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What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

171 replies

1person100names · 19/08/2020 21:33

OK I will add some further advice when I've had more time to think of the answer to my own question but one that majorly sticks in my mind is a very simple one.

I was watching a video of a couple who had been married for 70 years, the interviewer asked the couple what their tips were for staying in a happy marriage for so long. The old lady smiled and said it was simple, they have spent their entire relationship being 'nice' to each other. I'm not sure why its stuck with me so much, it seems simple, straightforward advice but even when I have bad (hormonal!) days I always ensure that I am kind and respectful to my partner. I was never nasty of course but its something at the forefront of my mind! We have been together 5 years and I can honestly say we are very happy together! He is equally as kind and nice to me and I hope we stay together as long as the couple above!

So what's yours? It can be anything!!!

OP posts:
ChrisPriss · 20/08/2020 07:23

No job is worth your health
We're too poor to buy rubbish

drinkingwineoutofamug · 20/08/2020 07:48

Live for today and tomorrow you may not get the chance.

A patient on end of life ☹️

Lunaballoon · 20/08/2020 07:55

You have no control over other people’s behaviour, but you can control your own response to it.

Fishfingersandwichplease · 20/08/2020 08:00

A previous Manager said to me don't be rude but don't be bullied either. Always remembered that.

Lurchermom · 20/08/2020 08:13

I love "this too shall pass" - it's got me through some tough periods.
I also have found "pain is in the moment, fear is in the future" very helpful at times. If you're full of anxiety and panic, take stock. Are you in pain right now? No. Are you afraid? Yes, but of a future event that hasn't actually happened and may never happen. So keep focus on the now!

Even though I'm not religious I love the phrase "there but for the grace of God" because I think it keeps you really humble and empathic.

CatEatCatWorld · 20/08/2020 08:16

I was in a dead bedroom situation with ex and we have 3 kids. Reading through the r/deadbedrooms and the advice that "you dont need a reason to end a relationship " and just all the advice that it's not selfish to end a relationship just for lack of intimacy (there was a lot of other stuff too) . Now happily engaged toa great man who worships me.

cretelover · 20/08/2020 08:17


From a mother of three, when DD was almost a year old, OH was working away and I was struggling with transitioning back to work

“Do whatever you need to get some sleep”. In this case it was (safely) co-sleeping. Others told me I was making a rod for my own back, etc, but I was on my knees from being up and down every hour or two. I could have kissed her and it got me through a difficult time

yes to this
BetterEatCheese · 20/08/2020 08:21

Security is a state of mind and doesn't exist in reality. This has helped me see what I can control and change and what I can't and that everything is a good attempt at security, but not to strive for perfect security and the perfect time or the perfect situation or the perfect outcome as it likely doesn't exist, and close enough is good enough.

BetterEatCheese · 20/08/2020 08:21

You can be your best friend or your worst enemy - choose friend

SadiePurple · 20/08/2020 08:22

The early bird may catch the worm...but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Put your own oxygen mask on first

prozacfree · 20/08/2020 08:26


Want what you have. Comparison is the thief of joy.

Love this!
Anthilda · 20/08/2020 08:39

Better late than dead.

When running late for work do not risk your life or the lives of others by speeding.

Yesyoudoknowme · 20/08/2020 08:46

Never complain about getting old - it is a privilege denied to many.

Better 20 minutes late in this life than 20 years early in the next.

Never go to bed on an argument.

CigarsofthePharoahs · 20/08/2020 08:58

Don't set yourself to big a mountain to climb. Just say "I'll manage today." and let tomorrow decide for itself.
A midwife visit when ds1 was teeny about breastfeeding. Possibly not her exact words, but it helped.
Useful in other circumstances too.
Also - nobody died from an unvacuumed floor.

fatbottomgirl67 · 20/08/2020 09:00

No one judges you as harshly as you judge yourself.
Quite helpful to an anxious people pleaser

FannyGobble · 20/08/2020 09:02

Best 5 minutes late in this life than 5 minutes early in the next.

Im a stickler for being on time but this mantra stops be doing something rediculous in order to do it!

Regularsizedrudy · 20/08/2020 09:06

Dick is abundant and low value

DirtyDripSpout · 20/08/2020 09:14

You ALWAYS have a choice.

You can change the future but you can't change the past.

When I worry about things, I really find these two helpful.

DirtyDripSpout · 20/08/2020 09:16

Also, you can control your own thoughts and actions, but not others.

Suewiththeredford · 20/08/2020 09:23

I had my children close together. My wise friend told me, when they’re all kicking off, sort out the one you can settle the fastest, not the one that’s making the most racket. Things got much easier when I remembered to do that.

AriesTheRam · 20/08/2020 09:24

Those that mind dont matter and those that matter dont mind

wizzbangfizz · 20/08/2020 09:28

Wear spf 50 on your neck face and décolletage - said by my now 80 year old nan who looks amazing!


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Carpathian2 · 20/08/2020 09:43

Don't make excuses for bad people. You can't put flowers in an arsehole and call it a vase.

BlueJag · 20/08/2020 09:50

We've been together 31 years and the best advice I can give is fight clean. Don't fight to win. No character assassination. Stay in topic, don't bring grievances from the past. And be kind, never say things you'll regret later.

Branleuse · 20/08/2020 10:38

you can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cant please all of the people all of the time.

Whats for you , will not go by you

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