MN probably isn't going to know what they are looking for.

Same with more recreational drugs, a user can almost always spot another user!

So yeah maybe there are these regular users who are strangely unaffected but honestly, I doubt it. They must have huge bank accounts cause it's a greedy habit

In not saying people aren't troubled and manage to hold down a 'normal respectable' life for ever, but it certainly is possible to operate in normal society as an addict if you do have some cash. It's not all toothless tramps sleeping rough and begging.

dontquotem3 · 02/05/2014 18:04

I remember watching a documentary on channel 4 donkeys ago about this same wonderment.
If I recall correctly, the guy's thought process was that those who have not been addicts themselves cannot possibly understand the nature of addiction. So in a bid to understand he took heroin. He became an addict himself. It was so sad (made me cry) but it also made me feel angry. I thought why do something so stupid!

KeepOnKeepingOnAndOnAndOnAndOn · 02/05/2014 18:07

Well done on your 19 years Weather :)

My uncle died at a very young age from a heroin overdose :( he got hooked as a teenager by someone who meant to babysit him- and was hooked until his untimely death.

It is a wicked drug. I still shudder at the PG news, and cried for her and her bod yesterday. Such a tragic waste. Too many lives are lost to this drug. It is said to feel like a mothers embrace - I can understand why my uncle and pg would have got addicted.

KeepOnKeepingOnAndOnAndOnAndOn · 02/05/2014 18:08

I agree Whois!
I can spot another alchy a mile off ;) I have been sober years but I still got it!

ViviPru · 02/05/2014 18:11

I was given quite a high does of intravenous diamorphine when I had a gallstone attack once. It felt like I was sinking down into the bed; just a war, cocoon of comforting, lovely relief. Like others have said, given that experience I can easily see how those desperate for relief and presented with that 'solution' could become addicted. I can't imagine myself ever being that desperate for relief though outside of a medical emergency situation as I experienced. Lucky to have a nice life, I guess.

ViviPru · 02/05/2014 18:11


Nancy66 · 02/05/2014 18:12

somebody very famous said it was 'like kissing God'

....but I can't remember who.

Preciousbane · 02/05/2014 18:12

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BoffinMum · 02/05/2014 18:14

I haven't taken illegal drugs but I have taken prescribed oromorph and it was horrible. I felt all wobbly physically and my chest muscles felt all wrong. Have no idea why people take drugs recreationally.

mrstigs · 02/05/2014 18:16

I had diamorphine once in hospital when I was having a mc. I was thrashing around in bed in pain one minute, they injected me, and I just flopped back and went to sleep instantly. No other feelings at all tbh. Recently been on high dose co-codamol for a knee injury and that did the same. So I'm guessing heroin wouldn't be a drug of choice for me.

Greyhound · 02/05/2014 18:16

Interested - how can you spot an alcoholic or a drug addict? What are the signs?

I am addicted to the drugs I take for bipolar, in that I have to take them or I get horrific withdrawal symptoms (insomnia, hallucinations, shakes, manic symptoms, suicidal thought, sweats to name a few) but I don't think I could recognise a fellow addict.

Mrsjayy · 02/05/2014 18:18

well morphine takes pain away and makes you feel floaty and lovely but it then makes your skin crawl and you can hallucinate which is horrible I would imagine addicts would be looking for the good hit and then they cant actually function without it,

when i was in hospital a lot in the late 80s early 90s there were people who would admit themselves to the wards i was on with pain so they could receive pain relief these patients were addicted and when there own ran out the would admit themselves with specific pain

LovelyMarchHare · 02/05/2014 18:18

I am way too scared to take any drug but, if I had to try one, it would be heroin. I can imagine the feelings caused by the others but heroin has a mystery about it. I imagine it to create a completely blissed out feeling. Who wouldn't want to experience that if it wasn't so dangerous and addictive. Also, it is a fairly natural product in its true state. I appreciate what you'd buy from a dealer would be cut with all sorts of rubbish so it wouldn't be the same . I can't understand people buying chemicals mixed in some makeshift lab by criminals and hoping to survive it in the hope of a good night out.

Also, it's illegal and that's enough of a reason for me not to do it! I'm v compliant.

Pointeshoes · 02/05/2014 18:20


KnittedJimmyChoos · 02/05/2014 19:26

I had morphine after being burnt.

I had had an emotionally horrid time let alone being burnt and it was healing to feel so deeply relaxed after being soooo stressed and upset and worried before the burn.

I had a wonderful day/night in hospital lying there being taken care of, it was glorious and calmed me down in every way.

maggiethemagpie · 02/05/2014 19:29

I had diamorphine (medical heroin) with both my labours and then oramorph after. It made me feel dreamy, but very sick. I must have been out of it because I remember looking at a door in the recovery room after c section and thinking it was a beautiful door. It was just a bog standard ordinary hospital door!
The oramorph was nice too, I think I had a few doses, the high was slightly spoiled by being on a postnatal ward and having to wake up and tend to screaming baby!
Would never try heroin myself as good friend died of an accidental overdose during my student days - I met his folks at his funeral.

MintyCoolMojito · 02/05/2014 20:14

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UseHerName · 02/05/2014 20:43

I had that pethidine stuff in labour (is it an opiate?is that different than heroin?) and it was awful I just wanted to get out of it!!

UseHerName · 02/05/2014 20:44

plus it didnt take away any pain, made me vomit copiously and hallucinate Grin

TequilaMockingbirdy · 02/05/2014 20:48

With me morphine doesn't take away the pain, it just makes it seem like something I don't care about anymore. My mum said I was sat in A&E wearing a sick bowl as a hat, saying 'mum I've been officially dead for 15 minutes' because my heart rate clip had come undone so my monitor was on a flatline Grin Blush

digerd · 02/05/2014 20:57

I had a morphine injection for agonising pain after a knee op and although the pain went, I was very grumpy and when I opened my eyes everything jumped up like the frame of an old TV picture used to do making me feel dizzy. No euphoric feeling for me.

treaclesoda · 02/05/2014 21:00

I had diamorphine in hospital once and I can honestly say that it was the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. Total, tingly, relaxing bliss that started from my toes and gradually worked it's way up my body and across my scalp.

It gave me a real insight into why people become addicted, trying to recreate that first high.

neversleepagain · 02/05/2014 21:02

I have had morphine for pain a few times and was prescribed morphine tablets. Intravenously it is amazing, I felt like I was floating and my whole body was completely relaxed. I kept grinning at DP and sighing. When they told me I was getting a second dose that same evening I was most pleased Grin

The tablets are good too but no where as near as good as a drip.

I have never taken any street drugs but after the morphine I can understand why people do.

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