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What is the most chilling book you've ever read?

190 replies

Beatgrrl · 05/12/2019 14:50

At this time of year, I really love to snuggle up under a blanket, get all comfy and absolutely terrify myself with a great book and I could really use some recommendations. Which books have been absolutely bone-chillingly terrifying for you? Which have been the books that have left you too afraid to turn the lights out; too afraid to move? Which books have made you feel too scared to turn the page?

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granhands1 · 05/12/2019 22:09

Midwinter of the spirit or anything else by Phil Rickman

Cacacoisfarraige · 05/12/2019 22:13

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Pinkarsedfly · 05/12/2019 22:14

Fellside by MR Carey.
The Haunting Of Hill House by Shirley Jackson.
Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin.
The Woman In Black by Susan Hill.
Pet Semetary by Stephen King.
Duma Key by Stephen King.
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty.

FairyJuice · 05/12/2019 22:19

Ooh I've just downloaded Naomi's Room now but I'm afraid to start reading it Grin

I'm one of the minority who didn't like Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House at all! Just found it dull and full of unlikeable characters. Much preferred the (almost unrelated) TV series.

Gingerkittykat · 05/12/2019 22:23

We Were Liars by E Lockhart.

It's a YA book but it chilled me to the bone.

TheVanguardSix · 05/12/2019 22:26

Oh yes, We Need to Talk About Kevin is a fantastic book. The whole book is written in the first person as letters to her husband. It's brilliant and a tough read, yet a page turner.

John Wayne Gacy: Defending a Monster... well, if you know about John Wayne Gacy, the nice community guy, involved in local politics, ran a very successful business but in his spare time, killed 30 young men and buried them underneath his house, you'll understand that this was not an easy read. But it was written with integrity by his defence lawyer. It was totally fascinating reading it from his defence lawyer's point of view. And he really does not indulge in gratuitous shock value. I was worried about this. I did not want to be terrified (kinda hard not to be considering the actual events). It's a gruesome story, told with respect for the reader and the victims. There's lots of legal stuff which I liked but some readers may find dull.

blue25 · 05/12/2019 23:02

Slade House by David Mitchell

livingmyslothlife · 05/12/2019 23:10

Hearts Invisible Furies by John Boyne not chilling in a horror sense but real life sense. Read it early this year and it has stayed with me.

Gothic Horror I Enjoyed Silent Companions and The corset both by Laura Purcell.

SqueakyChicken · 05/12/2019 23:18

In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
The Snowman - Jo Nesbo

elQuintoConyo · 05/12/2019 23:35

The Wasp Factory. It still haunts me 20 years on.

American Psycho, just pure disgust. Very good, but horrible.

Trainspotting had some awful bits.

I second pp's suggestion of Poe's The Mask of the Red Death

TheVanguardSix · 05/12/2019 23:45

In Cold Blood! Yes! One of my longtime favourites. Truman Capote is brilliant.

PatriciaBateman · 06/12/2019 00:15

We Need to Talk About Kevin is like two books in one.

I read it through the first time with no preconceptions and all of my focus was on the horror that was Kevin.

Then a friend told me to read it again with a skeptic's eye on the mother as an unreliable narrator and narcissist...
completely changed the story and blew my mind.

A bit like Lolita - different ways to filter/interpret the words on the page.

Linnet · 06/12/2019 00:25

The ice twins Is by S.k Tremayne, it was really good.
I don’t find Susan Hill books scary at all. James Herbert books can be scary though, I agree Haunted is a great book.

daisydalrymple · 06/12/2019 01:15

Pet Semetary
Followed by Salem’s lot
Both Stephen King

Judashascomeintosomemoney · 06/12/2019 01:48

Well, obvious ones like M.R.James and Edgar Allan Poe, but if you mean more recent then:
The Little Stranger - Sarah Waters
The Small Hand - Susan Hill (also The Mist in the Mirror)
The Loney - Andrew Hurley
If you want non fiction, the Lucie Blackman story People Who Eat Darkness and Vincent Bugliosi’s Helter Skelter about the Manson Family murders.

BitOfFun · 06/12/2019 01:52

Pig Island by Mo Hayder.

Coldhandscoldheart · 06/12/2019 05:10

@Househunt1 not a thing everyone does? I was a teenager, and I’m not sure why it freaked me out quite as much as it did. But yeah, couldn’t look at it.

RubbishRubbishRubbish · 06/12/2019 05:32

The Girl In The Box about Colleen Stan. Exceptionally chilling because it's a true story.

RubbishRubbishRubbish · 06/12/2019 05:33

Also agree with The Collector and Wasp Factory, especially the latter.

blamethecat · 06/12/2019 05:34

Peter James has some excellent chilling books, particularly Prophecy.
Mo Hayder also excellent.

wishing4sun · 06/12/2019 07:30

Thinner by Richard Bachman aka Stephen king
I don't know why it just stuck with me as terrifying.

TheBitchOfTheVicar · 06/12/2019 07:38

American Psycho: I read it when I was 26 and it gave me many, many nightmares Shock


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icannotremember · 06/12/2019 07:45

Birdbox and Kevin as pp have said. Kevin really gets at you.

The Stephen King short story called Apt Pupil is creepy and disturbing. I know lots of King works are, but that one for some reason really unsettled me.

Saucery · 06/12/2019 07:47

Starve Acre by Andrew Michael Hurley really got under my skin.

thesunwillout · 06/12/2019 07:50

I really enjoyed Thin Air, that was creepy and The Silent Companions.

Both set in old times.

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