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Trapped toddler parents: Inspiration and support needed through the summer hols!!

990 replies

PinkDaydreams · 09/07/2021 12:59

Following on from the previous trapped toddler thread!
Sorry for rubbish title!

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PinkDaydreams · 25/07/2021 18:32

@Chocolatetrifle there's a game with a monkey with pull out bananas called banana blast very similar to pop up pirate that your children may enjoy. Normally on offer on Amazon

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PinkDaydreams · 25/07/2021 18:34

Oh gosh, I've just read your dhs nan died, I'm so sorry. I hadn't read the rest of your post before I replied about the banana game. I'm so sorry @Chocolatetrifle Flowers

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JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 25/07/2021 21:36

@Chocolatetrifle sorry for your loss 💐

Good weekend here - we do "half birthdays" here, just cake and a token present, so DD 1 had her "6.5th" birthday yesterday, then today was my birthday, so lots of cake and a little daytrip today! All good except DD2 pooing in her pants at bedtime and taking them off. Why??! She knows perfectly well not to do this. It's so gross!

She is a little wotsit - today we went to get fish and chips and on the way back we were walking behind a random man in what looked like PJ trousers. DD2 was outraged and kept shouting "that man has knickers on! He's come out in his knickers!"

It was totally audible and nothing would shut her up. He crossed the street to avoid us Blush

Bloody 3yos!

Motherofmonsters · 26/07/2021 18:45

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about DHs nan @chocolatetrifle. I can definitely recommend magnetic tiles, a kiddizoom camera and imaginex.

Oh no @johnnymcgrathcan they can be so embarrassing sometimes. Happy birthday for yesterday.

We've had a good day here, went out for lunch for the first time in forever. Both kids were well behaved and there was no drama. Went out with DH's family and then they came back to mine to help eat the spare birthday cake. DD had a 10minute nap so is already asleep (probably going to be a bad night as she's overtired) DS fell asleep on the sofa so will be late going to bed. One day I will perfect it.

Hope everyone has had a good day

squishymamma · 26/07/2021 19:25

Sorry for your loss @Chocolatetrifle, but at least she got the letter from the Queen - that's a huge achievement!

@JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff half birthdays are a fab idea! What made you start with that? Happy birthday to you too Smile

Glad to hear you had a good day @Motherofmonsters, fingers crossed it's a good night.

Not much to report here, had quite the lazy day. But DS has not only stopped breastfeeding, he's also started putting himself to sleep. As in, we put him in his bed and sing to him, and then he falls asleep on his own. With no help. This is the child that refused to fall asleep without being held the first 17 months of his life! I mean of course I'm extremely happy and grateful and waiting for it to suddenly stop, but it's also slightly terrifying. Has anyone else experienced this?

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 26/07/2021 19:44

@squishymamma yes the twins were like that for about 18mos, I would say from 18 months old to just over 3yo. Then BAM. Hence me being on this thread. But enjoy it whilst it lasts, and tbf 1.5y is absolutely ages!

I had a really nice day with DD1 (6.5!) today, another of those glimpses of having an older child. The twins went to preschool and I took DD1 for a walk in the woods and bought her an ice cream. Then I remembered my sunglasses were broken and said, shall we go into town to buy some more? She said yes, and we went, no drama, no wee accidents or tantrums or trying to touch things on the shelves. When we went to the loo, she can go in her own cubicle. At home, I weeded the front garden whilst she played an imaginative game inside, by herself, safely and quietly, for an hour. An actual hour!

I was about 6 feet from her with living room windows open so perfectly safe.

So proof it all will get easier! Hang on!

Chocolatetrifle · 26/07/2021 19:53

Thanks all for kind wordsSmile.

Toddler teeth brushing= hell. Why is it so difficult? dS2 almost 20 months will hold his toothbrush but will just chew on it on one side and then clamps his mouth shut when I try to do it. If I hold him I can sort of swirl it around his mouth but not convinced it's doing much. Any tips?

Sounds like it's been a peaceful day all around. @squishymamma, that sounds excellent about your DS putting himself to bed and I'd go with it for now, makes it easier for you and hopefully he will continue doing it for when your new DC arrives!

@Motherofmonsters, thanks for the toy tips. It sounds as though you've had a lovely day. Hope your DS settles for bed

@PinkDaydreams, I'll have a look for that monkey banana game too, it sounds like fun.

@JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff, the half birthday sounds like great fun, glad you enjoyed it. They say the funniest things at times don't they? DS1 said to me the other day, 'what are those lines on your forehead?'. Charming.

