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Told to stop breastfeeding

168 replies

cinnamonbun · 03/01/2014 12:37

Took my two children (DD 4 and DS 4 months) to soft play at my local leisure centre today. While DD played I sat down to BF my little one. A few minutes in a (female) staff member came and said I had to stop. I was stunned and asked her why. She said because there were children around and her manager had said so. I had a long scarf wrapped around my boob so it was definitely not on display. I feel both angry and ashamed. This was only the 3rd time I've BF in public (I never dared to with my DD) and now I don't want to do it again. Hmm

OP posts:
PiratePanda · 03/01/2014 17:55

Two individuals, and the phrase you want is "legally entitled", not "allowed", but otherwise glad you have responded properly.

phantomnamechanger · 03/01/2014 18:05

good result but my goodness this sort of thing outrages me, as it puts mums off when they are already hormonal and finding their way with BF.

I fed each of mine for 15-20 months each, on buses, in church/museum/pub /park/shopping centre everywhere and anywhere.

People are bloody daft when they think/infer/state that this is offensive when page 3 etc is all over the place on tables in cafes.

newsflash - boobs are for feeding babies

cinnamonbun · 03/01/2014 18:11

Wow - thank you so much to everyone's support, especially stargirl who I believe contacted the council. I will write to the leisure centre myself as I want an assurance from the manager that they've educated all their staff before I set foot there again. (And DD really enjoyed herself there so despite everything I'm keen to go back...)

OP posts:
stargirl1701 · 03/01/2014 18:21

It was my pleasure to help. It took my mind off my worries for a wee while.

muddylettuce · 03/01/2014 18:22

Errr wtf?! These stories make me so mad. Make a complaint.

Fantail · 03/01/2014 18:25

To be honest I don't believe that this is a "one off". Given the ages of children who frequent soft play I am sure that ths has probably happened before and no-one has complained. Unless of course it was the manager's first day.

brettgirl2 · 03/01/2014 18:26

she said she was told by her manager, we don't know that was actually the case. So it may only be one.

A friend of mine had some vile old git have a go at her because 'was it really necessary' Angry er Yes more so than stuffing your fat face with cake (it was a coffee shop).

It's a bigger issue than breastfeeding anyway its about women's rights.

thenicknameiwantedisgone · 03/01/2014 18:26

That is outrageous OP.

Please do complain as it is important this sort of thing is stamped out. What can be wrong with feeding a baby the way nature intended? It's years since I stopped breast feeding but it is so important that people feel able to without suffering discrimination.

phantomnamechanger · 03/01/2014 18:29

READ THE THREAD before posting !!!

The council and the play centre have BOTH apologised and posted directly on this thread!

notundermyfoof · 03/01/2014 18:45

I'm glad you've had a response and are following it up with a written complaint. It makes me so sad to hear about women being made to feel bad for feeding their babies, especially when they are not feeling very confident to begin with. Flowers for you op, carry on with what you are doing and feel proud of yourself x

bluebeardsbabe · 03/01/2014 19:02

Shocking. The comment I mean. I still bf dd 14 months in public at times. Always discreetly but it is obvious what I am doing. Never been confronted but if I were I'd give them a piece of my mind. Its 2014 ffs and WHO recommend bf up to 24 months now.

I bf in a pub the other day (lunchtime) as dd was fractious. Please do not be put off by bf in public.

Again YANBU and you should contact owner/manager.

bluebeardsbabe · 03/01/2014 19:03

Sorry. Didn't read the whole thread as so outraged. see you have taken action already Grin

revivingsnowshower · 03/01/2014 19:22

I'm glad they apologised and hope The council and GLL will follow this up by making sure their facilities are all bf friendly as opposed to allowing bf. How about a nice bf welcome here sign in places where you get lots of Mums (like soft play centres)and a free drink for bfing Mums in your cafes?

scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 20:10

For those of you indignantly piling in,both council and associated company apologised

LadyIsabellasHollyWreath · 03/01/2014 20:33

I love a happy ending.

scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 20:35

Yes well done GLL and council
I hope op able to return and put bad experience behind her

heartisaspade · 03/01/2014 20:51

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spilttheteaagain · 03/01/2014 20:56

That is a bloody disgrace, I'm so sorry it happened to you.

I bfed my 2.4 year old DD in Ikea today and no one batted an eyelid - prob didn't even notice.

Please don;t let this put you off feeding in public if you and your baby need to. Most people are very supportive. When DD was a young baby and I was feeding her at a wildlife centre, a lady came over to speak to me and I thought shit, she's going to confront me! but she gave a big pleased nod and said "Good for you, and why shouldn't you, perfectly natural!" and then pottered off smiling to herself. It really helped my confidence, I was very nervous at the start.

spilttheteaagain · 03/01/2014 20:56

Ah glad to see all resolved Smile

Zipitydooda · 03/01/2014 21:42

I have BF my 3 children all over N London (including Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre) and had nothing but smiles and positive comments. Never a criticism. Please don't let this put you off OP.

Personally, I think children need to see more of what breasts are actually for and the world would be a better place.

eepie · 03/01/2014 22:05

That's awful, how dare they ?!! Don't let it put you off, make a complaint for sure. Glad to learn that it's illegal for them to ask you to stop.

NiceTabard · 03/01/2014 22:26

Appalling situation.

Pleased to see both Camden and Leisure Centre giving unreserved apologies.

I think it would be lovely gesture if GLLCommsTeam contacted the OP via PM to arrange for a full annual membership pass for her & her family, by way of apology.


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NiceTabard · 03/01/2014 22:32

OP I remember I was terribly nervous about BF out and about with my first, and really restricted where I went and what I did because of it.

The second one for some reason I was a lot more blasé!

Please don't let this put you off, you were so so so unlucky to get this reaction your "3rd time out", I never had anyone say anything bad to me. And in your neck of the woods things are generally pretty relaxed (I am N London too though a bit more sticks-wards!) Smile

edamsavestheday · 03/01/2014 22:38

Glad Camden council and the leisure centre company have been quick to apologise. Let's hope they do make sure all staff, including managers, understand that there is a legal right to breastfeed - it's not just 'allowed', it's a right.

FreeWee · 03/01/2014 22:44

Kudos to Camden & GLL for having the balls to post on this thread. Echoing other posters sentiments that GLL 'allowing' BFing in their centres as 'company policy' is a bit Hmm given the right is enshrined in law regardless of company policy. Suggests there's a bit of retraining all round required.

Cinnamon it is amazing that your breasts make all the nutrients your baby needs for the first 6 months of his life. Don't let this uncomfortable incident get in the way of this naturally amazing phenomenon. Get out and about. Enjoy your baby and keep giving him everything he needs, when he needs it, wherever you are.

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