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to think Bono is a total hypocrite and should pay real tax rather than lecturing others to contribute more to charity

125 replies

zipadeedoda · 24/06/2011 22:02

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Reality · 24/06/2011 22:24

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MintChocAddict · 24/06/2011 22:24

Xposts zipa. Boak.

NormanTebbit · 24/06/2011 22:25

Glastonbury is a bloated irrelevancy these days...

DontGoCurly · 24/06/2011 22:25

Bono is truly a cunt of monumental proportions.

wimpybar · 24/06/2011 22:25

bono was great on U2s first two albums, they were bloody great

zipadeedoda · 24/06/2011 22:26

I do though quite like the music ....Grin

OP posts:
bibbitybobbityhat · 24/06/2011 22:28

He is a total embarrassment.

That tax exemption thing for artists in Ireland was also extremely questionable.

I knew many people earning a VERY HEALTHY amount of money and not paying a penny in tax in Ireland because they were creatives. Utterly dodgy.

Jellykat · 24/06/2011 22:28

Completely agree OP.. Irelands' up shit creak, and he's stashing his £££s to spend on private jets etc..

'Uncut' aren't going to manage it are they? i bet security there is as tight as Bono.

hester · 24/06/2011 22:28

Actually, janey, I suspect I pay a far higher proportion of my salary in taxes than Bono does. And I would never avoid paying tax because [po-faced emoticon] I think it's morally wrong.

DontGoCurly · 24/06/2011 22:29

I'd say the first three were great. Boy, War and Under A Blood Red Sky.

But it descended into utter shit after that. Edge and his pedals. ah the pedals. Twiddley, diddley, fiddley twee. Fuck off and learn some chords.

SinicalSal · 24/06/2011 22:29

OTOh he's been married to his school days sweetheart - she's a Chernobyl activist - and there's never been a whisper of scandal or badness there. Not many global superstars can say that.

Also we find him a bit of a knob to listen to. I bet there's plenty of people in the world who have real cause to be grateful to him, knob or no. Saving lives excuses a high level of self important knobbery, I suppose.

Jellykat · 24/06/2011 22:29

However 'I will follow' is a bloody good song... ah the memories!

NormanTebbit · 24/06/2011 22:30

Where the streets have no name sounded rather good didn't it...

Gah, I can't believe I enjoyed that Hmm

NormanTebbit · 24/06/2011 22:31

This is poo though

NormanTebbit · 24/06/2011 22:33
WickedWitchSouthWest · 24/06/2011 22:33

at this thread. Thought I was the only one that was rankling at one of the richest men in the world telling me to part with one of the pennies I rub together for warmth. Do fuck off Mr Bono, and when you get there fuck off some more.

DontGoCurly · 24/06/2011 22:33

@ SinicalSal -haha......there's rumours of Bono's 'other children' -apparently he has a fondness for black girls.

But he and the boys are very much in bed with the Irish media. Remember how well Gerry Ryans coke habit was protected. Same thing. They have all the hacks around to their parties so any dirt is well suppressed.

They're quite litigious too, look what they did to the PA in the hat dispute. They dragged her through the courts for a fucking cowboy hat.

FreudianSlipper · 24/06/2011 22:33

he is such an arse

showed his true colours when they rerecorded Do They Know Its Christmas and he threw his toys out of the pram when he was not called to sing his original lines

Potplant · 24/06/2011 22:35

He's a arrogant self important knob

And wish he'd stop writing catchy tunes because I can't stop singing along.

Glitterknickaz · 24/06/2011 22:36

Just because it's not been all over the papers don't think he's been a faithful husband.

Plus moving all U2 business dealings to the Netherlands because the tax rates are better.... niiiiice.

mrsdonkeybucketVAMOSRAFA · 24/06/2011 22:39

His is a dick. Never have liked him.

Made me laugh today, they interviewed 2 girls at Glasto, and asked them how excited they were to see U2, biggest 'rock band' in the world blah, blah, blah.

They replied that because they were under 30 they were not excited at all. Grin

Jellykat · 24/06/2011 22:39

Grin Love it Norman..

'If you insist on booking Bono and putting him on a pedestal to be worshipped, god will try to drown everyone within a 5 mile radius'



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masterbates · 24/06/2011 22:41

liking the link Grin

TheCrackFox · 24/06/2011 22:41


He would like us all to pay more tax (not a bad idea) to write off third wolr ddebt but doesnt' think he should be paying the same amount of tax as us mere peasants. He can fuck off TBH.

Although why we pay any attention to the thoughts of a man who has his favourite hat flown over the Atlantic First class is bizarre anyway.

HerBeX · 24/06/2011 22:46

I'm amazed he didn't get a super injunction to stop us knowing about his tax habits
But perhaps he got a superinjunction for soemthing else, who knows

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