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What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

171 replies

1person100names · 19/08/2020 21:33

OK I will add some further advice when I've had more time to think of the answer to my own question but one that majorly sticks in my mind is a very simple one.

I was watching a video of a couple who had been married for 70 years, the interviewer asked the couple what their tips were for staying in a happy marriage for so long. The old lady smiled and said it was simple, they have spent their entire relationship being 'nice' to each other. I'm not sure why its stuck with me so much, it seems simple, straightforward advice but even when I have bad (hormonal!) days I always ensure that I am kind and respectful to my partner. I was never nasty of course but its something at the forefront of my mind! We have been together 5 years and I can honestly say we are very happy together! He is equally as kind and nice to me and I hope we stay together as long as the couple above!

So what's yours? It can be anything!!!

OP posts:
littlegiant · 19/08/2020 22:17

I've been around for years and this thread is in my top three favourites already

IceColdFan · 19/08/2020 22:19
  1. To never be overly quiet around a sleeping baby.

    My nana gave me this advice and it has served me well. Both DC slept and sleep through pretty much anything and we didn't have to watch TV with no sound or not use the toilet when they were sleeping (Both things which I have observed friends and family having to do with their baby DC)

  2. You won't regret not washing the dishes/laundry when you're on your death bed.

  3. You get no medals for going into work when you are sick.

  4. Stay away from drama.

  5. See who people really are based on their actions not on their looks or possessions.

  6. Be kind.

    TBH all these were given to me by my nana, she was a very wise and bloody lovely lady
Evennow · 19/08/2020 22:20

Be self reliant - the only person who is always with you, is you.

Fartleking · 19/08/2020 22:20

Said to me at a time when I was desperately wanting a husband and children but dating someone who was not interested in those things and trying to tell myself he would.
"don't waste another ovulation on that man!"

AriesTheRam · 19/08/2020 22:22

This too shall pass

petherbridge · 19/08/2020 22:23

"If you don't like your life, you can change it'

"Don't sweat the small stuff (it's all small stuff)"

Aquamarine1029 · 19/08/2020 22:24

Don't go looking for trouble because you'll find it.

dancingqueen345 · 19/08/2020 22:27

If you're been drinking, drink a pint of water before bed

Merename · 19/08/2020 22:27

Aww that’s a lovely philosophy OP, I’m sure it will serve you well. And when I saw the title of your thread I thought similar - Buddhist advice that ‘cherishing others is the source of all happiness, and self cherishing is the source of all suffering’. It doesn’t mean we never consider ourselves, but it’s apparent that most conflict comes from excessive self concern. If everyone did just think a bit more about what the people around them need, and less on themselves, then everything would be just fine.

LickYouLikeACrispPacket · 19/08/2020 22:29

“Whits for ye, will no go by ye”

A good Scots phrase which has always worked for me and was told to me by my parents.

“Life is short, life life to the fullest and enjoy the little things”

Never a truer word said and I say that as a cancer nurse.

Pixxie7 · 19/08/2020 22:29

Nothing lasts forever.

WhyNotMe40 · 19/08/2020 22:31

"You can't be everyone's cup of tea"

Have me the courage to sometimes do unpopular but necessary things, both in my personal and professional life.

BrummyMum1 · 19/08/2020 22:31

“A life lived in fear is a life half lived”.

bluejelly · 19/08/2020 22:33

Love these.
I also like 'This too shall pass."
It's so obvious but so true.

JessCat75 · 19/08/2020 22:33

This too shall pass...

russetred · 19/08/2020 22:35

Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

Frolicacid · 19/08/2020 22:38

“Respond, don’t react.”
I always try to remember this when I have strong feelings.

“If you don’t play, you can’t lose.” I think it’s from the wire! But a Moto to live by when there is drama, for sure.

Also love “comparison is the thief of joy” @MrsHuntGeneNotJeremyObviously.

My lovely nana always said “wise tongues hold still” - I could do with remembering that a bit more sometimes!

MoiraRosesTransAtlanticDrawl · 19/08/2020 22:38

Eat what's grown, not what's born.

2.7 trillion animals are sent to slaughter every year so doubt I make a difference.

DDemelza · 19/08/2020 22:38

Don't screw the crew.

Don't roger the lodger.

Don't dicker with the vicar.

minou123 · 19/08/2020 22:38

My great grandmother told this to me abd my mum:

"Start as you mean to go on.....if you're not prepared to do it in 50 years time, dont do it now"

My mum was complaining about doing all the housework and my great gran gave this advice. She said you should always put your boundaries in place and stick to them.

This has stood me in good stead and has helped me to see red flags in relationships.

MsEllany · 19/08/2020 22:39

One for the family: Don't sweat the small stuff. I remind husband of this every so often as he does tend to go on and on sometimes.

For work: no one's gonna die.

This came from my boss when I was really really upset at an interaction I had with a senior manager. I hadn't done anything wrong, but he was really rude to me, correcting me on something that wasn't incorrect. I work in a contact centre doing change stuff and he was totally right! The worst that can happen is I miss a deadline, and even those are normally easily smoothed over.

DogsandBoysmeanMud · 19/08/2020 22:41

How to change a mobile babies nappy standing up!! Best advice EVER!! Even 17yrs later.


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Raella50 · 19/08/2020 22:42

Early bird catches the worm

My dad always said that, I think it when I get up early each morning

Stroller15 · 19/08/2020 22:44

I had the best advice ever in a dream! In my dream, I was doing an obstacle course and sitting at the top of a ladder, we had to jump down. I was scared and didn't want to do it, my leader - a stranger in my dream - said, do you think the others having to do the course aren't afraid? Of course they are, but courage is feeling the fear but doing it anyway.

NaturalBlondeYeahRight · 19/08/2020 22:45

No one can tell if you are only pretending to be brave.
Trust that gut feeling.

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