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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

The MNHQ Moderation team

999 replies

BarrackerBarmer · 18/04/2018 12:51


I'm very grateful for the commitment to free speech you've publicly taken, and for Justine's courage this week.

A former disgruntled employee of MN is writing on Twitter about the 'transphobia' of MN staff, and calling you TERFs. She is showing a great deal of bias and intolerance towards women with feminist views, this may well be her honest opinion, which is no big deal I suppose, since she is no longer an employee.

At least, it isn't an issue until she calls a shout out to her
'friends who still work at MN' to report and take down posts by 'transphobic scum', by which she appears to be referring to any poster objecting to being called TERF by her friend.

Regardless of the personal views of the MNHQ staff, who should be as free to hold their own views as I am mine, I am disturbed that there may be a small contingent of employees who are invested in unfair moderation and will not be applying fair-handed principles, at least if the claims of this ex-employee are credible.

Can you please give posters some reassurance that the difficult job of fair-handed moderation isn't being abused by the 'friends' of ex-employees who are 'reporting it all' and taking down posts because any gender criticism means the poster is 'transphobic scum'?

Thank you.

The MNHQ Moderation team
OP posts:
Haidees · 18/04/2018 14:50

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londonmummy1966 · 18/04/2018 14:50

Another one who would like to see MNHQ response - but I do think we should be prepared to give them a bit of time to come up with a considered one, especially since the screenshots are coming down, rather than jumping up and down for an instant reply.

ZuriWanders247 · 18/04/2018 14:50

My TiF friend went to Uni with her.

reasonprevails · 18/04/2018 14:50

As someone with trans friends who have been deadnamed, attacked and shamed over and over on this website, all under the guise of 'civil debate', I just thought you could all benefit from a bit of perspective.

KateMumsnet · 18/04/2018 14:51

Hi all
We're looking into this as a matter of urgency as you can imagine - please bear with us briefly while we do so. Just to let you all know, though - all access to any Mumsnet admin functions were removed on the day that this person's internship ended - there's no possibility of further access. The screenshots have now be removed from that Twitter account which is something.

lovetheway · 18/04/2018 14:51

so I can see their point,

And if an ex employee was sympathetic to the EDL and posted confidential data from their time at Mumsnet would you 'see their point' as well ?

I mean nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Right?

AssignedPuuurfectAtBirth · 18/04/2018 14:52

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LadyMcLadyCrisps · 18/04/2018 14:52

And right here is an example of a threat to abuse this data....

The MNHQ Moderation team
Janie143 · 18/04/2018 14:53

There is more than one IP address on the twitter thread

KateMumsnet · 18/04/2018 14:53

FloraFox we've deleted the screenshots from your post now.

Freshlylaidterf · 18/04/2018 14:53

I reported it too - if my email address is linked to my profile here it could cause me issues
me too

Thegirlinthefireplace · 18/04/2018 14:53

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redhalia · 18/04/2018 14:53

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IAmWonkoTheSane · 18/04/2018 14:54

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Teacuphiccup · 18/04/2018 14:54

Deadnaming is a whole other thread.

treeofhearts · 18/04/2018 14:55

Lady That is just going too far. I mean last I checked, my IP showed me in Sweden but still.

RosenbergW · 18/04/2018 14:55

At what point does this cross the line wrt encouraging or assisting a crime?

MagicJay · 18/04/2018 14:55
ZuriWanders247 · 18/04/2018 14:56

She literally just protected her tweets. I was viewing them all and then LOCKED.

SophoclesTheFox · 18/04/2018 14:56

Thanks for the update, Kate.

reason, with all of your trans friends, you will know as well as we here all know, that there are many mischievous and malicious types with reasonable tech skills within the population who will take this as an open invitation.

It’s hardly comparable to us discussing information that high profile trans people put into the public domain themselves, is it?

foxyliz26 · 18/04/2018 14:56

Anyone concerned should contact the ICO, and or request a Full subject access request from MNHQ

if you are at all concerned you will have to make individual complaints to the ICO

Justine cant be held responsible for every poster on every thread !
as she has already stuck her neck out for us on this !
and repeatedly asked for calm

spontaneousgiventime · 18/04/2018 14:57

This is a disgrace, it's illegal and we all stand a chance our private data has been shared with people who may wish us harm. MNHQ this is no joke and we need to know what data mods have and we need to know quickly.


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Cocolepew · 18/04/2018 14:57

She's protected her tweets now.

rememberthetime · 18/04/2018 14:57

thank you MNHQ for taking this so seriously and getting on to it so fast.

But I suspect the damage is already done...

FrancisCrawford · 18/04/2018 14:58

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