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The worst ever advent calendar?

42 replies

goose1964 · 19/11/2021 15:03

I think this beats the house of Fraser one from a few years ago

OP posts:
maofteens · 19/11/2021 16:03

They didn't even do the numbers right! What's up with that? And stickers? Mind blown.

mam0918 · 19/11/2021 19:16

$825? that's £613

For that I want it to start at 1 for a start and it best contains more than stickers, bookmarks, wish bracelets, and tiny samples.

For $34.37 (£25.56) per DAY, I'd want a full-blown item like a decent-sized bottle of purfume etc... every single day.

Rememberallball · 19/11/2021 21:12

That has to be the best review out there - and that advent calendar is worth so little. They must be some of the most expensive stickers out there 🤣🤣

Ohgodwotnow · 19/11/2021 21:31

Worse than the Zoella calendar

Greenhand · 19/11/2021 22:03

Surely that's a fake?

thefirstmrsrochester · 19/11/2021 22:36

Even if you had the money to piss away like that.....two mini perfumes, two mini lipsticks, a soap, a hand cream and the rest all promotional crap that you used to get free with your purchase of the sales consultant was feeling generous.

If you’ve got the money to burn, the crappy offerings are not going to make your wee Chanel loving heart sing.

What utter shite.

RJnomore1 · 19/11/2021 22:37

Oh that house if fraser calendar thread was a classic 😂

TabithaTumbler · 19/11/2021 22:50

What the actual?

Rememberallball · 19/11/2021 22:54


Surely that's a fake?

Nope - it really exists!!
user0176 · 20/11/2021 08:37

Does it start from day 5?! So bizarre.

Robbeckett · 20/11/2021 08:52


Does it start from day 5?! So bizarre.

And ends on 30.... do people often skip the first five days of the month? 😂
MrsFrisbyMouse · 20/11/2021 09:10

I imagine it starts at 5 because its Chanel No5... just quite egotistical and the sort of crazy idea a marketing team would come up with... yeh... like... let's start at 5 because of chanel 5.. it's soon funny

sociallydistained · 20/11/2021 09:13

I mean, it starts on no.5 because it is no. 5 😂 What a load of old tat! Really like the video though and she has done ALL the calendars I may have to watch them all!

Ohmych · 20/11/2021 09:14

That looked like a load of cheap crap you'd get at a market stall. Imagine paying all that money and getting that! You'd be furious.

mam0918 · 20/11/2021 09:17

Yeah starting on day 5 and ending day 31 is not a calendar for anyone in the world I don't think.

Advent starts the fourth Sunday before Xmas which is the end of November but varies year to year so most people count from the 1st to 24th/25th for advent as it's replicable every year.

After this point, they switch to 12 days which mark from the day Jesus was born until Epiphany (when the travellers arrived with gifts).

But I can't think of anything in any culture I have heard of that counts from 5th to 31st.

I mean they could claim it started on the eve of St. Nicks day (6th December) for some reason but I have never seen anyone count a calendar from St. Nicks feast eve to New year.

My guess is they just thought it 'cleaver' to start at 5 as 'Chanel no 5' but it just looks stupid, they should have just started at 1 then given the biggest bottle of no 5 on the 5th day and 25th day.

mam0918 · 20/11/2021 09:17

'clever' not cleaver lol

Claymorekick · 20/11/2021 09:24

I couldn't get past the fact that if you don't put the boxes back, they would all just fall down - what shitty design department came up with that? Confused Shock

Ivalueloyaltyaboveallelse · 20/11/2021 09:50

What utter crap! 😂 😂 😂

MistyGreenAndBlue · 20/11/2021 10:29

Needs more stickers Xmas Grin

Newdad19 · 20/11/2021 10:56

It says it's sold out 😬

TabithaTumbler · 20/11/2021 20:43


It says it's sold out 😬

Oh dear, there are going to be a lot of disappointed people this Christmas Xmas Grin
TheChosenTwo · 20/11/2021 21:40

Wow, I honestly thought this was some kind of parody!
It’s a calendar for predominantly grown women, which grown women are that enthralled by stickers that they would feel delighted at receiving so many in a ‘luxury’ advent calendar?! What the hell do you do with that many tacky trinkets? WHO still wears string jewellery and of those, how many of them would wear such grotesque offerings?! It’s so naff!
I have a couple of things from Chanel but I wouldn’t go as far as wearing their logo on my wrist on a bit of string! So cheap Grin


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Piccalino3 · 20/11/2021 22:42

Wow, this is spectacularly terrible. Like really awful, although it was worth my time watching the video!

LanaDelBoy · 20/11/2021 22:52

Gobsmacked at this!
I wonder if you're supposed to lay the calendar flat, so the boxes don't fall out.

That's the least of its problems, though.

RogueV · 20/11/2021 23:06

I laughed all the way through this vid, wow unbelievable!

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