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Song lyrics that infuriate you

397 replies

JimmyJabs · 19/09/2020 11:32

I'm sure this has been done before but I just heard Moonlight Shadow on the radio and it's set me right off. "4am in the morning"! A.m. MEANS morning, Oldfield, you oaf. It's tautological and really pissing annoying.

Also, Razorlight's woeful effort "I met a girl, she asked me my name, I told her what it was".

Share your annoyances so that we can all be enraged too!

OP posts:
Permanentlypuzzled · 19/09/2020 18:53

Sitting on a park bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent.

Aqualung. By Jethro Tull.

NewYorkIvy · 19/09/2020 18:56


"There was more of them than us" Ouch! (The Flood by Take That)

This! Fuck off Barlow.
TheYeaSayer · 19/09/2020 19:16


Genuinely so surprised about the Leonard Cohen comment, I absolutely adore Jeff Buckley's version (only his and no one else's) but I think the lyrics are really beautiful and haunting. It's honestly my favourite song, I don't see the lyrics as nasty at all. A bit depressing certainly.

I love this song too, the Jeff Buckley version and the LC version. I love LC’s lyrics generally. He’s such a poet.
TheYeaSayer · 19/09/2020 19:22

Another Take That one:

“Yeah you and me we could ride on a star“

Make that “you and I“ Barlow, you fool. The clue was in the “we” that followed. Subject not object.

UsernameNotValid · 19/09/2020 19:24

Pretty much all of that bloody Ann Marie song "2002" where she references the song lyrics - almost none of them were from 2002!

AuntMasha · 19/09/2020 19:24

The whole of ‘Under My Thumb” by the Rolling Stones.

Here’s just a sample of the lyrics;

Under my thumb
The girl who once had me down
Under my thumb
The girl who once pushed me around
It's down to me
The difference in the clothes she wears
Down to me, the change has come
She's under my thumb
And ain't it the truth babe?
Under my thumb
It's a squirmin' dog who's just had her day
Under my thumb
A girl who has just changed her ways
It's down to me
Yes it is
The way she does just what she's told down to me
The change has come
She's under my thumb...

DaanSaaf · 19/09/2020 19:41

[quote Willowmartha1]@DaanSaaf is it who run the world ??!! [/quote]
No, an older one. Irreplaceable or Halo maybe? I'll investigate Grin

SpacePug · 19/09/2020 19:44

I came on to say Katy Perry too "do you ever feel like a plastic bag". Also
Natasha Bedingfield- These words: "no hyper bole to hide behind" I think you mean hyperbole which is pronounced completely different

DaanSaaf · 19/09/2020 19:49

It's Irreplaceable. 'Because you was untrue' Angry

Drawmelikeoneofyourfrenchgirls · 19/09/2020 19:50

@SpacePug yes!!! Katy Perry feeling like a plastic bag. How do you feel like a plastic bag exactly?

woodhill · 19/09/2020 20:05


Up the Junction by Squeeze.

Great tune, fucking awful lyrics.

Yes quite sordid
SocraticJunkieWannabe · 19/09/2020 20:07

Babe by Take That - "a voice I once knew answered in a sweet voice". Irritates me every time I hear it.

JimmyJabs · 19/09/2020 20:11

I fucking HATE Firework. The plastic is bit makes me think of that pretentious wanker from American Beauty filming a placcy bag blowing about in the wind and making out he's so profound and original. And the chorus "Make 'em go uh, uh, uh"? Is that what Katy Perry does when she's at a firework display? Don't most people go "Ooh"?

OP posts:
woodhill · 19/09/2020 20:12

Kid Creole - most of his songs were so arrogant

e.g. I'm a wonderful thing baby

and unkind in Annie I'm not your daddy

"Oh Annie
I'm not your daddy (mama's baby's papa's baby)
Oh Annie
I'm not your daddy (mama's baby's papa's baby)
See, if I was in your blood then you wouldn't be so ugly - charming

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 20:36

I always assumed that the Squeeze song was done deliberately badly and meant to be annoying - every single 'rhyme' having a slightly similar sound with its companion line but nowhere near an actual rhyme and thus supposed to jar in your ear. Otherwise, the law of averages would have suggested they'd have ended up with at least one or two actual rhymes, wouldn't it?

