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to think Thorin Oakenshield is WAY WAY hotter than Aragorn?

175 replies

IwantaPetFox · 08/01/2013 16:47

As played by Richard Armitage and Viggo Mortensen respectively.

I don't think Thorin would even be that much shorter than me Grin

OP posts:
ComeIntoTheGardenMaud · 08/01/2013 21:43
AutumnMadness · 08/01/2013 21:52

Feckless, Michael Praed is absolutely to pretty for me to fancy now. But to my pre-pubescent self he was sooooo dark and romantic. And don't start me on Jason bloody Connery. I am still traumatised.

Trills, I don't remotely fancy anyone in the Game of Thrones either.

Fecklessdizzy · 08/01/2013 22:32

Autumn My pre-teen self was that way inclined too! Whoever thought that blond twit-bot was a worthy replacement needed a slap ...

WeeSooty · 08/01/2013 22:42

I'm all upset now cause I had completely forgotten the end of the hobbit! Sad

Thorin all the way for me Blush

IShallWearMidnight · 08/01/2013 22:42

I watched Jason Connery play rugby in an Old Boys vs 1st XV at school in the late 80s - everyone piled onto him at every available opportunity as he was "off the telly" and he endred up very bruised and battered. I felt it served him right for taking over from the fabulous MP (my second ever crush after Face from the A team)

AutumnMadness · 08/01/2013 22:56

Totally serves him right!

forgetmenots · 08/01/2013 23:38

Late to this but YABVU. Aragorn will never be replaced in my heart, and I'm not even a big fan of the films...

Ephiny · 09/01/2013 10:05

I haven't forgotten the ending. I cried my eyes out when I read the book as a child. Tbh I think Thorin in the movie is being set up as a tragic hero right from the start (and the ending of the first installment strongly foreshadows the actual ending) so it won't be a huge shock to anyone. Fili and Kili though :(

I am dreading a certain event in the next Game of Thrones season too.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 09/01/2013 10:10

Talk about spoilers!

Zalen · 09/01/2013 12:43

Richard Armitage, Viggo Mortenson, Jason Momoa, Michael Praed, love them all and can I throw into the pot for your delight and delectation, Mark Dacascos from The Crow - Stairway to Heaven.

IwantaPetFox · 09/01/2013 12:53

NO to Michael Praed, just googled him and he is far too girly. But Mark Dacasos is rather lovely and he's reminded me that I fancy pretty much all the Native American men in the world in Last of the Mohicans, plus Daniel Day Lewis as an honorary native american with that long black hair.

OP posts:
EldritchCleavage · 09/01/2013 13:05

another thing I love is Ivanhoe with Ciaran Hinds as du Bois-Guilbert

Definitely. And Sean Bean as Boromir or Eddard Stark. Or anything, actually.

AutumnMadness · 09/01/2013 13:41

Daniel Day Lewis . . . as a Native American [swoons]

Can I through in Antonio Banderas? . . . And pretty much everyone besides the crone in the 13th Warrior is pretty hot, irrespective of the actual film.

LadyEnglefield · 09/01/2013 13:53

Has to be Viggo... followed by Sean Bean.

My love of scruffy, dirty, long-haired men started years ago with Oliver Tobias as Arthur of the Britons (showing my age now!)

EldritchCleavage · 09/01/2013 13:55

And pretty much everyone besides the crone in the 13th Warrior is pretty hot, irrespective of the actual film

That's very funny!

IShallWearMidnight · 10/01/2013 11:35
PrincessRagnhild · 10/01/2013 14:52

That's brilliant IShall!

HoratiaWinwood · 10/01/2013 15:10

THORIN DREAMBOATSHIELD: I would have arrived earlier but frankly you were juggling plates and singing about the washing up and I’m not in for that. So I stood around outside letting the rain wash down my chiseled profile, staring out into the night and thinking about my dark past, as is my way.

IShallWearMidnight · 10/01/2013 15:12

Want need the calendar though Grin.

AutumnMadness · 10/01/2013 15:13

IShallWear, I also really-really want a calendar. DH would object though. :(

PrincessRagnhild · 10/01/2013 15:32

GANDALF: May I introduce Thorin Dreamboatshield, the rightful king of the dwarves? Also Mr December in the Dreamy Dwarves of Middle Earth calendar, because you want to end the year right. And November, because that?s a month when people really need cheering up. Also October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, January?
BILBO: But not February?
GANDALF: We figured Fili and Kili together would be hot enough so that people could do without Thorin for one month.
GANDALF: We picked the shortest month.

PretzelTime · 10/01/2013 16:25

I have to say Fili and Kili are better looking than Thorin and should have more calender images. Thorin MCSerioushunk is just not jolly enough for me.


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HoratiaWinwood · 10/01/2013 17:47

tempted to make my own calendar

hattymattie · 10/01/2013 18:04

Boromir - everytime. Would go for Legolas as well. Also love Richard Armitage although sexy dwarves is just not right! Aragorn - Viggo was good but just doesn't work for me.

I think the pattern of my loves lusts was set by way back when I used to watch Oliver Tobias as Arthur of the Britons when I was about 11 years old. After of course, Michael Praed and assorted Lord of the Rings men. Faramir was my crush in the book - I was sorely disappointed by his casting in the film. Hmm

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 10/01/2013 18:12

Yes Faramir in the film was all layered mullet and big nose :(

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