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Trapped toddler parents: Inspiration and support needed through the summer hols!!

990 replies

PinkDaydreams · 09/07/2021 12:59

Following on from the previous trapped toddler thread!
Sorry for rubbish title!

OP posts:
Motherofmonsters · 17/07/2021 15:58

@squishymama, it sounds magical where you are, mountains and lakes! Sounds like you having a lovely time.

It's very very hot here, we've had DH's friends up for brunch this morning and now we're just playing at home/garden. It's to hot to go anywhere, the breeze has disappeared to.

Sorry to hear about the sickness and injuries, we all seem to be getting something. Their coughs seem to have nearly gone now, 4 weeks later.

Chocolatetrifle · 17/07/2021 16:24

Ok I've opened up the wine Wine. Both DS appear to be incapable of playing together and it just gets too much sometimes. When will they ever get on?

FolkSongSweet · 17/07/2021 16:31

Hello, I’ve dropped on and off the early threads! I have a DS (3) and DD (8 months). DS hasn’t been in childcare since March 2020 so I’ve had both kids full time for 8 months now. Roll on September when DS starts nursery at last!

Things massively improved for us when classes etc started up again, but they’ve all stopped for the summer now so I’m dreading the next few weeks. DD is crawling everywhere and destroying DS’s Lego and train track constructions and trying to eat all his tiny toys so there’s a lot of firefighting going on! But on the plus side we’ve got some U.K. beach breaks coming up which should be great.

MeadowHay · 17/07/2021 20:19

My DD has been a lot better today which was good. First time I got out the house since last Sunday! We just went to the park for an hourish had a picnic lunch there and got ice creams. Then she fell asleep in the pram on the walk home so me and DH stopped for a drink in the outside of a pub for 45 mins til she woke up, was lovely!

Does anyones toddler do water babies or anything similar? Mines been going since she was 3 months old and always loved it but the last few weeks she's just suddenly started refusing to join in and the classes are so expensive so we dunno what to do for the best. The teacher said about maybe joining another class for a bit but doubt that would be convenient. We dunno whether to hang in there for now as it could be a phase and there is going to be a new teacher in September who perhaps she will gel with more, or pack it in and try a different local class which is a lot cheaper. My DD is shy and sensitive and slow to warm up to things though so am worried changing will actually be worse for her and she won't take to a different setting anyway so I dunno what to do.

Jealous re the wine, DH is out with BIL, SIL and some of their cousins tonight, wish I could have a drink Wine Sad will just eat lots of chocolate instead Grin

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 17/07/2021 20:46

I have volunteered to take all three river paddling tomorrow with my mum and then back to hers for lunch so DH can catch a break. My mum has a giant dumpy bag of woodchips in her back garden so hoping that keeps them entertained.

The car park for the river gets really full so alarms on for work time tomorrow - not that I would get a lie in anyway Hmm

PinkDaydreams · 18/07/2021 19:24

@JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff how was river paddling? I have fond memories of river paddling when I was little, wish there was one close by for me to take ds as I know he'd love it!

My goodness it's been hot hot hot this weekend! It's meant to be nice all week. Beach today and paddling pool in the back garden. DS is fast asleep on our bed ,ggrrrrrr to DH for letting him fall asleep in our bed, drives me mad as I struggle to carry him into his own bed without waking! I think ok going to let ds sleep with me tonight and put DH on the sofa as punishment! Honestly the amount of times ive told him not to let son fall asleep on our bed and he keeps on ignoring me! Sorry to moan!

Meeting family tomorrow for the first time in months, trip to the park and possibly some lunch, maybe a picnic actually!

How's everyone's weekends been?

OP posts:
Motherofmonsters · 19/07/2021 12:48

I'm melting! It's very hot today, the kids are at school so I'm child free. No chores have been done today, I overheated wrapping DS's birthday presents!

Going to take DS to get his haircut in an actual barbers later. He absolutely hates having his haircut so I'm not looking forward to it but I'm hoping being somewhere different might help. I hear he has a giant TV so fingers crossed.

Chocolatetrifle · 19/07/2021 13:33

Hi everyone, without wishing to jinx things it appears that both DC are now recovering from last week's illnesses.

DS1 has been to preschool this morning and I've got the paddling pool out again for this afternoon. DS1 put the toddler slide into it yesterday so thinks it's the best thing he's ever seen! DS2 is not as keen on the pool but plays with his water table.

It's so hot. We've got my sister's birthday on Wednesday then our seaside trip at the end of the week.

@PinkDaydreams oh heck that's annoying, hope you managed to keep DS asleep last night. Hope you enjoy seeing your family today.

@JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff, how was the river paddling?

@Motherofmonsters, good luck for the barbers, hope DS sits still, my DS1 sits for a minute and says 'is it finished yet?'

Chocolatetrifle · 19/07/2021 17:26

Is it the done thing to buy teacher / key worker an end of term gift for preschool can anyone advise? dS1 is still going over the summer a couple of times a week before full time in September but his teacher is finishing this week? Thanks for your thoughts!

PinkDaydreams · 19/07/2021 20:03


Is it the done thing to buy teacher / key worker an end of term gift for preschool can anyone advise? dS1 is still going over the summer a couple of times a week before full time in September but his teacher is finishing this week? Thanks for your thoughts!