I've done nothing inspiring or entertaining today as have felt a bit like I have flu, luckily DS1 was at preschool this morning and I had reinforcement from my parents this afternoon so sat on the couch drinking tea and I just can't wait to get to bed the minute DS1 settles. No one dare wake me up for wees or drinks of water/milk tonight!

Camomila · 26/07/2021 21:05

Has anyone else experienced this? Both my DC did this @squishymamma DS1 aged about 2, and DS2 just now at 18m - I'd breastfeed them but then then they'd just lie themselves down and fall asleep. DS1 wanted his bottom patted but DS2 is happy as long as I'm nearby. Mind you, DS1 still won't fall asleep without an adult sitting on his bed so I haven't quite cracked it Grin

@chocolatetrifle how old is your eldest? My DS2 will let DS1 brush his teeth with less fuss than me doing it, he's very careful bless him.

It's my wedding anniversary today Smile DH had his second coronavirus jab yday so is feeling poorly but we had a supermarket "dine in for 2" nice dinner and DS1 bought us presents yesterday with grandma in Asda - we have chocolate, sweets, a cherry pie and a small garden gnome Grin

Motherofmonsters · 27/07/2021 06:14

@chocolatetrifle - DD wont let me near her so I just have to wrestle her and hope for the best. DS was like it and then one day just let us do it so I'm hoping she does the same. Hope you got some sleep.

We had a slightly better night last night but up early. We are off to a local farm/gardens today with my mum, sister and her kids. Its also their favourite day of the week, the food shop!

BeHereNowx32 · 27/07/2021 07:10

Hello! Just marking my place to rejoin this thread ☺️ Hope everyone is well, and I will try my best to catchup

BeHereNowx32 · 27/07/2021 07:15

@Chocolatetrifle sorry for your loss. That’s so lovely that she received her letter from the queen first x

PinkDaydreams · 27/07/2021 13:08

Anyone else fed up of sun cream?! Son hates me putting it on him, but I hate even more the staining! Tried soaking in elbow grease (tip from on here) then washing and it's helped a bit but still staining. So many nice clothes ruined :(

OP posts:
Chocolatetrifle · 27/07/2021 13:22

Yes definitely, white t -shirts have yellow stains around the necks and arms, I won't buy white next summer.

How is everyone?

We've got a thunder storm and torrential rain at the moment, so trapped in the house!

Chocolatetrifle · 27/07/2021 13:23

@BeHereNowx32, welcome back Smile.

Chocolatetrifle · 27/07/2021 13:25

@Camomila, congratulations on your wedding anniversary. They sound like lovely gifts, well done DS1!

Regarding the teeth brushing, DS1 will be 4 in a few months so I do say to DS2, 'look how well your brother is doing his teeth, can you do the same etc etc?'. I know it gets easier in time.

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 27/07/2021 16:21

@Chocolatetrifle my sister had a genius idea of playing dentist - we now do this too and it really works. They sit on a chair in their room and "the dentist" calls them through to the bedroom. I ask them three questions (what is your name, how old are you, etc) and then ask them to say "aaah". They mostly do and they get a pretend sticker at the end (advantage - they decide what's on it!).

You could try that?

Chocolatetrifle · 28/07/2021 13:19

Hi everyone, how is everyone's day going?

We have thunder and lightning here again so it may be an afternoon indoors. Hopefully it will blow over soon.

@JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff, thanks for the dentist role play suggestion that's a really good idea!

Not much to report from here! DS1 has had preschool this morning and I took DS2 to the playground and then we just did puzzles until it was time to collect DS1.

Tell me you are having a more exciting day than me!

Camomila · 28/07/2021 14:01

Equally boring day here, we waited in all morning for DS1s new mid sleeper and this afternoon we are going to mums for a bit so I can make a powerpoint presentation for an interview while she watches the DC - there's a full time post going at work I really want (anything to get out of this tiny flat Grin )

It's very windy here too - DS1 keeps calling me to the window to look at various swaying bushes.

Chocolatetrifle · 28/07/2021 14:11

Ok so lots of thunder and lightning here, have turned the Tele off, think that's what you are supposed to do in a storm???

Luckily have Peppa Pig magazine and Peppa Pig box cakes to make!

squishymamma · 28/07/2021 15:21

It's been pouring down here too the past 2 days but today we just put on all our rain gear and went outside. DS loved it, he enjoys sitting in puddles so of course now he's sat in just a nappy watching Cocomelon as all his clothes were wet through despite his full rain gear...

Exciting to hear other DC have also put themselves to sleep, I will make the most of it while it lasts. He woke up a few times last night but I think it was a combination of the thunder/lightening and the horrible sticky warm air. Hoping for a cooler night tonight.

