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riots over margaret thachers death!

78 replies

x2boys · 10/04/2013 10:10

AIBU to be thinking if you were not even alive when margaret thatcher was in power why would you be partying over an old womens death?Yes I realise people have very strong feelings over her alleged legacy, but Labour was in power for nearly fourteen years and did nt right her alleged wrongs, its my personal opinon that the Blair/Brown government did far more damage to communities then maggie ever did but thats just a personal opinion.

OP posts:
weegiemum · 13/04/2013 09:39

As a student in the late 1980s both born and educated in Scotland, I went on a few anti poll tax protests, as well as the Reclaim The Night marches (first year social science student!).

I never rioted, I never saw any rioting. I don't celebrate Thatcher's death, but I don't mourn it, except in a generic way:

Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

I feel sorry for her family - my Gran had incipient dementia when she died at 83. My other Grandma is 92 and doesn't even recognise her own reflection.

But Thatcherism defined my childhood and youth - first at a primary school that lost so many teachers of specialist subjects, then as a young adult living in Scotland and just into 3rd year at university, I am truly one of "Thatcher's Children". Though I disagreed with almost everything, that disagreement in itself comes from her. She made me a socialist.

My thoughts go out to her family (though, given her son's antics overhe years, I do sometimes wonder how good a mother she was?). But I can't say I'm sorry to see her go. But I won't be protesting this time.

x2boys · 13/04/2013 09:54

you see weegie i worked on a dementia wardfor six years its an awful vile condtion i say condtion as there are loads of different types of dementia and as i have pointed out i was only sixteen when she left downing street my parents however worked for the gas board and when it was privitised they did very well out of it and took redundancy as they wre both midfifties [ got a great package too ] and then got a great pension that said i wouldnt wish dementia on anyone and this dancing on peoples graves thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth!

OP posts:
limitedperiodonly · 13/04/2013 11:56

limited period i dont think you quite understand sarcasm


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