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Brrrrr, my house is freezing! What temp is yours at?

103 replies

pinkcardi · 02/12/2019 18:32

We live in an old and lovely, but cold, house. Even with the heating on it's pretty hard to heat some of the larger rooms. It's not helped by very thin singled glazed windows and no insulation.

My bedroom is 13.2 degrees. That's after an hour of heating this evening. We get ice on the inside of the windows, with the heating on.

Can anyone amuse me my telling me how beautifully warm your houses are? Or sympathise by telling me how cold yours is?

OP posts:
InMySpareTime · 03/12/2019 10:34

14.5C in the hallway right now, but that's because I haven't opened the windows yet. I usually keep the house at 12 during the day/overnight and 16 in the evening and morning. Rooms with people in are obviously warmer than the hallway, but I don't have thermometers for those rooms.

Titsywoo · 03/12/2019 12:17

Wow so many of you with really cold houses! Mine never drops below 18 (unless the dog is being a pain and wants to keep going in and out over and over). Ours is a semi detached bungalow from the 40's. We added a big extension and a loft conversion so put lots of insulation in then which has been a god send. The bathroom is probably the warmest room as we got a powerful radiator in there (nothing worse than getting out of a warm shower into a cold room!).

blackteaplease · 03/12/2019 12:40

Most of my house was built in 1880, there was a dodgy extension added in the 1990s. We've insulated as much as we can but we just cant get the heat up. We can't afford new windows so we are stuck with what we have.

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