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To wonder what heroin makes you feel like...?

143 replies

Nancery · 02/05/2014 14:11

As it's so risky (I presume so anyway), and physically addictive, and while some people seem to be able to use it regularly but hold it together while others unravel I wonder what it's a) appeal is and b) what you feel like on it....?
Anyone have first hand experience?

OP posts:
whois · 02/05/2014 15:38

We did this a while ago. People described it as slipping into a hot bath, a mothers embrace. Trying to describe the a sense of pain and feelings of warmth and reassurance.

DisgraceToTheYChromosome · 02/05/2014 15:44

I've had it post-surgery, and it was marvellous. In fact, it was so marvellous I asked not to be given any more, because it made me disappear iyswim.

Even the mild stuff like codeine and tramadol is hateful, and I only take it when my pain is disabling. Not fond of the constipation either.

BarbarianMum · 02/05/2014 15:45

So who are these people who use regularly and keep it all together? All the heroin users I know are seriously fucked up people. Some were pretty messed up before they got into it but it sure as hell hasn't cured them.

BerylStreep · 02/05/2014 15:49

Have had morphine a few times. It's brill, you feel all floaty and contented.

I can fully understand how people get hooked on heroine if it the same feeling.

MandarinCheesecake · 02/05/2014 15:49

I had pethidine with ds and it knocked me clean out and stopped the labour, they had to give me a reversal drug to counteract the effect!!

Due to this I had diamorphine with ds2, it did absolutely nothing, I remember asking when it was going to kick in and the midwives kept telling me it had!
I subsequently had it with DD as I'd it previously, again did absolutely nothing.

Yet co-codamal and codeine make me feel as high as a bloody kite for about 20-30 minutes but then I feel incredibly sick, so refuse to take it.

Paracetemol is as good as it gets here.

kimlo · 02/05/2014 15:52

I had diamorphine in both of my labour's. It was shit and did nothing for the pain, but it did shut me up.

Vintagecakeisstillnice · 02/05/2014 15:57

The thing is if you in actual physical pain you don't get the 'high' unless you've been given too much. It just takes the pain away, have felt a bit dizzy on occasion when my dose has been altered, but that could have been relief at the pain stopping.

I've been on oral morphine for a while and never had the high, just sleepy (and not a nice sleepily more a I've been up for 48 hours and I'm going to puke if I don't sleep soon)

And never mind the constipation and it's a bugger to wean off of too.

jeanmiguelfangio · 02/05/2014 16:00

I had pethadine with an induction, just made me sleepy. I think it helped me with the pain, but I was sleepy and had gas and air. It had worn off by the time I had to push. Id be a rubbish addict, id just be asleep the whole time

cafebistro · 02/05/2014 16:06

Heroin feels like being wrapped in cotton wool. A cocooned warmth. It does feel lovely hence the high risk of becoming addicted.

LaurieFairyCake · 02/05/2014 16:10

I hate general anaesthetics, think they're terrifying - I feel like I'm desperately trying to live but sink away in terror to sleep

My friend said she'd had cocaine once and loved it which is why she said she'd never take it again - too more-ish Grin

Juliaparker25 · 02/05/2014 16:50

Too late to ask Peaches ........Stupid question, Stupid thread

lessonsintightropes · 02/05/2014 16:55

Herrena Flowers

Goldmandra · 02/05/2014 16:55

Stupid question, Stupid thread

It's a perfectly valid question and it isn't about any one person in particular. One high profile death doesn't make heroin taboo.

itiswhatitiswhatitis · 02/05/2014 17:03

Not sure how someone trying to understand something they have experience of is a stupid question.

Greyhound · 02/05/2014 17:05

From what I know from friends who have, somewhat unwisely, taken heroin recreationally, it makes you feel wonderfully peaceful, high and relaxed.

Addiction though is basically taking heroin to fend off withdrawal symptoms and taking more and more of the drug to chase the high.

I had morphine in labour because I wanted to get stoned courtesy of the NHS and it made me feel giggly and drunk. I can imagine getting addicted to it.

The best 'drug' experience for me is a general anaesthetic - that blissful feeling of calm and sleepiness is something I could definitely get addicted to. I actually look forward to it if I have to have it for an operation - awful thing to admit!

onlyjoking9329 · 02/05/2014 17:08

I've been on morphine for a while due to kidney stone, it doesn't make me feel good at all.

BreakingDad77 · 02/05/2014 17:14

springbreak there was a show on Radio 4? Maybe about drugs and bands and creativity and it seemed as if anything, its the coming out of the emotionally numbed state that can provide the spark.

Falconi · 02/05/2014 17:20

But do people who take heroin for recreation is still conscious whilst the drug is acting in their system, can they actually go to places or do they just lie and dream?

I saw a junkie in the tube today, she didn't look homeless, but looked really troubled and oblivious. Very uncomfortable sight.

whois · 02/05/2014 17:33

So who are these people who use regularly and keep it all together? All the heroin users I know are seriously fucked up people.

There certainly aren't loads of people, but there will be more than you expect!

But how would you know? If they are holding it together they aren't going to have many visible signs, and are hardly going to admit to being addicted to an illegal substance to you! Heroin is a private drug, not a visible party drug.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 02/05/2014 17:35

Leeds-once you are addicted you keep using to stop yourself going into withdrawal and feeling like you have the most horrendous flu ever x100. I think most addicts take it to feel 'normal.' That's my understanding anyway.

RyvitaDolce · 02/05/2014 17:37

Great link from amythest

Thecircle · 02/05/2014 17:42

My childhood best friend became addicted to heroin at 15 years old.

She died whilst pregnant aged 21, she would have been 30 this month.

She told me the feeling was of calmness, that's the only word she ever used, however I also saw her go through withdrawal and at that point she begged for heroin to make her feel 'normal'.

I only truly understood the hold the drug had on her when I saw her withdraw. It haunts me to this day

ShakeYourTailFeathers · 02/05/2014 17:43

My DBIL took opiate painkillers for a long time while waiting for back surgery - Dsis said his withdrawal afterwards was awful Sad

BarbarianMum · 02/05/2014 17:51
Weathergames · 02/05/2014 17:51

I was a heroin addict for 3 years aged 17-20.

I have been clean for 19 yrs this year.

It's the most amazing feeling in the world but so the worst withdrawals (apart from alcohol) and it makes you very very sick.

I prefer my life now with my partner and my 3 amazing kids and a career helping teenagers with problems - I wish O had had that when I was a teen rather than heroin ds I wouldn't have destroyed my life, putt parents through hell and very nearly died several times not to mention catch Hep C which I had to go through 6 mnths of hell to get rid off.

It wasn't worth it.

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