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Brrrrr, my house is freezing! What temp is yours at?

103 replies

pinkcardi · 02/12/2019 18:32

We live in an old and lovely, but cold, house. Even with the heating on it's pretty hard to heat some of the larger rooms. It's not helped by very thin singled glazed windows and no insulation.

My bedroom is 13.2 degrees. That's after an hour of heating this evening. We get ice on the inside of the windows, with the heating on.

Can anyone amuse me my telling me how beautifully warm your houses are? Or sympathise by telling me how cold yours is?

OP posts:
blackteaplease · 03/12/2019 12:40

Most of my house was built in 1880, there was a dodgy extension added in the 1990s. We've insulated as much as we can but we just cant get the heat up. We can't afford new windows so we are stuck with what we have.

Titsywoo · 03/12/2019 12:17

Wow so many of you with really cold houses! Mine never drops below 18 (unless the dog is being a pain and wants to keep going in and out over and over). Ours is a semi detached bungalow from the 40's. We added a big extension and a loft conversion so put lots of insulation in then which has been a god send. The bathroom is probably the warmest room as we got a powerful radiator in there (nothing worse than getting out of a warm shower into a cold room!).

InMySpareTime · 03/12/2019 10:34

14.5C in the hallway right now, but that's because I haven't opened the windows yet. I usually keep the house at 12 during the day/overnight and 16 in the evening and morning. Rooms with people in are obviously warmer than the hallway, but I don't have thermometers for those rooms.

lifeisgoodagain · 03/12/2019 09:34

Freezing. Well not literally but unless I light the coal fire the living room never is warm, some rooms have secondary insulation but others are always cold. I'm staying in my office extra hours (I'm pt) to avoid going home -

AllDaySnacker · 03/12/2019 08:51

My small stone cottage gets to about 10 degrees indoors without any heating on this week. Boiler warms up the kitchen and the radiators in the downstairs bathroom and upstairs bedrooms work well due to the very small room sizes.

Living room only has underfloor heating which takes about 6 hours to kick in, but gets toasty more quickly if I light the burner, up to 23 degrees.

Draughty in parts, but old-fashioned double glazing with big air-gap helps, as do thick curtains.

After years of living with seasons in this country, I’ve found that hot water bottles thickly wrapped in fleece-lined covers and filled with very hot water are still my favourite way to feel cosy - I have several and they are as warm as cats.

@Bellasblankexpression if there is any hint of a model name / number on your ancient thermostat there could be operating instructions on the internet, Ive managed to find manuals for old things and save the trouble of replacement / calling someone out.

blackteaplease · 03/12/2019 08:30

Me too @TakeANote. We moved from a very efficient new build with underfloor heating to this freezing monstrosity and I feel better now knowing others are just as cold.

Today I have the fire on and our living room is 19 but the bedrooms are ranging between 14.7 and 12.4 depending on which part of the house you are in (Cobb or extension).

ChesterDrawer · 03/12/2019 08:17

Just to add this wasn’t a pity post. I actually have a good job, band 4 NHS, extremely high rent/universal credit has fucked me. I can’t move and would be a false economy anyway with moving costs.

ItIsWhatItIsInnit · 03/12/2019 08:12

But electric and space heaters are really inefficient and cost way more for the same amount of heat, as gas heating. You'd probably be better off putting the heating on.

My house was 14-17 degrees growing up and I always had freezing hands - I think that's why I make my flat roasting now.

TakeANote · 03/12/2019 08:11

Mine is dropping to 14ish overnight. It’s old large windows that do it. This thread makes me feel better though. :)

ChesterDrawer · 03/12/2019 08:08

Children’s rooms are warmed with a space heater before they go to bed so probably 13/14 degrees. They have flannel bedcovers/hot water bottles/electric blankets. They’re at school all day too so are warm there. The living room is probably around 18 when the fire is properly going.

It is what it is, I can’t magic money out of nowhere, I work full time as it is. Heating will go on when it gets unsustainable!

ItIsWhatItIsInnit · 02/12/2019 21:48

Woah! We live in a tiny 1 bed flat and heating is on nearly all evening. Not a clue as to the actual temp but I'll turn it off when I start sweating, so I'd estimate 26ish......I like it tropical lol.

I have family in a notoriously cold country where heating is centrally controlled within the city, so between October-May it's just ON. If you don't have knobs on your radiators you have to open windows or it gets to 30 degrees.

I think most people's houses in the UK are so cold, especially when they have stone floors too. I always bring a scarf and woolly socks to people's houses.....

MarshaBradyo · 02/12/2019 21:43

ChesterDrawer that makes me feel a bit teary that is so cold. What are the dc’s bedrooms like?

BettyBooJustDoinTheDoo · 02/12/2019 21:39

Chesterdrawers that room temperature is very concerning, please read this advice from the WHO especially if you have anyone elderly in your house.

Brrrrr, my house is freezing! What temp is yours at?
Delatron · 02/12/2019 21:21

Mine is 22. I can’t stand being cold though. I wouldn’t cope at 13 degrees.

I turn it off overnight. Though the underfloor stays on and just gets turned down. Doesn’t ever get below about 18 overnight though.

doadeer · 02/12/2019 21:13

Eeeek my lounge is 23 degrees. I've had the heating on for three hours today with my baby in the house. But it's just a warm flat. If we go on holiday the coldest it ever gets really is about 18degrees and that feels freeeeezing. I would struggle a lot in a cold house.

pinkcardi · 02/12/2019 21:05

@ChesterDrawer you must be so cold, I'm so sorry that you can't currently have it warmer. Let's hope for a gentle winter this year!

Bedroom is now almost 16, which feels fine and warm enough for sleep. Funny how you get used to it (I am still wearing 3 layers including thermal top and jumper tho)

OP posts:
managedmis · 02/12/2019 20:58

Bloody Nora that's nippy

inwood · 02/12/2019 20:56

It's cold. We've had the heating in all day, an hour isn't enough!

RoseMartha · 02/12/2019 20:56

That sounds chilly. It was 12 inside at work and I wore my coat all day. So I sympathise.

Do you snuggle with fleece blankets on the sofa?

aHintOfPercy · 02/12/2019 20:51

Currently 19.5 degrees. Our house is Georgian with tall, single glazed, draughty sash windows. We also have very high ceilings so rooms take an age to warm up, and that's why we have the Hive system. When we moved here 2 winters ago we just had a thermostat and I was constantly fiddling with it. Now the heating is set to 17.5 overnight, rising in the afternoon to 18.5 and then 19.5 in the evening, so that the boiler comes on in short bursts rather than full blast for hours on end. I love the Hive.

VenusTiger · 02/12/2019 20:42

Sitting in lounge with log burner lit - had to take my tights off Grin

LeekMunchingSheepShagger · 02/12/2019 20:31

Thermostat is set at 18. The heating isn’t on during the day though so the temp was 13 downstairs.


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yorkshireteaspoonie · 02/12/2019 20:31

Open plan bungalow, I invested in cavity wall and loft insulation when I renovated and it's the best investment. 18 is toasty and even across the house 👌🏽

CorBlimeyGovenor · 02/12/2019 20:25

Well, I went out for a nice cold refreshing walk today and returned to find that my new boiler had gone awry and had heated the house up to a staggering 28 degrees!! And despite my best attempts to shut the boiler down, it kept firing up again. It was like being in the Bahamas, only much stuffier!

Bellasblankexpression · 02/12/2019 20:24

I should add it says 16 but feels a lot colder!

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