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Lyrics That Are Wrong. AIBU?

244 replies

TiggyD · 13/09/2012 20:28

Big Yellow Taxi - Joni Mitchel
"They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum.
And they charged all the people
A dollar and a half just to see 'em."

Is it just me, or does that sound like really good value for money? They have all the trees! A complete monopoly and they only charge a dollar and a half. Maybe they make the money back on the gift shop and food and drink but even if they charge National Trust prices I still think it'll be a bargain day out.

OP posts:
MoonlightandRoses · 15/09/2012 10:37

Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ

27 times in a row - and people used to think Morrissey was cool.
[shakes head]

Satine5 · 15/09/2012 10:42

That awful Bruno Mars Marry You song drives me insane when it's on the radio - "is it that look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice, who cares baby I think I want to marry you"

I thought it was dancing Jews Blush

gymboywalton · 15/09/2012 11:16

now if alanis morrisette had found out afterwards that a spoon would have done after all-That would be ironic!

YoullLaughAboutItOneDay · 15/09/2012 14:09

I think the line 'you're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you' is genius too. She gets to totally character assassinate him for the rest of the song, but if he complains then he must be vain. And what man wants to be vain?

I have always assumed you walk onto a yacht swaying slightly (from the movement) and oozing money!

The 'men are gargoyles' line in Rotterdam is one of the more comprehensible ones IMO - the men are ugly and drink too much!!

ALittleScatterOfRain · 15/09/2012 14:56

Save All Your Kisses for Me is a dad to his daughter isn't it? It's one of those where you're supposed to think it's about something else until right at the end.

I hate Pixie Lott singing "Cry me out" as well. It's a slightly odd way to say it anyway, and when you insist on singing it so it sounds like "Cry meow" it makes no sense!

bogeyface · 15/09/2012 15:11

I read an article about "You're so vain" and it is apparantly about men rather than one man and the point is that each of them are so vain that they will assume it is about them rather than anyone else.

I thought it was rather clever!

Wiki it and it mentions Mick Jagger and Nick Nolte amongst others (!), although I had heard the Warren Beatty one several times.

AmIthatbad · 15/09/2012 15:40

I thought it was about Warren Beatty too.

and Satine5 that made me laugh - thinking about Blackadder 1

scentednappyhag · 15/09/2012 15:56

Has anyone mentioned Lemme Smell Yo' Dick yet? Truly romantic song

EverybodysDoeEyed · 15/09/2012 17:13

How about

Who let te dogs out?

Isn't that about ugly women? Nice

TiggyD · 15/09/2012 19:21

Forgot Motorhead:

"Sitting there in your hired tuxedo
You want to see my bacon torpedo?"

OP posts:
goldmywrath · 15/09/2012 20:41

You can take an hour
on my tower of power
as long as i get a little golden shower
Frank Zappa (Sheik Yerbouti)

nancy75 · 15/09/2012 21:28

50 cent, I love you like a fat kid loves cake!
I can't decide if this is one of the best or worst lyrics.
As for your so vain I also thought it was about Warren Beaty, doesn't Mick Jagger sing on it?

bogeyface · 15/09/2012 21:46

As for me well, I'll find someone who's not going cheap in the sales
A nice little house wife who'll give me the steady life and not keep going off the rails.

Really Marc Almond? Marc Almond the gay singer? Really?

BigHairyFlowers · 15/09/2012 21:54

Speaking of the Beautiful South, how about 'don't marry her, fuck me'


Alliwantisaroomsomewhere · 15/09/2012 22:07

A PP's DH's take on Wuthering Heights had me in stitches! I am babysitting and I had to stifle my laugh for fear of waking the kids.


Yes, maybe "Save all your kisses for me" is not the horrendous song I thought it was.

Alliwantisaroomsomewhere · 15/09/2012 22:10

Can someone please explain the "My dad's called Dave" reference? It's lost on me...

solidgoldbrass · 15/09/2012 22:14

Ah, that Wuthering Heights rewrite is not original to anyone's DH unless the DH is actually Phil Jupitus. As that was an extended routine on Never Mind The Buzzcocks a few years back.

TheDoctrineOfSnatch · 15/09/2012 23:51

Robin is it a semi detached house or a mild feeling of arousal those three men are sharing, do you think?

SinisterBuggyMonth · 16/09/2012 00:39

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SinisterBuggyMonth · 16/09/2012 00:50

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ll31 · 16/09/2012 00:56

Why must you tell me all your secrets
when it's hard enough to love you knowing nothing
I'm living four flights up but some times I swear it feels like underground

Was that Lloyd cole - brilliant?

Peeenut · 16/09/2012 01:17

Oh Bruno Mars Songs piss me off, You're drunk, want soemthing dumb to do and you think you want to marry me, how sweet. This song must be played at all weddings for the next years.

The Beautiful South had some harsh lyrics hidden within some pretty tunes. That was their genius.


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scattered · 16/09/2012 08:39

The Beatles ' day in the life'
" I read the news today, oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert hall"

Well good for them!!

BigHairyFlowers · 16/09/2012 21:41

Have we had Turning Japanese yet?

'I want a doctor to take a picture so I can look at you from inside as well'

SuffolkNWhat · 16/09/2012 21:56

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