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Told to stop breastfeeding

168 replies

cinnamonbun · 03/01/2014 12:37

Took my two children (DD 4 and DS 4 months) to soft play at my local leisure centre today. While DD played I sat down to BF my little one. A few minutes in a (female) staff member came and said I had to stop. I was stunned and asked her why. She said because there were children around and her manager had said so. I had a long scarf wrapped around my boob so it was definitely not on display. I feel both angry and ashamed. This was only the 3rd time I've BF in public (I never dared to with my DD) and now I don't want to do it again. Hmm

OP posts:
ItsaWonderfulLifeofGru · 03/01/2014 14:51

Love it. You can't breast feed here because there are children around. What? You mean those healthy, beautiful little creatures many of whom will have been breastfed and have much more open minds than adults when it comes to feeding a baby.
Xmas Hmm

Twattyzombiebollocks · 03/01/2014 14:52

The manager of that soft play really has no idea of the shit storm that is about to descend on their head after this do they :0)

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 03/01/2014 14:57

If the council are going to deal with this, surely the place will be breastfeeding friendly any time soon?

That isn't my point. I know the OP has a response from the council but local mums groups are excellent when creating awareness about something or even just having a rant about something local.. At least mine is.

helenthemadex · 03/01/2014 15:01

sounds like they need up dating on the law, glad the council are taking the matter seriously

SouthernComforts · 03/01/2014 15:15

Very quick response from the council - well done.

Definitely some staff training needed.

GLLCommsTeam · 03/01/2014 15:21

Dear Cinnamonbun

I'm posting on behalf of GLL, the charitable social enterprise that manages Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre.

We wholeheartedly apologise for the fact that a member of staff asked you to stop breastfeeding. She was mistaken to do so. Our company policy clearly states that breastfeeding is allowed within our leisure centres.

This was a 'one off' mistake by an individual. We'll be re-iterating our guidelines to all staff at the centre to ensure this doesn't happen again. And once again we apologise for your experience earlier today.

PedlarsSpanner · 03/01/2014 15:23

very swift response GLL Comms Team - well done

scottishmummy · 03/01/2014 15:24

Prompt,and helpful response,well done
Do add breast feeding to up your mandatory staff training

WorraLiberty · 03/01/2014 15:28

We wholeheartedly apologise for the fact that a member of staff asked you to stop breastfeeding. She was mistaken to do so.

Well yes she was, but she was instructed to do so by her manager.

Just making this point because I'm hoping you're not going to shoot the messenger Smile

ErrolTheDragon · 03/01/2014 15:29

This was a 'one off' mistake by an individual.

two individuals - the manager needs the training (and any reprimand) more than the staff member sent to talk to the OP. But aside from that nitpick, good to see prompt response.

CocktailQueen · 03/01/2014 15:32

Complain, and name and shame! Get all over their facebook and twitter pages.

Also, you were vv unlucky. I bf my two for 2 years and 3 years and never once had anything but positive comments. Don't let it put you off feeding in public.

stargirl1701 · 03/01/2014 15:32

Another nitpick, I'm afraid.

'Allowed?' - It should really be entitled to breastfeed not allowed to breastfeed.

PedlarsSpanner · 03/01/2014 15:35

Read the thread eh Cocktail

oh yes about the being allowed to as opposed to being entitled to, good pick-up

imip · 03/01/2014 15:35

Just adding my voice to the chorus telling you not to let it deter you from bf in public. I have breastfeed my four dds, in public, in london, and continue to do so with dd4 who is 23 months. I've never had a bad word, though I am sure I have stunned a few. I feed regularly in Better facilities (east London). As others point out, it is the act of an individual and the problem does lie with places such as better and other such providers who should actively train staff with regards to breast feeding legislation when they commence employment. It should be part of regular training also to familiarise staff on an on-going basis.

In a soft play centre, ffs!

Blatherskite · 03/01/2014 15:36

Aside from agreeing wholeheartedly with stargirl's nitpicks, I think that's a fairly good response from the Council and the Leisure Centre.

I hope that is has given you the confidence to continue to breastfeed in public OP. I remember being nervous with DS but a trip to Scotland soon after they brought in their legislation helped a lot. With DD I was fearless :)

TwerkingNineToFive · 03/01/2014 15:38

Allows? No the law allows it not the policy.
The policy should be to actively encourage bf.

IceBeing · 03/01/2014 15:38

Yes it is so kind of them to 'allow' a mother to do something she is legally entitled to do....

ah well. A small issue - the big one is being dealt with.

TheFabulousIdiot · 03/01/2014 15:46

this thread is quite confusing to me. I have the OP's posts highlighted in green and so it doesn't look like she has had a response until closer reading when you see that other people have had a response VIA twitter (?) so don't go telling people off for not taking in all the facts!

PedlarsSpanner · 03/01/2014 15:50

TheFabulousIdiot (great name btw!) two representatives from the council have posted directly onto this thread, it's not hard to identify them, really it's not:



ErrolTheDragon · 03/01/2014 15:53

I find that if I CBA to RTFT, reading the OP and the first few, then the green ones and then the latest half-dozen or so usually gets the jist reasonably well. Smile

Feenie · 03/01/2014 15:57

Of course, you could just RTFT, TheFabulousIdiot.

DoYouNeedAWahhmbulance · 03/01/2014 16:04

Well done to the council and the gll for responding so quickly

I do hope the conduct of both members of staff involved is investigated and appropriate training given. The manger was at fault telling the member of staff to ask the op to stop but it sounds as though the member of staff was rude to customers who were doing absolutely nothing wrong


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BonaDrag · 03/01/2014 16:14

Oooooh GLL thanks for allowing me to breastfeed.

CocktailQueen · 03/01/2014 17:34

Oh, sorry, just read the first page when I replied. Good that the op has had a speedy reply! Bad that both the manager and employee were wrong, tho...

PicaK · 03/01/2014 17:52

Great response Camden council, less so from GLL - the manager is badly at fault and "allow" is a bad word.

Please don't let it put you off.

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