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What is the most chilling book you've ever read?

190 replies

Beatgrrl · 05/12/2019 14:50

At this time of year, I really love to snuggle up under a blanket, get all comfy and absolutely terrify myself with a great book and I could really use some recommendations. Which books have been absolutely bone-chillingly terrifying for you? Which have been the books that have left you too afraid to turn the lights out; too afraid to move? Which books have made you feel too scared to turn the page?

OP posts:
Meltedicicle · 06/12/2019 08:14

Yet another vote for We need to talk about Kevin. One of the few books I’ve read more than once.

And not so much horror but a very chilling/disturbing ‘can’t put it down’ book I read recently was A Little Life.

CusheyButterfield · 06/12/2019 08:23

I would recommend Dark Matter by Michelle Paver if you're after something spooky. I absolutely loved it!

Raahh · 06/12/2019 08:25

Another Stephen King short story- The Long Walk, not a horror one, but truly horrific. Very much a precurser to the likes of the Hunger games. It has affected me lot since I first read it. I have read it over and over, and get the same feelings every time.

I think a film is being made of it, and I hope they don't ruin the mood of sheer desperation. ( sounds a riot, doesn't it, Grin).

Cyberworrier · 06/12/2019 08:35

Julie Myerson’s The Stopped Heart is a good, atmospheric, haunting story. Not as out and out scary as some mentioned here.
I much preferred the book of the Haunting of Hill House to the film so may have v different taste! I thought the book was terrifying and amazingly written.
Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire Fuller, creepy and tense story of girl being brought up by a survivalist who is going increasingly insane and withdrawing from the world, with her. Beautifully written.

EskewedBeef · 06/12/2019 08:43

Dark Matter is the only book that I've had to put down for a bit because I was getting too scared. I've read a lot of horror, but that one was standout, genuinely frightening.

il0vew1ne · 06/12/2019 08:48

another vote for Kevin - you need to read it a couple of times as others have said.

user5656 · 06/12/2019 08:58

We need to talk about Kevin. It's haunted me so much that I've never been able to read it more than once, but after the comments here maybe I will try.

MurrayTheMonk · 06/12/2019 09:56

I've just bought about ten books off the back of this thread Grin

Lori79 · 06/12/2019 10:14

Kevin was a v good book, but chilling in an emotionally disturbing way. I prefer to be chilled by a gothic / historical genre that spooks me Smile

ShellsandSand · 06/12/2019 10:22

The Room - Hubert Selby

Moondancer73 · 06/12/2019 11:33

The Historian is a great book. I read a book years ago which I'd love to read again but I've forgotten the authors name. It's set around Aleister Crowley and was so creepy, the author was a man, it's a book that really stayed with me

Willow2017 · 06/12/2019 12:12

The Road! One long depressing read, I stopped halfway through and had a break! But its chilling in its simplicity and bleakness. And I cried buckets at the end even though its inevitable.
Some of Stephen King books/short stories are unsettling like 'Apt Pupil' and especially 'Big Driver' is hard to read re the rape of the main character and I had to force myself to read on till the end.
James Herbert writes some very unsettling stories set in what should be idyllic situations Grin
The Wicker Man is pretty un-nerving too, there is more to it than shown in the film.

JasminaPashmina · 06/12/2019 12:18

The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters

Dracula by Bram Stoker

The Historian by someone I can't remember

Honeybee85 · 06/12/2019 12:20

Bram Stokers Dracula.
It utterly creeped me out the first time I read it and it did again after reading it for the second time over 10 years later.

Honeybee85 · 06/12/2019 12:24

And Birdman by Mo Hayder. Terrifying and grim.

Some of Patricia Cornwell’s books about dr. Kay Scarpetta are also not recommended to read on your own at night.

lalafafa · 06/12/2019 12:26

The Road by Cormack McCarthy

PlausibleSuit · 06/12/2019 12:30

Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. One of the most skilfully unsettling things I've ever read. Brilliant, and stays with you.

Greenteandchives · 06/12/2019 12:33

Sarah’s Key written by Tatiana del Rosnay.
Still can’t forget this book.

OhMrDarcy · 06/12/2019 12:34

Another vote for The Road - the most depressing post-apocalyptic book I have ever read. Lingered with me for ages and I've just given my copy away as I'm not going to re-read it ( and I re-read everything).

darkriver19886 · 06/12/2019 12:42

The rain by Dean Kootz- was terrifying.
The house. I can't remember it's a name but it was a mind-bender and quiet terrifying

DoctorTwo · 06/12/2019 12:58

The Reflecting Eye, a novella at the end of the short story collection Nocturnes by John Connolly. You'll never want to go into a hall of mirrors ever again. :o

tellmewhenthespaceshiplandscoz · 06/12/2019 13:04

Dark Matter getting a lot of reccs ... can anyone give some plot clues without spoilers if that's possible?


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BernardsarenotalwaysSaints · 06/12/2019 13:12

The Thirteenth Tale by Diana Setterfirld. It wasn’t so much chilling as unsettling. Damn good read though & I often recommend it to people.

Boireannachlaidir · 06/12/2019 13:15

Yep the 3 I would've suggested have already been mentioned by PP!

The Wasp Factory, The Collector and The Little Stranger all fit the bill.

Some of Jessie Burton's writing too.

American Psycho and We need to talk about Kevin are disturbing but not in that eerie gothic atmospheric chilling way that the others are.

StarlingsInSummer · 06/12/2019 13:16

‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King, or Pet Sematery. Or a short story by Gerald Durrell called The Entrance.

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