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Told to stop breastfeeding

168 replies

cinnamonbun · 03/01/2014 12:37

Took my two children (DD 4 and DS 4 months) to soft play at my local leisure centre today. While DD played I sat down to BF my little one. A few minutes in a (female) staff member came and said I had to stop. I was stunned and asked her why. She said because there were children around and her manager had said so. I had a long scarf wrapped around my boob so it was definitely not on display. I feel both angry and ashamed. This was only the 3rd time I've BF in public (I never dared to with my DD) and now I don't want to do it again. Hmm

OP posts:
underachievingmum · 03/01/2014 13:51

Please don't let it put you off - they were absolutely wrong to tell you to stop. Can't remember the legislation but your right to feed your child in a public place is protected. Please please complain as the staff need educating so they don't pull this in someone else.

My 3rd is 4months; I have had one negative throwaway comment in cumulatively 2 years of nursing in public. Fortunately it was with number 2 when he was a bit older so I had the confidence not to be thrown. Was still to flabergasted to respond though (some woman made a comment to her daughter as she walked past that it was disgusting..... We were at a local farm park of all places!)

stargirl1701 · 03/01/2014 13:52

I think it's genuine. I tweeted them a link to the thread. They replied to me on Twitter and posted here.

Gruntfuttock · 03/01/2014 13:53

It is genuine IceBeing this is their Twitter page on which it is mentioned

Blatherskite · 03/01/2014 13:58

I was just about to email them with a snippet from the legislation - "Where can a woman breastfeed?
You are protected in public places such as parks, sports and leisure facilities" but I see they're on the case already.

I hope they deal with the idiot manager and the staff member s/he sent over quickly and effectively.

underachievingmum · 03/01/2014 13:59

Loving the power of mumsnet and social media!!

NoComet · 03/01/2014 14:04

Fuck off is a complete sentence.

What you just said to me is illegal is far more polite!

Mosquitosound · 03/01/2014 14:05

Well done Star!

Balaboosta · 03/01/2014 14:07

Letter to the Ham & High!

mistermakersgloopyglue · 03/01/2014 14:07

Wow! That is brilliant!

stargirl1701 · 03/01/2014 14:10

You should still make a formal complaint OP through the regular channels. They will get back to you with the outcome once they have your contact details.

SmiteYouWithThunderbolts · 03/01/2014 14:10

Great response from Camden Council. I hope they really do follow this up and make sure that all employees are aware of a baby's protected right to be fed whenever and wherever needed.

Birdsgottafly · 03/01/2014 14:16

"However other people getting het up and suggesting getting fucker sacked,well that's disproportionate "

The LA employee and Manager committed an illegal act, I know that any other offence would incur at least a final disiplinary, but if the act was committed whilst at work, especially in a Children and Family setting, it would be a sackable offence.

Especially if this act was against a protected Characteristic under the Equality Act.

I am Envy at people living within easy travelling distance of Camden (love the place) but the LA now needs to be aware that the outcome of this will be getting watched, especially any others working in/for other LA's in C&F settings (who know LA policy on this). Grin.

I think a certain little Hitler is about to be knocked down to size.

SliceOfLime · 03/01/2014 14:17

Well done stargirl and also Camden for replying directly.

OP I would still be inclined to write to the council and the leisure centre referring to the twitter link and council's response just to make doubly sure it's followed up. Love Mumsnet at times like this!

loveolives · 03/01/2014 14:18

Crikey that's disgraceful. You are legally entitled to breastfeed wherever and whenever you like. Utter cunts.

Nanny0gg · 03/01/2014 14:21

I feel sorry for the employee who didn't/couldn't stand up to her manager.

That's the person who needs dealing with.

TheFabulousIdiot · 03/01/2014 14:24

this is disgusting, you should have a sit-in with all the breastfeeding mums in your area.

If you are writing a letter be sure to ask why they might think it was wrong for children to see someone breastfeeding.

Onefewernow · 03/01/2014 14:25

Illegal under the 2011 Equalities Act.

cupoftchai · 03/01/2014 14:27

Sorry u had this experience but please don't let it put u off- I reckon u were incredibly unlucky! Have never had an unencouraging comment when feeding dd (now toddler). Do u live in an area with v low bfeeding rates?

scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 14:27

I'm aware of relevant legislation regard bf
I'm also aware a responsible employer would take an account of events and respond within policies,procedure regarding employment and alleged misconduct
That information gathering and dialogue will inform management decision as opposed to knee jerk online calls for dismissal

I'm impressed the council responded promptly

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 03/01/2014 14:34

It's illegal! Name and shame and complain. They cannot ask you to stop bf.

scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 14:35

Do read the threws op has had a response from council

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 03/01/2014 14:38

I have! Doesn't mean I can't show my support.


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Pobblewhohasnotoes · 03/01/2014 14:41

I was just thinking OP, are you part of any local mums fb groups? I'm in another part of London and I'm part of some. They are always a good place to name and shame something. You would get a lot of support from local mums and make it known that this place wasn't bf friendly.

Nanny0gg · 03/01/2014 14:43

If the council are going to deal with this, surely the place will be breastfeeding friendly any time soon?

WorraLiberty · 03/01/2014 14:44

Pobble the place has been named and shamed repeatedly on this thread Lol.

Good response from the council

Shame this still happens in 2014 though Sad

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