DS is in nursery couple days a week. I took in last week a card with a note I took time to think about and write (rather than just a "thank you, from PinkDaydreams") and some posh biscuits, thorntons chocolates and some fancy cakes, I wrapped in a load of that curling ribbon to try make it look a bit fancier too Grin because of covid I haven't been able to meet his ta's properly only the teacher so I addressed the goodies and card to all of them. He's only been going a few months.
Anyway, I saw one parent giving fluffy slippers and nightie which I thought was bizarre ......then made me think my present was crap!
OP posts:
PinkDaydreams · 19/07/2021 20:07

I meant to add that I'd been really stressing about whether to get anything or not so I just got sweet treats in the end. I honestly don't think it matters if you get them anything or not, mum is a teacher and she said she doesn't expect anything at all and that she understands that not everyone can afford it either.
Every now and then I take in biscuits for the teacher and staff as they have been so helpful and supportive, even though I haven't been able to meet them all properly!

OP posts:
JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 19/07/2021 20:29

Yesterday was a really nice day! My mum and I took them paddling in local woodland river area, so nice and shady, from 930-11 ish before it was really baking. Then back to hers to dig for potatoes and make lunch, then gentle indoor play till around 330.

It made me realise how much easier it is with more space. Our house is an average UK semi, but my mum's is much bigger and it meant that each could play by themselves for an hour without getting on each other's nerves. So much more peaceful! Fairly easy bedtime too, in spite of heat.

They are making up for it tonight, obviously Hmm "I need a wee, he's calling me a silly name, my toenails hurt, I want a drink of milk, I'm scared of my duvet". I don't miss the days of twin babies but there were some advantages to them not being able to talk Hmm

How is everyone coping with the heat?

Camomila · 19/07/2021 21:05

We're all coping ok apart from DS2 who is dropping his morning nap and is super angry every lunch time until he falls asleep around 2ish.

We've had a lovely weekend though, MIL came down to visit on Sat so we took her to the touristy bit of the beach, and then on Sunday we did park in the morning and (non-touristy) beach for picnic dinner and paddling in the evening - DC went swimming in their clothes/nappy Smile DS2 loved it so much, I seem to remember DS1 being wary at that age - I suppose it's because DS2 has a big brother he wants to copy.

I'm glad everyone's enjoying the sunshine with river paddling and paddling pools out Smile

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 19/07/2021 21:07

Just had to go up, all three still awake, DD1 singing. Made mistake of giving twins rhubarb for snack, so both had poos in their pull ups.


Chocolatetrifle · 19/07/2021 21:09

@PinkDaydreams thanks for the thoughts on the preschool gift. He's only been there about 4 weeks with a week off I'll so not sure what to do but have decided to get his teacher a gift and get the others some choccy treats I think.

We are coping in the heat by the DS taking their clothes off and eating lollies and playing with the water. Night times a different matter though isn't it? Gosh, we'll be moaning about the rain next week. I'll remember this week the next time I'm at a McDonald's car picnic when the rain is bouncing off the ground. Hope everyone gets some sleep.

Motherofmonsters · 21/07/2021 16:26

Hotttt! I'm literally melting..

squishymamma · 21/07/2021 17:55

Hello hello! We are currently in the mountains and it's lovely. Went bathing in the lake today, and have been generally enjoying having DGP around for DS.

Hope everyone manages to cool down somewhat, it's bloody hot everywhere isn't it? Currently have an overtired DS we have sat in front of the TV...

painauchocanot · 21/07/2021 18:58

Hi, can I join please? Two under two and struggling in the heat! We're all sleeping downstairs as it's 30° upstairs but the toddler is still acting up at bedtime and just really unsettled.

PinkDaydreams · 21/07/2021 19:18

@Chocolatetrifle that's me, I'll defo be moaning about the rain next week but I'm busy complaining about the heat now 😂

Walk round the park this morning then to the supermarket later on for bits. I picked up a Chad valley water run thing from Sainsbury's for son to play with. It's ok, kept him entertained for ten minutes but it's a little flimsy Confused he went back out to play with it after tea though so I think he likes it.

Not much planned tomorrow, probably the museum (where there's air con).

Has anyone any tips on keeping bedroom cool please? I've had the blinds and curtains shut in son's room and our room all day the last couple of days but it's not doing much. I'll open the windows first thing in the morning to try let some cooler air in. Fan on too but again not doing much.

OP posts:
PinkDaydreams · 21/07/2021 19:25


Hi, can I join please? Two under two and struggling in the heat! We're all sleeping downstairs as it's 30° upstairs but the toddler is still acting up at bedtime and just really unsettled.

Welcome welcome!! It's flippin boiling isn't it?! I feel so sorry for the kids in this heat
OP posts:
Motherofmonsters · 21/07/2021 19:43

I've just been told that a TA in DS's nursery has tested positive. Obviously it's his birthday on Friday, party on sat and a couple meet ups next week. Absolutely gutting

Motherofmonsters · 21/07/2021 19:45

Oh and DH is staying away this week on training so I'm now all alone with the children for two days unable to go anywhere


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Chocolatetrifle · 21/07/2021 19:50

Hi guys, just catching up whilst melting after settling DS1 who always always goes asleep on me with his bottle so we are stuck together with sweat I think.

@Motherofmonsters, flipping heck, what on earth? Does your DS now have to isolate? Is the TA a close contact to your DS?

Chocolatetrifle · 21/07/2021 19:54

@PinkDaydreams I've had all the blinds shut too here, not much else we can do is there? Museum tomorrow sounds like a good idea.

@squishymamma, the mountains sound heavenly. Glad you are having a good time

@painauchocanot, welcomeSmile, have you managed to get yours settled tonight?

Chocolatetrifle · 21/07/2021 19:59

Sorry, DS2 that should say. Off to sort DS1 but it feels like about 40 degrees up here.

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