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Song lyrics that infuriate you

397 replies

JimmyJabs · 19/09/2020 11:32

I'm sure this has been done before but I just heard Moonlight Shadow on the radio and it's set me right off. "4am in the morning"! A.m. MEANS morning, Oldfield, you oaf. It's tautological and really pissing annoying.

Also, Razorlight's woeful effort "I met a girl, she asked me my name, I told her what it was".

Share your annoyances so that we can all be enraged too!

OP posts:
BatleyTownswomensGuild · 22/09/2020 19:26

The entire lyrics to Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke - vile, misogynistic and date rapey.

footprintsintheslow · 22/09/2020 19:38

I really really really really really really like you.

If any of my year 1 pupils wrote that they'd be pulled up on it!

MrsAvocet · 22/09/2020 19:46

[quote NotExactlyHappyToHelp]@FOKKYFC I might owe Ms Dixon an apology then Blush. I’ve literally never heard that expression only ever someone brushing up on a skill.

I like many a song people would think me unhinged for Grin.[/quote]
I've always assumed the meaning is entirely literal - as in she's got a lazy partner who has never done the washing up, cleaned the house or brushed the floor. Is it meant to be deeper than that?!

FOKKYFC · 22/09/2020 19:58

But then you'd say 'swept up', wouldn't you? You never say 'I've just brushed up the Rice Crispies you spilled.'

Eckhart · 22/09/2020 20:06

Where I'm from you might say 'Go and brush up the yard before tea's ready'.

There's one called Spanish Eyes, can't remember who sings it, which has the lyric "Say you and your Spanish eyes will wait for me". What situation might arise where she would wait for him but her eyes wouldn't, or vice versa

I laughed for a good few minutes solid at this, OP!

Eckhart · 22/09/2020 20:07

You never say 'I've just brushed up the Rice Crispies you spilled

Yup. Sounds ok to me. They must be from near Crewe.

SallySeven · 22/09/2020 20:17

I'd say "I brushed up those rice crispies," rather than swept up tbh. But I might say "would you give that floor a sweep."

It's like swede and turnip all over again!

MrsAvocet · 22/09/2020 20:20

Yes, I would brush up Rice Krispies.

FOKKYFC · 22/09/2020 20:26

Well, there you have it. You live and learn. Must be regional: I've neither said nor heard "I've brushed up (something spilled)" in all my forty years.

And I've had that bastard song in my head all evening.

Eckhart · 22/09/2020 20:27

@SallySeven What is swede and turnip a reference to though?

SallySeven · 22/09/2020 20:31

Oh a turnip in Scotland is a swede in parts of England.

An English small white turnip is just something I have never bought.

Then just to confuse myself I say turnip or neeps in some situations but "swede and potato" if I mash them together, which is what my mum called it.

PolkadotsAndMoonbeams · 22/09/2020 20:34

I think I'd sweep with a broom, but brush with a dustpan and brush.

SkepticalCat · 22/09/2020 20:37

Madonna "I traded fame for love". Surely it should be the other way around - I traded love (something I already have/have now given up) in pursuit of fame, which I'm now regretting.

JimmyJabs · 22/09/2020 21:05


Where I'm from you might say 'Go and brush up the yard before tea's ready'.

There's one called Spanish Eyes, can't remember who sings it, which has the lyric "Say you and your Spanish eyes will wait for me". What situation might arise where she would wait for him but her eyes wouldn't, or vice versa

I laughed for a good few minutes solid at this, OP!

I just get this mental image of him arriving at the airport or the station, expecting to be met by his love, and there's just a pair of eyes sitting in the foyer. "Sorry, mate, we were really keen but she just wasn't that into you. Do you want to go home and watch a box set?"
OP posts:
Eckhart · 22/09/2020 21:10

Or I suppose he might be worried that she herself would wait for him, but that she might have her boring old English eyes in on that day...

BrunoMars · 22/09/2020 21:28

Now I love Wham! But the lyrics in Club Tropicana have always bugged me
'All that's missing is the sea....
Watch the waves crash on the bay....'

A verse ago there was no sea Angry

CrazyFoxLady · 22/09/2020 22:01


And.....'Would you let me see beneath your beautiful, would you let me see beneath your perfect'

Your beautiful perfect WHAT? Angry

This! ⬆️ Drives me bonkers... beneath your beautiful what exactly? Dress? Pants? Hmm
Eckhart · 22/09/2020 22:54

Your beautifu-ness and perfect-ness, isn't it? But he didn't grammar it very well.

Eckhart · 22/09/2020 22:56

@BrunoMars Are they at a wave pool with a pretend beach area? Butlins or something? 'Club Tropicana, Skegness'

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 22/09/2020 22:56


Thanks - that cheers me so to know that he wasn't the culprit!

goose1964 · 22/09/2020 22:57

Like a room wivout a roof, because happiness is the troof. I hate that song.

JimmyJabs · 22/09/2020 23:00

Yeah, he's tried to make beautiful and perfect into nouns and it hasn't worked. He should have gone with beauty and perfection. He actually sounds like one of those guys you encounter on OLD who thinks that makeup is a LIE and women wear it to trick men into fancying them 🤡

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WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 22/09/2020 23:00

The entire lyrics to Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke - vile, misogynistic and date rapey.

I remember in the latter series of Never Mind The Buzzcocks, where they had guest presenters, and Sara Cox was hosting. the subject of this song came up and she recalled a big promo poster that the ever-so-mature RT had requested be put up behind him saying "Robin Thicke has a big dick" and she had campaigned to change the 'has' to 'is'! I reckon she got that right....

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 22/09/2020 23:06

Billy Joel's otherwise excellent song 'We Didn't Start The Fire' where he sings 'England's got a new Queen'. England hasn't had a queen for hundreds of years. It would actually have been easier to correctly sing 'UK's got a new Queen' by thus avoiding the three consonants together - 'nd's'. Can you imagine the American uproar if a UK songwriter wrote a song about 'California's new President'?

shinynewapple2020 · 22/09/2020 23:17


‘We could laugh and party all night
And drink some cherry wine, a ha’

What’s cherry wine, when it’s at home?

Assuming that's weird don't have to take our clothes off' which is an 80a song , there was a drink called Cherry B around at that time
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