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Song lyrics that infuriate you

397 replies

JimmyJabs · 19/09/2020 11:32

I'm sure this has been done before but I just heard Moonlight Shadow on the radio and it's set me right off. "4am in the morning"! A.m. MEANS morning, Oldfield, you oaf. It's tautological and really pissing annoying.

Also, Razorlight's woeful effort "I met a girl, she asked me my name, I told her what it was".

Share your annoyances so that we can all be enraged too!

OP posts:
LouisBalfour · 19/09/2020 13:05

Concrete jungle where dreams are made of

A crime against grammar that’s been irritating me for years.

naemates · 19/09/2020 13:08

'I can't see clear no more' Ellie Goulding in Love Me Like You Do.

Terrible song, film AND lyrics in one go.

CeliaCanth · 19/09/2020 13:13

Tom’s Diner. First, there’s a good hour or so of dreary “doo doo doo doo” at the start. Then there’s the equally dreary saga of only getting half a cup of coffee and pouring the milk. The aural equivalent of watching paint dry.

Also, the girl band who sing that they are a survivor and will “keep on surviving”. Yes, that’s undoubtedly what survivors do, but it sounds nonsensical saying it.

RightOnTheEdge · 19/09/2020 13:18

What situation might arise where she would wait for him but her eyes wouldn't, or vice versa?

NancyPickford · 19/09/2020 13:22

'Power' by Little Mix. Arrant nonsense.

Mamette · 19/09/2020 13:31

Oh, I was so busy being infuriated I think I missed the point of the thread with my example above Blush

TheYeaSayer · 19/09/2020 13:38

"There was more of them than us" Ouch! (The Flood by Take That)

Frownette · 19/09/2020 13:43

No it was right, you were saying you didn't like the lyrics mamette!

Could be grammatical, nonsensical or makes you feel queasy :)

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 14:34

Are we human or are we dancer?
wtf are you on about!?

Be the change you want to see and just sing ‘hamsters’ at the top of your voice instead Grin

Any song that uses “you and I” when the grammar means that it should be “you and me” - it’s always just for the rhyme.

Ooh, yes. In ‘Upside Down, Diana Ross sings “Respectfully, I say to thee”, but everywhere else in the song, she sings ‘you’ instead of ‘thee’. I really don’t mind which form you choose, but be consistent throughout. She goes on to sing “Boy, you turn me inside out” when, going by her own established rules, that should surely be “Boy, thou turnest me” ?!!

Talking of very old songs, it pains me to say, but although I love the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’, the last two lines completely wreck it for me, with not one but two glaring grammatical blunders: “We’ve no FEWER days….than when we first BEGAN” – how difficult is that?!?!

Oh, and Neil Diamond, ‘Play Me’: “Song she sang to me, song she brang to me”.
Beautiful song by a beautiful singer, but hearing ‘brang’ instantly conjurs up an image of Cletus singing about Brandine in The Simpsons!

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 14:36

I'm fully with Moss from The IT Crowd here, but:

"We don't need no education."

"Yes you do: you just used a double negative!"

Inthebleakmidwinteriwouldsing · 19/09/2020 14:39


My Sharona

^Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
I always get it up, for the touch of the younger kind^

Ugh. Why are they still playing it on the radio.

You’ve blown my mind @Mamette, I always thought it was “for the touch of the other kind” as in the opposite sex, meaning he was straight!!! Grin

Am appalled now! Ewwww!
AriesTheRam · 19/09/2020 14:40

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?

Inthebleakmidwinteriwouldsing · 19/09/2020 14:48

Oh @AriesTheRam that’s one that bugs me. Not the first line, but the “make then go [vague vowel sounds]/as you shoot across the [more vague vowel sounds]”. It should either rhyme or not rhyme, but not try to rhyme ø with sky! (skooi?!?)

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 14:58

I love a lot of Neil Sedaka's songs, but 'Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen' is very creepy, suggesting that he's been perving over a child almost since she was born and just waiting until she's legal (and then also conveniently ignoring any agency that she might have as to whether or not she is attracted to some pervert him).

A lot of it sounds like it could possibly be a dad who's proud of his daughter (although he describes himself as her 'big brother' - not literally, I presume); but the line "from now on you're gonna be mine" instantly demolishes that charitably innocent interpretation: why wouldn't she have been 'his' from when she was born, why only now that she is co-incidentally old enough to legally have sex?

Ludo19 · 19/09/2020 15:01


" I'm serious as cancer when I say, rhythm is a dancer"

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 15:02

Also "You're Sixteen, You're Beautiful And You're Mine".

If it was a 16 or 17yo lad singing it, why would he even think to remark on her age being the same as his own, much less celebrate it? Only a considerably older pervy man would jubilate about having grabbed himself a 'barely-legal' girl.

Choosingmyring · 19/09/2020 15:05


WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 15:05

"I'm serious as cancer when I say, rhythm is a dancer"

Changing it to "I'm serious as Rees-Mogg when I say rhythm is a tree-frog" is far less offensive and makes no less sense than the original Grin

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 19/09/2020 15:11


I'd never heard of that, so I looked it up. That is one seriously nasty and gratuitously offensive set of nonsensical and poorly-constructed lyrics. Hopefully, those lyrics will be remembered after Shakespeare has been forgotten.... but not before.

I must be getting old as my first thought was to wonder why anybody could possibly be infuriated by Wireless Application Protocol broadband, much less write a song about it!

MintyCedric · 19/09/2020 15:14


Carly Rae Jepson call me maybe ‘who gave you eyes like that, said you could keep them’

Who is giving and then stealing eyes?!

Willowmartha1 · 19/09/2020 15:15

The heat between your legs. From the weekend I feel it coming eugh !!

tywysoges · 19/09/2020 15:17


The Ed Sheeran song where he says ‘dancing in the dark, with you between my arms’ between his arms?? Should it not be in his arms? I always have visions of him dancing with his arms outstretched and her just shuffling in the middle. Makes me really irrationally angry

Same song, next verse:

dancing to our favourite song

I get annoyed that they have the same favourite song Grin

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Frownette · 19/09/2020 15:18

@Inthebleakmidwinteriwouldsing that's quite funny you thought that :)

A song which I really like but lyrics are disturbing is pink frost by the chills, about a woman dying. I first heard it in a film with Sigourney Weaver.

tywysoges · 19/09/2020 15:18

It’s actually listening, isn’t it? Same difference.

YoureOnMute · 19/09/2020 15:21

Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys drives me mad... I hate it anyway, but the line "New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of" makes no sense. Why the "of" at the end?! It should just be "concrete jungle, where dreams are made". Grrrrr it winds me up every time I hear it!

The Blurred Lines lyrics are also awful, but not due to the terrible grammar!

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