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What’s happening in your house right now?

126 replies

LongPauseNoAnswer · 26/09/2020 08:43

Myself and DH are on the sofa with coffee. He’s reading the newspaper online and I’m MNetting.

We’re going into town today to do some shopping (not in the UK) and have a socially distanced ramble.

Dinner tonight is ribeye steaks with browned butter sauce. Can’t wait!

OP posts:
MartiniDry · 26/09/2020 22:06

Seafog, you sound like Superwoman. 🙂
Moving is rotten at the best of times, but to be moving so far while incapacitated is surely hell on legs.
Wishing you and yours much love, a smooth and uncomplicated move, and the happiest of times in your new home.

copperoliver · 26/09/2020 22:30

All in bed. Peace. X

daisychain1620 · 26/09/2020 22:47

In the hot tub by myself, star gazing with some wine! Bliss!

FunnysInLaJardin · 26/09/2020 22:54

DH is in bed, DS1 is in his bedroom chilling out, DS2 is on a sleepover and we miss him and I must stop eating biscuits and go to bed.

All very peaceful here.

Seafog · 27/09/2020 07:35

@MartiniDry thank you for such kind wishes! I am no super woman, just doing the best I can, while trying not to turn into a crazy pantsGrin
But dang I cant wait to drive across Canada , sea to sea, cause that has been a dream of mine for a long while!

LongPauseNoAnswer · 27/09/2020 18:26

What are we up to this evening?

I’m still on the sofa Grin we’ve just had dinner and are relaxing with the cats and watching Netflix. Some show DH is into called Cursed. I’m not really paying attention because I’m planning all of the Christmas treats from that thread I shouldn’t have opened Grin

OP posts:
KoalaandRabbit · 27/09/2020 19:08

DD is studying. DS is downstairs giggling on his ipad. I'm still in bed with kidney infection but improving and watching Below Deck Med and listening to Tom Petty. DH is down at old house we are trying to sell adding some plants to the garden though should be on his way back soon. Then we'll have a Sunday roast.

KoalaandRabbit · 27/09/2020 19:09

DS is now feeding his silkie chickens, giving them water and putting them to bed.

barskits · 27/09/2020 19:10

We are all just letting our beef casserole go down, and then we will be having strawberry trifle whilst watching Deep Impact on the telly.

NancyBotwinBloom · 27/09/2020 19:13

I've just made tea for tomorrow so it only has to be reheated and crisped up in the oven. (Salmon and broccoli bake) and now DD is getting lol monopoly ready before bed.

DH watching football.

SimonJT · 27/09/2020 19:20

My son is in bed, dogs been taken on a walk and he is having a snooze. So I’m going to read a book to my boyfriend in the bath.

Frownette · 27/09/2020 19:24

I'm relaxing after a nice meal. After that I'll sort out laundry load for tomorrow, take a shower and sew up a sleeve on a coat, so all peaceful here.

MadamShazam · 27/09/2020 19:31

Relaxing on the sofa after a nice Sunday Dinner. OH is washing up, me and Dd are watching Moana.

OntheWaves40 · 27/09/2020 19:35

I’ve just been decorating DP cake for his bday tomorrow whilst he’s at home. I’m now in bed, with clothes on, watching Corrie on catch up. DS is doing some homework and DD is having a yogurt for supper and will be tucked up before 8.

timothytoes · 27/09/2020 19:38

Just got dd3 to sleep now to tackle the packed lunches Hmm

Once that's done I'll put dd6 to bed then that's me done for the day. Will either watch a film or read some more of my book in bed.
Back to work tomorrow after 5 days off Sad

Impatientwino · 27/09/2020 19:38

We had a peaceful afternoon ending in roast chicken and a couple of g&ts. Both DC through the bath, hair washed and in PJs. Biggest one downstairs again watching something with DH before bed and littlest one upstairs with me having a snuggle in our bed with a spot of watching tractors on the iPad before stories and bed time.

Everyone is clean and ready for bed. All stuff sorted for school in the morning and got that peaceful Sunday evening feeling.

DH and I may possibly have another g&t when DC in bed (me definitely!) and we're going to watch something before an early night ourselves.

TessTackle · 27/09/2020 19:53

DD is reading for 8 more mins before bed..
Do is having a shave and shower ready for his first day at a new job tomorrow..
And I’m in bed watching Buffy from the beginning & eating Malteser biscuits Blush

DinosApple · 27/09/2020 20:02

In the front room DD2 is on the iPad watching some CBBC program, DD1 is watching the dig program on BBC2, and I'm on MN, DH is in the other room watching the F1.

Ghostlyglow · 27/09/2020 20:08

I'm just waiting for my puff pastry cheese straws to cook in the oven. I'm going to eat them with my wine later.

whattodo2019 · 27/09/2020 20:08

I'm in bed playing on my phone with the two dogs fast asleep on the bed.
DH is driving DD back to boarding school having been home for exeat
DS is watching tv downstairs

mamaduckbone · 27/09/2020 20:21

We're watching Enola Holmes - ds 14 thinks Milly Bobby Brown is 'fit' so he is gracing us with his presence. It's quite good but I can't unsee her as eleven.

RoseMartha · 27/09/2020 20:33

I have just told my teens they can not have all the lights on in every room. (Not a new rule they know this). One argues that some famous you tuber does it so must be ok. I explain said you tuber is a millionaire several times over. Then my teen tells me not to be so poor then that i am embarrassing!!! Then gives me a barrage of verbal abuse. Said teen is now having to get ready for bed as I am not being spoken to like that. (My exh speaks to me like that so kids think they can too, teen hormones contributing to situation).


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KoalaandRabbit · 27/09/2020 20:46

DH is back from old house - he went down to plant plants. Asked him how many he planted zero. Hmm But he did clean a wall and fix a door. Smile

Bouledeneige · 27/09/2020 23:37

I've been watching Dr Zhivago on BBc iplayer and then I went and had a bath. Now I'm going to make a cup of redbush and then go to bed. Probably listening to Desert Island Disks or a podcast to get me to sleep.

PickAChew · 27/09/2020 23:40

Everyone is 8n bed or at least their room.

Except me. Chronic insomniac.

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