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What’s happening in your house right now?

126 replies

LongPauseNoAnswer · 26/09/2020 08:43

Myself and DH are on the sofa with coffee. He’s reading the newspaper online and I’m MNetting.

We’re going into town today to do some shopping (not in the UK) and have a socially distanced ramble.

Dinner tonight is ribeye steaks with browned butter sauce. Can’t wait!

OP posts:
Ninkanink · 26/09/2020 10:05

Oh I forgot! We will also strip some more paint off the door that we’re in the middle of restoring to its former glory. I’m in charge of using the heat gun, which is great fun, and DH does the scraping.

wizzbangfizz · 26/09/2020 10:08

DDs in their rooms playing roblox, I'm
In bed eating crumpets and watching sat kitchen and DH is downstairs having a sports massage!

Witchend · 26/09/2020 10:10

DD is doing orchestra (on Zoom)
Ds is getting ready for drama (on zoom)
Everyone else (except me) is asleep.

Carpathian2 · 26/09/2020 10:20

I said my grandson (9)could play on his PlayStation on the tv in the living room. 10 minutes in and I want to kill him, why can't he talk normally? Luckily I said no more than an hour then we're going out. I'm going for a shower whilst he has his hour Confused

longtompot · 26/09/2020 10:21

Everyone else is still in bed. I've had a cup of smoky earl grey tea, gave cat his meds and his breakfast, ditto dog. Cup of tea taken in to ed. Hung out washing, refilled the bird feeders, picked more green beans, cleared the dogs morning poop, emptied and refilled dishwasher, cleaned down the surfaces, and now having a coffee with two runny fried eggs on a very crisp piece of toast watching Saturday Kitchen/Mumsnetting and looking at recipes for an indoor bbq (it's too cold to have one outside today. I wanted to do a final one before ds heads back to uni next week.)

confusedofengland · 26/09/2020 10:23

I'm sitting in my dressing gown with the cat on my lap.
DH is sitting recovering from his hangover 😂
DS1 (11) is sitting as quietly as he can so we don't notice him & make him do homework. He is going into town after lunch with a friend, for the first time Shock We are going to hang around elsewhere in town & wait for him.
DS2 is making a board game out of a cere box
DS3 is playing with his Kiddizoom camera

longtompot · 26/09/2020 10:24


Ah, our lovely bubble family has just invited us over for fish and chip tea this evening (one of their DCs has a birthday today). Feel much less lonely now!

I just read your first post but I'm glad to see your second one. I think I made a few squares for the blanket from all of us to you and your kids. Your dh was a keen cyclist wasn't he? Apologies if I'm wrong. Enjoy your fish n chips Smile
daisychain1620 · 26/09/2020 10:25

DH and I are in bed scrolling through our phones before we get up for a cuppa. Just had a leisurely morning shag, bliss!
DS1 has gone down to our local cafe and will bring up sausage baps and DS2 I can hear rattling about downstairs (he's 13, incase anyone thinks I'm ignoring a toddler lol). Must get upGrin

fatisnotafeeling · 26/09/2020 10:27

DH is in the garden working on his shed.

DS 6 months is napping

DS1 8 is on his iPad.

Me and DD2 10 are watching a live open morning for senior school as she's due to move up next yr.

DD1 18 moved into halls at uni last week so I imagine she is still asleep.

Natsku · 26/09/2020 10:28

DS is in his cot trying to nap. DD is cuddling the cat. I'm having a cup of tea before I make lunch. I think OH is in the basement but he might be at work.

harper30 · 26/09/2020 10:34

Had a lie in while DP got up with DD, now he's gone for a PT session and we're watching frozen and eating cheese 😂
Then a trip to currys later for a new fridge freezer as ours has been slowly defrosting all week, where's Elsa when you need her?

LittleBlueBee · 26/09/2020 10:35

I'm supposed to be getting dressed but procrastinating.
Dh is on sofa reading on his phone.
Dd1 and dd2 are in their rooms on their phones, ds1 is on the switch, ds2 is on the PlayStation.

