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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Michael Rosen, queering children’s literature

160 replies

LiterallyProblematic · 14/01/2020 23:24

I could cry.

OP posts:
Lordfrontpaw · 16/01/2020 20:57

Well that’s certainly underselling to topic somewhat.

Helmetbymidnight · 16/01/2020 21:13

he rt a tweet about mermaids training- the barbie/ken continuum? and asked for thoughts- i think the tweets gone.

nauticant · 16/01/2020 21:45

As far as I know it was this one and it's still there.

stumbledin · 16/01/2020 22:02

The point is he retweeted something asking for comments and then later said he didn't have time to think about it because his main focus that day was attending Holocaust Memorial events.

So why did he bother opening up a thread about gender?


Goosefoot · 16/01/2020 22:26

He may not have anticipated the number of responses that he received. Being on the campus of a university where there is really only one POV on gender, but it's not an area he is very involved with, might work against him having a clear idea how controversial it is, or what type of people are upset about it. It's probably a bit of a bubble.

LangCleg · 16/01/2020 22:30

How does Michael feel about "queering the safeguarding of children"?

Sounds a bit different when you say it like it is, doesn't it?

(Because, Michael, as you perfectly well know, it has nothing to do with greater representation of gay and lesbian characters in children's books.)

HorseWithNoTimeForThis · 16/01/2020 23:13

Lang. Bang on the money. As usual.

AutumnRose1 · 16/01/2020 23:21

I’m late to this and the tweet has been removed

What did it say please?

ScrimshawTheSecond · 16/01/2020 23:27

The screenshot Tinsel has posted upthread, from Dr Anna Carlile, was posted first (as far as I can work out) and then I presume there was some kerfuffle, and Rosen posted the one nauticant has linked to above.

AutumnRose1 · 16/01/2020 23:34

Ah I see
I was expecting some sort of big statement but maybe he just jumped on the bandwagon!

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