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To tell this mother I'm cancelling our lift share arrangement as of tomorrow?

108 replies

lydiawickam · 23/02/2014 18:30

Have NCed as think some of the school mums may know I'm a mneter.

DD is 7 and attends dance classes several evenings a week. Another girl in her class dances at the same school and is often there at the same time as DD, so her mum and I share lifts on those days- at the moment 2 days a week. This afternoon was another child in their class's birthday party at a local softplay centre, which both girls were invited to, so I took and the other mother brought back. When DD was dropped home. she was in tears. Apparently the other mother had a go at her in the car on the way back because her DD was by herself at the party and didn't have anyone to play with, and demanded to know why DD didn't play with her. DD said she was with another group of children and didn't realise her DD had been by herself, so the mother accused her of excluding her DD Confused Normally when she drops DD home she walks her up to the door but today she just dropped her and drove off, so I'm guessing she's either feeling bad about it or didn't want to explain to me why DD was upset.

Aibu to text her and say I won't be able to give her DD lifts from now on?

OP posts:
K8Middleton · 23/02/2014 22:48

Wtf? My child has low self esteem so I'm going to make yours cry and then abandon her on your doorstep?

Cut her off. Tell her why if you can control yourself Angry

coco44 · 24/02/2014 09:01

I think there has been some deliberate nastiness going on, otherwise why wouldn't the other 7 yo just scamper up and play with them? A fovourite trick of this age group is to run away from the child they have decided to exclude and of course it is very damaging for this child's self esteem.
HOWEVER they are 7 they are still learning and it is not a major slur on your dd's character or your parenting.I don't think the other mother was being 'outrageous' pulling her up on it.It is very PFB to spit the dummy because someone else tells your DC off.

Limara · 24/02/2014 09:17

Cancelling lift sharing is probably going to be an arse and mean more work for you but you cannot guarantee that this woman isn't going to have a go at your dd in future can you?

Animation · 24/02/2014 09:35

She say her dd has low self esteem ?? Aged 7!!

This mum is way out of order taking it out on your dd and making it her responsibility. I wouldn't have been happy.

Low self esteem!! Hmm

Animation · 24/02/2014 09:36

Maybe her own mother has caused the low self esteem ...

whatever5 · 24/02/2014 09:38

HOWEVER they are 7 they are still learning and it is not a major slur on your dd's character or your parenting.I don't think the other mother was being 'outrageous' pulling her up on it.It is very PFB to spit the dummy because someone else tells your DC off.

Actually I would say that it's really PFB to tell another child off because your child said they didn't play with them at a party. Parents should butt out of their children's arguments or speak to an adult (other child's parent or teacher) about it.

coco44 · 25/02/2014 07:58

Maybe she spoke to the party mum, or maybe she saw what was happening with her own eyes.

eddielizzard · 28/02/2014 20:51

and so what happened?

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