Very screen orientated morning. But when I've cleaned up downstairs we will go for a walk to the local woods and then I'm making chilli for dinner

longtompot · 26/09/2020 10:44

I'm now going to bake the honey cake I just saw on Saturday Kitchen, this recipe

FromTheAllotment · 26/09/2020 11:11

I have had sinusitis for the best part of two weeks and am on antibiotics for it. I’m endeavouring to do as little as possible today and get lots of rest. So I’m still in pjs sitting in bed, while DH is doing lots of jobs I haven’t been getting around to all week because of being ill. We’re taking it in turns to sort out the DCs’ arguments (7 and 4yo) But touch wood they’re playing fairly nicely. Long may that last.

RollinOnARiver · 26/09/2020 11:16

DP has taken 2 out of 3 of the DCs out. The other one is in his bedroom playing on his console, I’ve just put a wash on and grilling some bacon for a sandwich. Rest of the day is housework!

Prettybluepigeons · 26/09/2020 11:18

Sons are in bed
Dh the kitchen
I'm tackling the living/ding room.

Want to get the place clean and then go out for some fresh air and sunshine.

Am going to suggest we cook something special tonight and then maybe play a board game.

Prettybluepigeons · 26/09/2020 11:19

Dh * cleaning the kitchen

MonkeyPuddle · 26/09/2020 11:21

DP, DS and DSD are currently playing musical statutes, they’ve just had a foood fight with the soft toy food from DS’s kitchen.
We’re off to the park in a mo to burn off their energy.
Toast gammon dinner tonight. Yum.

Purplecatshopaholic · 26/09/2020 11:23

Love this thread, hearing what you are all up to. Bf and I are on the sofa together on our iPads. He is on Twitter, me on here - general chat about what we are both reading, lol. Dog is on sofa with us, and one of the cats is on my knee. Happy, quiet start to the weekend Smile

vampirethriller · 26/09/2020 11:24

I just washed the floors and hoovered, now I'm watching Waffle with the toddler and we've got chocolate crispy cakes. This afternoon we're going to take the dog for a long walk.

Spied · 26/09/2020 11:28

DP has taken DS out shopping to choose some new trainers.
I'm in the bedroom lazing on the bed browsing on here whilst DD is shouting that she wants me to take her into town to buy some false nails and hair dye. She's 9Hmm.
That won't be happening.
I'm shouting back that I'll have a walk into town but all I'm buying is popcorn for the movie afternoon we have planned ( although we can't decide on what movie to actually watch)

EternalOptimist7 · 26/09/2020 11:31

Love these threads! I would normally be at work but DD11 was sent home from school yesterday as a pupil in her class has tested positive for Covid so I have to stay with her. Apparently she’s been in quite close contact with him so fingers crossed. Beautiful day but definitely a nip in the air. Enjoyed time in the back garden with the bunnies. They absolutely loved the cauliflower stalks & leaves that our neighbours popped through the fence. Going to use the unexpected time at home to do a proper clean & sort through the piles of clothes in our room. DH put them in bags but they need to go away in drawers etc. Just looked through my latest Bon Prix catalogue & have potentially spent over £160! Good job I have credit! All I need now is a few occasions to wear everything! I have really missed socialising. Even an attempt to go out for lunch a few weeks ago with DH failed cos we argued then he didn’t feel like going 😢 Maccie D’s for tea whilst watching BGT.


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WeveGottaGetTherouxThis · 26/09/2020 11:49

DH and DS (5) just returned from football and having their hair cut. DD (6) and I have ploughed through her homework. DH off to play tennis this afternoon, so the children and I will head to a park or some woods, then back home for sausages and chips...I bought some pick n mix sweets so we can have a cinema night after dinner.

Wobbitcatcher · 26/09/2020 11:52

I’m having a cup of tea while my DH baths DS, I’m wondering if the funny feeling in my tummy will turn into anything but probably not as I’m 39 weeks tomorrow and expecting this one to go over like my last.
I should be getting dressed ready to go for a walk around the pond nearby and then DS is off to grandmas while DH works afternoons so I can tick some last minute jobs off and relax a bit!

DontGoIntoTheLongGrass · 26/09/2020 11:56

Dh is working, currently works 7 days a week and going towards a burnout Sad

Dinner tonight is homemade southern fried chicken in wraps.

DD5 currently playing in lounge and running all over the house. She's decided to do a Christmas list today which helps as family have started asking. I've bought birthday presents today for niece, nephew and dh. Xmas presents for other niece, DD and dh. Doing as much washing as I can today too.

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