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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

The MNHQ Moderation team

999 replies

BarrackerBarmer · 18/04/2018 12:51


I'm very grateful for the commitment to free speech you've publicly taken, and for Justine's courage this week.

A former disgruntled employee of MN is writing on Twitter about the 'transphobia' of MN staff, and calling you TERFs. She is showing a great deal of bias and intolerance towards women with feminist views, this may well be her honest opinion, which is no big deal I suppose, since she is no longer an employee.

At least, it isn't an issue until she calls a shout out to her
'friends who still work at MN' to report and take down posts by 'transphobic scum', by which she appears to be referring to any poster objecting to being called TERF by her friend.

Regardless of the personal views of the MNHQ staff, who should be as free to hold their own views as I am mine, I am disturbed that there may be a small contingent of employees who are invested in unfair moderation and will not be applying fair-handed principles, at least if the claims of this ex-employee are credible.

Can you please give posters some reassurance that the difficult job of fair-handed moderation isn't being abused by the 'friends' of ex-employees who are 'reporting it all' and taking down posts because any gender criticism means the poster is 'transphobic scum'?

Thank you.

The MNHQ Moderation team
OP posts:
BarrackerBarmer · 18/04/2018 15:06

I have a few screenshots and I will DM the posters who had their IP addresses breached.

OP posts:
LadyMcLadyCrisps · 18/04/2018 15:06

I don't trust someone with an agenda to make a distinction between the GC posters who post politely or neutrally, and those who at times breach the law.

^ this.

Janie143 · 18/04/2018 15:06

There was one posted on here but several on the Twitter thread

MagicJay · 18/04/2018 15:06

Her Twitter is suddenly protected. Emma Healey is shitting herself quietly over in St Albans it would seem.

OlennasWimple · 18/04/2018 15:07

Just a reminder that gmail (and others) can set you up a new, anonymous email address in about 3 minutes that you can use for social media and other online activity. I stopped using my real email address after Jeffrey, and suggest if you are concerned about MN being linked to your real name it might be a good idea to follow suite

CircleSquareCircleSquare · 18/04/2018 15:07

The thread reader someone posted up thread has it all logged, I assume.

DrudgeJedd · 18/04/2018 15:07

This tweet was about Justine

The MNHQ Moderation team
Morphene · 18/04/2018 15:08

I'm sure MN will let the people who have been potentially exposed know. Bringing any more attention to the list will do nothing but expose them further.

Remember what happened in the last data breach - people were helpfully posting list of people who had been compromised, not realising that this made them easier targets for hackers.

DixieFlatline · 18/04/2018 15:08

PS It is honestly so bizarre to me that the majority of these idiots who are incapable of the critical thought required to see a problem with turning dissidence into a crime punishable by the law and/or the mob have actually been, or are in the process of becoming, university educated. I knew that the levels of independent thought encouraged varied through the tiers of universities, but blimey.

Cascade220 · 18/04/2018 15:09

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Globetrotter100 · 18/04/2018 15:09
rememberthetime · 18/04/2018 15:10

Insults are never ideal and should not be tolerated. But this isn't what we are talking about here. This is a data protection issue and it is illegal.

This intern has done something breathtakingly stupid and is just now realising the extent of her actions. I feel sorry for her and in particular, that her passion for her beliefs have led her to act is such an irresponsible way.

But this is what maturity does for us. I helps us to understand that we can be passionate about the things we believe in while still maintaining respectful and boundaries - especially legal ones.

This is a lesson she is just learning. I applaud her strong opinions and her right to express them - but we also have that right and she has just trodden all over that and potentially exposed people. I can't defend that.

DixieFlatline · 18/04/2018 15:11

Thanks BarrackerBarmer, I didn't realise there were multiple.

RefuseToDenounceBiology · 18/04/2018 15:11

Data theft is illegal - perhaps we should report her to the police if @MNHQ don't?

GirlScout72 · 18/04/2018 15:11

This is utterly outrageous. I hope in years to come, she has opportunity to truly reflect on what a betrayal of her own sex this is.

I suspect she has very little idea of just how HUGE this is, or quite what she has done. This is going to be a car crash, and a very public one.

This is a democracy Emma, we have free speech. Like us or hate us, without it, we are ALL completely fucked.

Janie143 · 18/04/2018 15:13

If she left mnhq in March how come some of the screen shots are dated April Is there another person feeding info.

spontaneousgiventime · 18/04/2018 15:13

Emma Healey thought she was so clever posting those screenshots. I hope she is shitting herself, I also hope MNHQ take action through the courts and use her as precedent that MN won't accept this kind of behaviour.

I bet you thought you were so big and smart posting those did you Emma? You now realise you were nothing more than a bloody fool.

MN users should NEVER have to question if our data is safe NEVER!

RosenbergW · 18/04/2018 15:14

Wonder if this will make the next newspaper article on the threats and intimidation by trans activists against this site and its users.

RefuseToDenounceBiology · 18/04/2018 15:14

Btw the rolled out thread linked upthread is still live with all the IP addresses on it.

Cascade220 · 18/04/2018 15:15

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

RosenbergW · 18/04/2018 15:15

Is she still studying at a university?

LovesMaltesers · 18/04/2018 15:17

WOW! So, how safe is our data here? Do mods have access to our email address for example?

I think it's best to assume that anyone at MNHQ working as a mod, has access to anything; your registered email, private messages on MN, IP, all name changes, etc.

I heard once through another forum that mods can read all private messages. Possibly true or not but just think on it.


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HarryLovesDraco · 18/04/2018 15:18

Wow. MNHQ I hope you don't get a pile on here - I'm sure you will take every appropriate action and I'm sorry this is going to bring more shit to your door. We really do appreciate and value you masses.

ScarletBegonias · 18/04/2018 15:18

No longer a student according to her biography which is readily available via Twitter.

TeaEnjoyingRadientFeminist · 18/04/2018 15:18

If she left mnhq in March how come some of the screen shots are dated April Is there another person feeding info.

The screenshots from March and April don't have the moderator view, just the ordinary one, which suggests she's just taken them as a guest/normal user.

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