@Chocolatetrifle we sing a song while we brush his teeth, it's in Norwegian but there's probably an English version? Anyway if he has his song and gets to look in the mirror he quite enjoys it. Unless he's teething. We stand behind him and hold him, and use the mirror to guide us. The dentist suggestion is brilliant though!

@Camomila happy belated anniversary! Sounds like you had a good time. Good luck with your interview, let us know how you get on!

prettygirlincrimsonrose · 28/07/2021 18:26

@squishymama Very mixed weather here too. Got caught in a torrential downpour at the playground yesterday. Luckily DS enjoyed running round the toddler climbing frame for a bit getting soaked and was still cooperative about leaving. I did a reasonable job of pretending having water in my shoes and a river behind the car was an adventure!

@Chocolatetrifle songs, letting DS have a go first and naming what he's eaten that I'm cleaning off all work here (all ideas from browsing old threads on toothbrushing)

@Camomila good luck with presentation and application - hope being at your mum's helped.

Today stayed at home - stories, bit more TV than usual, some baking, building blocks and DS managed his usual favourite activity of throwing stones round the garden. DD spends lots of time in a bouncy chair or rolling around on a mat. Hopefully off to the library tomorrow, but annoyingly can only stay 15 minutes at a time.

Also amusing/slightly scary moment the other day. Left my warm tea in the kitchen and when I was in living room with DD, DS appeared carrying it Shock Secretly loved that he noticed and thought of bringing it to me, and he managed carrying it, but as it could have been really hot it's probably not something I should encourage.

PinkDaydreams · 28/07/2021 18:30

@prettygirlincrimsonrose is it the library that's enforced a 15 minute only stay rule? That's sad :( we headed out the door to go to the library today then the clouds burst open and we got drenched so took a detour to Asda instead.

Kinetic sand and cookie cutters have worked well today, also had the train track out, Playmobil and lots of reading. Baked cakes (and ate them :) ) probably too much screen time today though.

Hope everyone is well on here and enjoying the 'summer' holidays Grin

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BeHereNowx32 · 29/07/2021 18:49

Been busy few days for us, as DD has just started wearing pants while out and about. She is staying dry when we are out and then having an accident when we get home 🤦‍♀️ I do have to keep sitting her on the potty while we are out. But it’s saving on nappies, so that’s good.

Weather not bad here today. Think the rain will travel up to us tomorrow.

@prettygirlincrimsonrose that’s a lovely thought that he brought the tea to you. But it is scary how they can reach and find anything!

Wee question, do people have toys set up in their living room. All of DDs are in her bedroom, and now she isn’t playing until we come through for bedtime. Feel like I need to move most things through for her while I’m in the living room.

@PinkDaydreams @prettygirlincrimsonrose they sound like really lovely days! I need to get some kinetic sand to try x

Motherofmonsters · 29/07/2021 18:59

@beherenowx32 most of our toys are downstairs as we have a small conservatory off our front room that's just for their toys. DS has toys in his room that he's brought upstairs to play with at bedtime. I don't stay in his room with him playing his toys though. If he wants to play I usually put him in his pyjamas and say tell me when you're ready for a story and I go downstairs.

I've been out to the shops today to find 3 lots of birthday presents. DS and two friends are born really close together so we're meeting up for a group birthday with them tomorrow. Sunday it's my friends little ones party. I left the kids with FIL so it was good to have a bit of time to myself.

squishymamma · 29/07/2021 19:19

@prettygirlincrimsonrose been there with the tea, glad it turned out well. Definitely makes you jump I think!

@BeHereNowx32 glad to hear potty training is going somewhat well. We had dreams of training DS this summer but he's very clearly not ready yet, so I guess we will wait a bit longer. His toys are in both his bedroom and the living room, but we live in a flat so it takes 2 seconds to go between the two rooms...not very helpful I know! You can maybe have a small box in the corner with a few favourite toys?

@Motherofmonsters glad to hear you got some alone time. Hope you have a good meet up tomorrow!

Not much to report from today, it was raining all day again. Tried for the first time to bake with DS at 17 months, he was more interested in demanding grapes and trying to put them in the microwave. He also tried to stick his hand in the food processor Confused not when it was on though, thank God! Made Pinterest muffins which tasted pretty good, I'm trying out different recipes for healthy snacks we can give him that aren't shop bought baby snacks (= air). Then went to a local shopping centre to buy one of those shoe dryer things as his wellies still aren't dry. Lots of TV today.

Tomorrow we are finally finally cleaning the old apartment and giving back the keys. MIL is coming to babysit, but has been very vague about the time. We also have to get a fridge down 8 flights of stairs and my bump is already rather large...pray for us Grin

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