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27 Year old Sister moving in with 17 year old. AIBU

80 replies

ChaoticMum80 · 09/02/2014 13:20

My sister met a guy at work 3 months ago, she's 27, he's 17. Shock She says he's mature for his age and it's just a fling as he's going to uni this September and moving to the other end of the country so it will just be a bit of fun and naturally come to an end.

Except it's not. Things have moved really quickly and she says he's different to her previous partners and knows this is special. Last month she told him how she felt and he said he felt the same (although she is his first partner). He's moving to London in September and they've agreed to move in together after his first year of uni! (She would move from Leeds to London).

AIBU to think this is ridiculous? I know she's only 27 but she doesn't have time to wait for him to grow up. He's an attractive guy for his age with money saved and a part time job set up for when he moves so I'm sure plenty of girls will be interested at uni. Has anybody had an experience with something like this and do you have any advice? What kind of issues have you encountered with such an age gap?

I'm really worried she will get hurt! Sad

OP posts:
pixiepotter · 11/02/2014 09:07

all that is true, but the age you are legally classed as an adult is 18.Google it if you don't believe me.

MoominsYonisAreScary · 11/02/2014 09:26

Ds1 is 19 and has matured an awful lot over the last couple of years, even so I wouldnt say at 17 he was particularly immature especially compared to some of his friends.

I just can not see the attraction of a 17 year old, they are only just starting to move from adult to child imo and dont have much if any life experiance.

Maybe its because when I was 27 he was 11 so going out with someone only 6 years older than him would have been gross

MoominsYonisAreScary · 11/02/2014 09:28

From child to adult even!

Caitlin17 · 11/02/2014 13:42

Pixie it really is not as simple as saying you're only an adult at 18. The age of majority is what you are thinking of, meaning the chronological moment when minors cease to be legally considered children and assume control over their persons, actions, and decisions thereby terminating the legal control of parents and guardians. That might be 18 in some countries, in others including that part of Northern Britain called Scotland it's 16.

HelloBoys · 11/02/2014 13:47

when I was 26 or 27 I saw a 21 year old but I think quite sheltered (he liked to believe he was otherwise). when I met him he worked full time good job then went to Imperial College and lived in digs there.

I was a party girl anyway and went clubbing etc a lot but he was also out a lot. Sadly I cheated on him told him and expected him to be "whatever" but he was really hurt and said he'd loved me (despite him being out, away, hard to get hold of).

I found out a few years ago I was his first! And I'd either done it in a nurse's uniform or used one afterwards... He of course hadn't said it was his first time.

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