Was I wrong, then? Did they really think that they'd written clever, nice-sounding rhymes?!?!

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 20:44

Following on from the comments aboout 'Jolene' above, there's the same principle (but with the sexes reversed and a lot of arrogance thrown in for good measure) in the old 60s song by Bobby Vee - 'Take Good Care Of My Baby'.

"And if you should discover that you don't really love her, just bring my baby back home to me".

At a push, the lyrics could be interpreted as pouring his heart out Social Services and/or a foster family if they've removed his very young daughter from him.... but in the real world, the lovely tune covers up some vile lyrics and automatically assumes that the woman in question (presumably not an actual baby at all) has no agency of her own whatsoever as to whom she 'belongs' to and is considered merely like a library book that somebody else got to first and keeps on renewing online.

BigFart · 19/09/2020 20:53

After seeing WAP mentioned a few times on this site recently I decided to YouTube it.... have you seen the video?!! Oh my good god, I would not be happy with my young kids watching that!!
What is the need really? They’re supposed to be singers, not porn stars 🤢

Utterly shit horrible song as well.

Whitney168 · 19/09/2020 20:53

‘She’s Electric’ by Oasis makes me wince, desperate grasping for any old rhyme.

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 20:54

Oh, and I can't believe nobody has said this yet, but 'I've Never Been To Me' by Charlene. The whole song is an abomination, but 'The ISLE of Greece'? She must have been a hoot at the travel agents: there are up to 6,000 islands in Greece, not just a single one, not to mention the sizeable part that's on the mainland as well.

blueskys72 · 19/09/2020 20:56


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?

I was coming to say that one! Bloody stupid lyrics Angry
UsernameNotValid · 19/09/2020 21:02

"Girl I want to make you sweat, swear till you can't swear no more, and if you cry out I'm going to push it some more" 😕🤮

RunningWaterfall · 19/09/2020 21:03

James Blunt - You’re Beautiful.

The first verse says

She smiled at me on the subway
She was with another man
But I won't lose no sleep on that
'Cause I've got a plan

But then the chorus

And I don't know what to do
'Cause I'll never be with you

Well, which one is it?

Also, ALL of the lyrics to Wives and Lovers make me angry.


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thenewaveragebear1983 · 19/09/2020 21:12

Only know you love her when you let her go.

And yet, you Loved her too much and fell too deep- ....

how, if you only knew you loved her after you let her go? What you mean is you slept with her, wouldn't commit to her, then when she got tired of your non committal game playing and dumped you, you realised she was actually quite nice and regretted being such a ridiculous 'grass may be greener' commitmentphobe

Or that hideous 'cheerleader' where every line is about him, not a single line about how she may benefit from this arrangement. And then 'does it make me feel like cheating? No, not really...,'
What a lucky lady.

JimmyJabs · 19/09/2020 21:14


Oh, and I can't believe nobody has said this yet, but 'I've Never Been To Me' by Charlene. The whole song is an abomination, but 'The ISLE of Greece'? She must have been a hoot at the travel agents: there are up to 6,000 islands in Greece, not just a single one, not to mention the sizeable part that's on the mainland as well.

It's a loathsome song. Basically telling women that they should be content with keeping house for a boring, irritating bloke, because if they aspire to travel or have any sort of fun whatsoever they'll end their life as a dried-up old slapper who has no self-knowledge.
OP posts:
ThankyouPeter · 19/09/2020 21:18


Any song that uses “you and I” when the grammar means that it should be “you and me” - it’s always just for the rhyme.

Bryan Adams Run to You drives me up the wall. "If she ever found out about you and I"
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