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What’s happening in your house right now?

126 replies

LongPauseNoAnswer · 26/09/2020 08:43

Myself and DH are on the sofa with coffee. He’s reading the newspaper online and I’m MNetting.

We’re going into town today to do some shopping (not in the UK) and have a socially distanced ramble.

Dinner tonight is ribeye steaks with browned butter sauce. Can’t wait!

OP posts:
dementedma · 26/09/2020 17:20

I have made soda bread, blackberry and apple pies, and bramble gin.
Now planning an evening reading and relaxing.

H1978 · 26/09/2020 17:47

Lamb biriyani in the oven for dinner. dd2 and dd3 having screen time and dd1 in the shower. Just waiting for dh to get back from a work thing. I’m just relaxing but aware I need to put the bedding on the kid’s bunk beds, just delaying cos it’s a job I hate. .

garlictwist · 26/09/2020 17:49

DP is out at the pub (not sure it's the best idea but his life). I have been mountain biking all day and am eating a cheese sandwich for dinner as cba. Going to lie on the sofa now until bed.

Serena1977 · 26/09/2020 18:05

I'm sat mumsnetting, just done some home admin and lots of homework with DC. Dd8 is now playing minecraft, ds7 is playing on his tablet. Dh is in the kitchen cooking curry and rice for the DC and listening to his audiobook.
It's getting chilly in the living room so I'll put on the heating in a mo.

Bed linen is drying in the drier so got to put that back on then strictly and salad for tea.

NeedWineNow · 26/09/2020 18:11

DH is swearing at the football - our team is losing. I'm in the living room watching Reign on Netflix.

Kez200 · 26/09/2020 19:19

We had lunch late so are just cooking some air crisp chips in our ninja foodie as a snack, rather than dinner.

Ive had a flu injection today and fininshed some work so Im chillin. Dh watching Now TV as hes just signed up as the nights are drawing in. He has a MRI early tomorrow and the hospital is some way away so we will have an earlish night too.

Iminaglasscaseofemotion · 26/09/2020 20:56

DS 1 is apparently just on his way home. He's in trouble for staying out so late, ds 1 and I are in bed watching friends, dp is in making pudding and getting ready to go to work, ddog is lying at the side of my bed next to me as always.

Iminaglasscaseofemotion · 26/09/2020 20:58

I'm currently on my third load of washing. Got another 2 to go. Going to have to take it to the laundrette tomorrow to be dried. No way I can get it all dry for Monday. Forgot to get washing powder for 3 days, so its been building up!

LilyLongJohn · 26/09/2020 20:58

Me and dh on one sofa with 2 dogs, dh and dogs are asleep. My dd is on the other sofa with our third dog playing on her phone. I'm making the most if some uninterrupted mn surfing

LadyMonicaBaddingham · 26/09/2020 21:00

DH is on the phone to MIL. DSs are both playing computer games. I'm MNing while waiting for Casualty to start in a bit...

TheoriginalLEM · 26/09/2020 21:00

Im laying on the sofa, dog is whinging he can hear a mouse. Dp drinking tea and DD is playing d&d with her friends on zoom. Some very weird conversations going on. Grin

KoalaandRabbit · 26/09/2020 21:02

DH is playing piano, I'm in bed with kidney infection. Cat is sleeping by DH. DS is sleeping. DD is watching Netflix.

MrsMyreton · 26/09/2020 21:04

DD1 is asleep in her room. DD2 is five days old and asleep in her Moses basket next to our bed. DH and I are in bed watching tv and browsing on phones. Ddog sandwiched between us. Peace for now - until the first of the night feeds! Grin

RunningFromInsanity · 26/09/2020 21:12

Laying on the sofa with 2 blankets (I will not put my heating on in September dammit) , dogs curled up with his head resting in the crook of my knees.
Watching 24 hours in a&e and listening to the gale going on outside.

I’m very content.

mamaduckbone · 26/09/2020 21:14

Dh is reading to ds2 (he's 11 but decided he fancies it tonight)
Ds1 is in his room purportedly doing his new fitness regime (it regularly sounds as though his dumbbells are coming through the ceiling) but probably lying in his bed on his phone.
When dh comes down we'll have coffee and watch Cobra Kai - new guilty pleasure. I fancy some more chocolate but we've eaten it all, unless we crack open the Christmas tin than dh bought today.

tunnocksreturns2019 · 26/09/2020 21:35

Yes! I get so much comfort from my amazing MN blanket, thank you so much for helping to make it Flowers

tunnocksreturns2019 · 26/09/2020 21:36

Quote fail - that was to longtompot

Seafog · 26/09/2020 21:39

Preparing to move house in 2 days, 6000km away
Frantically selling our excess stuff
Trying to cook supper, with my hand in a cast
Sigh...almost beer 'clock

PerpendicularVincent · 26/09/2020 21:43

DS has stayed up far too late watching cartoons and is sitting quietly hoping I forget to take him up to bed. Spoiler alert, he's going now.

DH is putting out the takeaway and I'm thinking about which cupboard to declutter next.

CherryPavlova · 26/09/2020 21:44

In our holiday cottage having had a takeaway. It’s a rare treat because there are no takeaways where we live. Now watching television with a glass of wine. The dog is snoozing and my husband is reading some work papers whilst we half watch BGT.
We’ve been swimming in the sea and had a lovely walk today, so happy to relax this evening.

Echobelly · 26/09/2020 21:45

Kids have just gone to bed, later than usual because we watched a film together.

I've had a couple of drinks, husband and I now sitting side by side on the internet! That'll probably be it until bedtime

VickySunshine · 26/09/2020 21:51

Husband is still at the garage playing with his bus ( yep, a real one) . Kids ( 18, 16 twins and 4 months ) are all in their rooms. I'm sitting on the sofa with my iPad trying to think about Christmas and whether I can be arsed with roast potatoes tomorrow.


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Pascha · 26/09/2020 21:54

All of this is happening right now in my house.

What’s happening in your house right now?
tunnocksreturns2019 · 26/09/2020 21:55

Pascha that looks so cosy!

MartiniDry · 26/09/2020 22:01

My dog and I have sloped off to bed. My DD2 is cooking a late dinner for herself and the 18 year old lass from our street whose partner beat shit out of her yesterday morning.

DD2 drives me to distraction much of the time 😀 but just occasionally she'll do something to make me wonder how someone as cynical as me managed to give birth to such a good hearted young woman.

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