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Brrrrr, my house is freezing! What temp is yours at?

103 replies

pinkcardi · 02/12/2019 18:32

We live in an old and lovely, but cold, house. Even with the heating on it's pretty hard to heat some of the larger rooms. It's not helped by very thin singled glazed windows and no insulation.

My bedroom is 13.2 degrees. That's after an hour of heating this evening. We get ice on the inside of the windows, with the heating on.

Can anyone amuse me my telling me how beautifully warm your houses are? Or sympathise by telling me how cold yours is?

OP posts:
SurfnTerfFantasticmissfoxy · 02/12/2019 19:02

Jesus that's cold. Main rooms 19-21 degrees and bedroom held deliberately colder at around 17. Grew up in an ice cold farm house going to bed with full fleece sleep suit and socks, 3 hot bottles (one for feet, one for tummy one for chest and Arms) and ice in the inside of the windows so absolutely love how consistent our house temp is now

Schwibble · 02/12/2019 19:03

It was 15.9c at 5pm but I've since put the heating on and it's now more like 19c.

RandomMess · 02/12/2019 19:03

I thought you were going to be a frozen poster currently living without gas in Tayside 🥶

Our thermostat is set at 19.5 so bedrooms much cooler than that. Decent insulation though and not drafts.

Jodie77 · 02/12/2019 19:05

I've just put the heating up to 20 from 18.5 as I was getting a bit chilly. I have put a jumper and a blanket on first. It will go back on 18.5 when I go to bed. I won't have it colder than that with little ones in the house, but if it was just me I would. I don't remember really ever putting my heating on before I had kids. I'm not sure I even knew how

DontBiteTheBoobThatFeedsYou · 02/12/2019 19:05

17 and I've got a top, hoody and dressing gown on with a hot water bottle.

13 is compatible with life.
It just isn't.

Witchend · 02/12/2019 19:07

Our thermostat is set to about 42F (= approx. 5.5 Centigrade)

Clearly the thermostat is wrong.

It's about 18 C

OctoberLovers · 02/12/2019 19:08

Currently in a hotel having a chilled evening watching tv, with the thermostat at 28...

I would never have my house that warm.
But im cold, and under the duvet.
Partner in pants, with no cover on and his hot

blackteaplease · 02/12/2019 19:09

We have an old house too, the bedrooms are frequently 13 even with the heating on.
Downstairs where the pellet burner and log burner are average 18. Our house is crap.

Lllot5 · 02/12/2019 19:10

Is Maine as fantastic as I’ve always imagined it to be?

TowerRingInferno · 02/12/2019 19:10

13 here too in parts of my house.

Thankfully we have an Aga in the kitchen and wood burners in sitting rooms and those rooms are lovely and warm.

thatwasMauijustmessingaround · 02/12/2019 19:12

Thermostat is currently set to 18 degrees. We have a couple of room thermometer things (for when baby arrives in next few weeks) and I've been testing them out.

I start to get too cold when it's 15 or lower. Unless I get in bed 😂. Preferably with a hot water bottle!

Elieza · 02/12/2019 19:13

@VenusClapTrap that was my first laugh of the day! Sorry it’s at your expense, your post was funny even though you’re sick, hope you are better soon.
My cats the same. I have the flu so my heating is on full bung and I’m still cold with goosebumps. It’s a toasty (apparently) 24 degrees in here yet the furred one is in front of the living room radiator as though it’s way too cold elsewhere! (It’s a bit colder out if this room). Crazy cat.

MarshaBradyo · 02/12/2019 19:14

That is cold! Ours is 19 and I’ve turned off heating as baby room is 22

countdowntochristmas · 02/12/2019 19:14

21c now lovely and toasty .
Although this morning heating came on at 7am and it was 14c took ages to warm up properly, I was home today with ill dc . It's a constant battle with dh heating up & down . If no one In I leave heat on 18c so it's not cold when I get in . I worry about the heat bill though.

humblesims · 02/12/2019 19:14

Old house here too. No central heating Shock and no double glazing Shock.
I'm used to it now and have been for years. Wood burning stove heats the living room and during the day takes the edge off the rest of the rooms. Oil fired rads in the bedrooms but we dont really use them. Jumpers and woollys. Electric blankets and heavy lined curtains. It feels ok to me but visitors are usually cold. The only bug bear I really have is that the bathroom is a bit nippy in the depths of winter.

Heymummee · 02/12/2019 19:16

Downstairs and first floor are 19.5 apparently. Top floor where my bedroom is is colder, I don’t have the radiators on and my window is slightly open, I prefer my room to be really cold.

HoldMyLobster · 02/12/2019 19:17

Is Maine as fantastic as I’ve always imagined it to be?

May to early December it's the best place in the world. Then it starts snowing and it's all a bit grim till about April. I reckon I've got about 4 winters left in me then I'll head south.

Bigsighall · 02/12/2019 19:17

I had a house like that. It got to 11 degrees one day. I’m a cold person and it was bloody miserable! I’ve now moved and this is the first winter for a loooong time in a warm house

Baguetteaboutit · 02/12/2019 19:19

20.7c apparently, it'll drop to 20.5 and then the heating will kick back on.

VenusClapTrap · 02/12/2019 19:27

You get well soon too @Elieza!

It used to be freezing in this house but we reinsulated the attic with super thick state of the art insulation, and now it can get properly hot. I would never have believed it - it’s 200 years old and very draughty. Windows are original and single glazed. Guests used to sit in the lounge in their coats. Totally transformed. I have become an insulation bore.

viccat · 02/12/2019 19:31

At the moment about 19C with the heating on. Overnight it dips to about 15.5-16C at the lowest with heating off. Mid-terraced Victorian house with double glazing so it's not too bad.

Hovverry · 02/12/2019 19:37

How do you people know the temperature in individual rooms? Our thermostat is at 17 but some rooms feel colder than others.
I’m warm under a blanket and will take a hot water bottle to bed later. Very cold night forecast


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Dollymixture22 · 02/12/2019 19:38

Hive says it’s 21.2 degrees, then realised the candle was siting right beside the thermostat😂

Think it’s probably about 18. I am on the sofa with a cat and a fleece blanket

DogAndCatPerson · 02/12/2019 19:42

Old house but we’ve upgraded everything with modern insulation and hardwood double glazing. It’s about 21.

13 ish is awful.

Rowanberries · 02/12/2019 19:42

Living room toasty (woodburner). Bedrooms acceptable (heat rising through the house). Hall on the chilly side. Utility room 9°C. We run in very quickly when we need something! Dh is wearing a t shirt and shorts but he has anti freeze instead of blood. I've got my jumper and woolly socks.

The last few days I've been lighting the fire at 9am and leaving the living room door open through the day. That seems to have helped stop the rest of the house getting too cold. It's a lovely house but the high ceilings and big windows make it very expensive to heat.

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