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Brrrrr, my house is freezing! What temp is yours at?

103 replies

pinkcardi · 02/12/2019 18:32

We live in an old and lovely, but cold, house. Even with the heating on it's pretty hard to heat some of the larger rooms. It's not helped by very thin singled glazed windows and no insulation.

My bedroom is 13.2 degrees. That's after an hour of heating this evening. We get ice on the inside of the windows, with the heating on.

Can anyone amuse me my telling me how beautifully warm your houses are? Or sympathise by telling me how cold yours is?

OP posts:
BillywigSting · 02/12/2019 19:43

Mine is currently 18 according to the little electric thermostat /thermometer thing we have, thermostat is set to 16.

Im bloody freezing and do not believe the lying bastard thermostat for one second.

I can see my breath.

I'm wrapped in about six layers with a big blanket and a hot drink.

Roll on summer.

CountFosco · 02/12/2019 19:44

We have the thermostat set to 19C, it's sitting in the play room which has a large bay window facing west (old double glazing and blinds, should have put heavy curtains up in here, the bedroom above is much warmer thanks to the curtains) and that room is at 17C. The sitting room in contrast has the smallest amount of outside wall, modern double glazed french doors and lined curtains and is a lovely 21C. Kitchen feels somewhere in between. Yesterday I got up becore the heating came on and it had dropped to 14C overnight so not too bad, our last house was detached, single glazed and no cavity wall on top of a hill and we had the heating on the whole time to keep it bearable.

Scotinthenorth · 02/12/2019 19:46

This is why I love my new build. It’s so warm. I’d never waste my money on old draughty houses.

amymel2016 · 02/12/2019 19:46

You have my sympathy OP, we live in a very drafty thatched cottage with single glazing. It’s currently 19 degrees in the lounge with the heating on and log burner going but drops to 11-12 degrees at night.

We first moved in when the Beast from the East arrived and it was 6 degrees in our bedroom that night, we then had to wait 2 days for oil to arrive.

It’s brilliant in summer though!

Inebriati · 02/12/2019 19:47

Thermostat is at 18 but never comes on which make me suspicious. LL put extra lagging in the attic, I lined all the curtains & put up a door curtain, and its really made a difference.
I have a fleece electric blanket and brushed cotton bedding, plus two duvets on my bed and its the nicest part of the house imo.

PaddingtonBrown · 02/12/2019 19:49

19.5 downstairs but slightly cooler upstairs cos we have a cold stairs/landing/downstairs hallway with high ceilings and teeny weeny radiator. Will pop the heating on before DH gets home in 45mins as he's been out in the cold for about 2 hours. The lowest I've seen the temp in our house is about 16.5. No one is usually home in the day so we don't have the heating on and just boost it on the way home if its particularly chilly. It comes on between 8pm and 7am if the temp drops below 17.5 at the moment, it's usually set at 18.5 but DS has a bit of an ongoing cough and we've found that if the heating comes on when he's sleeping it aggravates it and wakes him up, but lowering it slightly seems to have done the trick.

AwdBovril · 02/12/2019 19:49

In a fit of curiosity (boredom) I've dug out the room thermometer I bought when DD was born. Front porch is currently 10c, bedroom & kitchen feel ok at 14c, & living room is a tropical 17c. There's a reason I knit a lot in winter.

IrenetheQuaint · 02/12/2019 19:49

14 here after two hours of heating on (and I've lit the wood burner too). Also Victorian. It may inch up to 16 by the time I get to bed...

misspiggy19 · 02/12/2019 19:51

20 degrees here

PaddingtonBrown · 02/12/2019 19:53

@Dollymixture22 DH once left the Hive on the Sky box and went to work. Then rushed home thinking that the house was on fire when the temp reached 38 degrees 😂

Sexnotgender · 02/12/2019 19:53

I have a big old single glazed house too. Bedroom was 14 earlier, is 17 now after having the heating on for 2 hours as baby is asleep.
We have thermal lined blackout curtains in all the rooms, makes a big difference.

MarshaBradyo · 02/12/2019 19:54

Paddington 😂 my dh would do that

megletthesecond · 02/12/2019 19:54

22°. I'm still wearing cosy clothes. I could be warmer.

Millie2013 · 02/12/2019 19:54

Downstairs rooms average 18 degrees, we like our bedroom cooler and I’ve got a Sherpa fleece lined blanket from primark that I snuggle up in (together with my duvet) overnight
The only problem is our bathroom, which is big and cold, I shower in DD’s tiny en suite

ClashCityRocker · 02/12/2019 19:55

20 degrees here. Although we have only had central heating installed for the last year.

Before that downstairs was heated solely by a gas fire....which meant the living room was too hot and everywhere else was still freezing.

PrincessHoneysuckle · 02/12/2019 19:56

We have a recently installed log burner and our living room is 27 degrees atm.Im sat mumsnetting eating an ice lolly Smile

fascinated · 02/12/2019 19:56

This is the ONLY reason I tolerate our somewhat sterile new-build

beachcomber70 · 02/12/2019 20:02

No idea what temperature in living room is. No central heating here but I have a wood burner blazing away so I'm snug and comfortable.

The door is ajar so it doesn't get too hot in the heat circulates and keeps the chill off the rest of the place. Well insulated home with double glazing. I layer up on colder days.

Before bed I put on the oil filled radiator in my bedroom and its' warm within 15 minutes. My bills are is my income! But I'm happy with the set up here. I do not want gas.

BettyBooJustDoinTheDoo · 02/12/2019 20:05

Every room in my house is set to my chosen temperature, I have a central control panel and also can do it from my phone, currently sat in the family room where I have set the heating a bit lower as have but the woodburner on it’s lovely and cosy, being married to a heating engineer has its advantages!

Holymolymackerel · 02/12/2019 20:07

22 in the living room, 20 in the rest of the house.

thatmustbenigelwiththebrie · 02/12/2019 20:08

Our old rented flat had old Victorian single glazed sash windows. It was so cold. When it was windy the curtains blew even though the window was shut! I used to sleep in my clothes with the heating on. Never again.

Scotinoz · 02/12/2019 20:11

Flip me, some people have cold houses!

Thermostat is set to 21, and it's currently 21. Bedrooms are a bit cooler.


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Anyonebut · 02/12/2019 20:14

OP, have a look at these:
Might help with the ice on your windows, at least.

TheChosenTwo · 02/12/2019 20:16

Thermostat in my front room where I am is currently reading 22 degrees and I’m just about to light the fire for extra cosy relaxing time!
All our rooms have underfloor heating and each room has a thermostat so we can set what we like where we like. Our bedroom is usually around 21, dd1 likes hers at 23 and dd2 likes hers at 19 which always feels freezing to me.
The rest of the house is set to 22 as standard. I hate being cold with a passion.

ChesterDrawer · 02/12/2019 20:18

Ignore the time it’s wrong!

Can’t afford to put the heat on so have the fireplace lit whenever we’re home. Hot water bottles, socks, hats, all stay in one room, electric blankets and a quick blast under the quilt with the hairdryer before bed.

Luckily at work all day where it’s lovely and warm and kids at school lovely and warm!

Can’t believe some of you have your houses up to 20*!!!

Brrrrr, my house is freezing! What temp is yours at?
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