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to not want mil to choose new babys name

82 replies

biddysmama · 25/08/2011 10:42

baby is due in january, mil likes the name tilly, i dont... apparently shes always loved the name tilly and only had one girl which she named after her mother.... we considered tilly for ds2 when i was pg but hes a boy so obviously doesnt work, this is the last grandchild (2 of dhs siblings are infertile, other 2 are much older) so sil and mil are going on and on about calling it tilly bullying /.guilting dh... i dont like the name and have a name we do like

aibu to not want to?

OP posts:
Mumwithadragontattoo · 26/08/2011 12:47

Obviously YANBU.

BUT why did you say DS2 would be Tilly if a girl? That might have given MIL the impression that you like the name and want to call a daughter it.

porcamiseria · 26/08/2011 12:52

tell them to fuck off!

Bandwithering · 26/08/2011 12:55

nyanbu. my xmil kept suggesting names. She even went so far as to say she would bring back some things from America with the name sheliked on them. she kept dissing any name I liked, with the annoying phrase "mmmm you have to think of the child though" and x seemed to hold her opinion in a higher regard. Hmm

hester · 26/08/2011 13:01

Whenever a baby is on the way, my entire family pile in with 'helpful' suggestions; that's the way we are. I even told my db and SIL that in India, naming is the prerogative of the father's sister. They told me to bog off Grin. But it can be a nice bonding activity for the whole family provided that family get the boundaries and understand that they are simply coming up with ideas, not getting a vote.

TheDoctorsWife46 - when my godson (now 20) was born, his gran decided HE had to be called John, because every generation of her family had its own John. The parents didn't agree, but gran Would Not Hear. She and I were both birth partners and, I kid you not, all through labour she was rabbiting on about it, cooing at her dd's tummy and calling out, "Come on John, out you come!"

After the birth we all went home, and as we all lay around exhausted I heard her calling everybody on the phone, telling them excitedly, "John is here!"

She now accepts he is not called John. But grudgingly.

TooImmature2BDumbledore · 26/08/2011 13:06

Tell your DH to man up, or, alternatively, laugh hysterically the next time she raises it and say "Tilly?? Ewwww! You must be joking!"

Tilly is not a name, it is a nickname for something like Matilda. Call the baby Matilda and then nickname her Mattie just to be annoying!

Or, just tell MIL NO!

Honeydragon · 26/08/2011 13:09


You Sir/Madam are a genius Grin

dh wound up choosing ds's. With dd I simply told him to come up with something. This was brill, as every single time someone asked what we were calling dd I shrugged and went nowt to do with me asked Mr Honeydragon.

Mr Honeydragon would then go " I'm very busy and haven't thought about it yet" and various family members would go around with cats bum mouths Grin

By 36 weeks they were visibly sulking but left me alone Wink

Ephiny · 26/08/2011 13:18

YANBU at all, they're behaving very strangely and rudely. Fine for them to make a suggestion, but not to keep going on about it. I'd refuse to discuss the whole naming issue, just announce the name you and DH choose when your baby arrives.

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