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Told to stop breastfeeding

168 replies

cinnamonbun · 03/01/2014 12:37

Took my two children (DD 4 and DS 4 months) to soft play at my local leisure centre today. While DD played I sat down to BF my little one. A few minutes in a (female) staff member came and said I had to stop. I was stunned and asked her why. She said because there were children around and her manager had said so. I had a long scarf wrapped around my boob so it was definitely not on display. I feel both angry and ashamed. This was only the 3rd time I've BF in public (I never dared to with my DD) and now I don't want to do it again. Hmm

OP posts:
scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 22:58

I think people are wilfully misread in the GLL response,it posted less than 3hr after op
In fairness GLL and council had responded promptly.
it's nit picky and looking for reason to prolong gripe to read too much into the wording

katese11 · 03/01/2014 23:01

Well done LBC :) Quick and measured response.

OP, I blog on things to do with toddlers in London, and am very pro-breastfeeding in public (it's kinda a necessity when you have a newborn and an active preschooler!). If you'd like me to blog about it, drop me a line at londonwithatoddler at

scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 23:04

How very opportunistic,you want to blog,get readers about someone else experience?

katese11 · 03/01/2014 23:07

Thanks scottishmummy...yes, I'm just trying to cash in on the OP's pain, not help her or other bfeeding mothers in any way Hmm

I blog a lot about soft plays. I blog a lot about breastfeeding. I blog a lot about London. IF the OP wanted me to flag this up for her, I was happy to help. That's all. But thanks again, for making me feel crappy.

katese11 · 03/01/2014 23:08

OP, forget I said anything

ElBombero · 03/01/2014 23:10

Katese11 don't feel crappy, not sure why your post was taken that way

curlew · 03/01/2014 23:11

katase- if you're not a regular on here, you need to know that scottishmummy, for reasons known only to herself, enjoys trying to make people feel crappy- it's kinda her thing. Rise above her. It's easy- you don't have to go very high!

scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 23:13

Naturally I'd dispute that personal attack curlew,hardly objective,insignificant

curlew · 03/01/2014 23:17

Oops, sorry. Please insert allegedly......

scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 23:19

I dont recall you,nor your posts,unlike you I have no gripe to enact

PrincessFlirtyPants · 03/01/2014 23:22

Glad it's been resolved for you, OP.

I hope it hasn't put you off Smile

ElBombero · 03/01/2014 23:29


scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 23:30

Good speedy resolution to op post

Lullabyte · 03/01/2014 23:36

Hey katese, your blog on the Horniman Museum helped us plan our day out for tomorrow - thank you!

(please excuse the hijack)

OP - Hope all the supportive MN responses will help repair your bf-in-public confidence. Don't give up on the Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre, either. It's a super local resource and soon to have newly re-trained staff, too... Grin

BigBirthdayGloom · 03/01/2014 23:47

Nothing to add really, except keep at it op. It's pretty unlucky to get the response you did to bf in public. Most people don't notice, don't care, try not to look in case you feel self conscious, tell you you're doing a good job, tell you anectdotes about their bf experience or any number of neutral or positive responses. Mostly, somewhat disappointingly, especially when you're in a "hooray I've cracked this moment, the first two!

ThingsThatGoBumpInTheNight · 04/01/2014 00:05

Sorry if already suggested but tell your health visitor. In our area they visit establishment and point out the law on your behalf
I've had loud arguments over my right to bf and always won Grin

seafoodudon · 04/01/2014 00:06

OOoh yes,I used katese's blog a few months ago.

LindyHemming · 04/01/2014 00:25

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