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What is the most chilling book you've ever read?

190 replies

Beatgrrl · 05/12/2019 14:50

At this time of year, I really love to snuggle up under a blanket, get all comfy and absolutely terrify myself with a great book and I could really use some recommendations. Which books have been absolutely bone-chillingly terrifying for you? Which have been the books that have left you too afraid to turn the lights out; too afraid to move? Which books have made you feel too scared to turn the page?

OP posts:
JaneJeffer · 05/12/2019 15:36

Transgressions by Sarah Dunant

Lepetitpiggy · 05/12/2019 15:39

A lot of Susan Hills short stories are fabulous - 'The Little Hand' and 'Dolly' spring to mind.

tellmewhenthespaceshiplandscoz · 05/12/2019 15:40

Place marking also.

I'll add Mrs Mcgilvery. Recommend on MN some time ago, it's by Colin Gibson.

Bigsighall · 05/12/2019 15:41

Yy to the perfect child!

tellmewhenthespaceshiplandscoz · 05/12/2019 15:42

On the flip side I've just finished Haunting Of Hill House after watching the (excellent) Netflix series. It was pretty much a different story and very dull with characters I didn't give a stuff about. Ditto Anhialation, that's a week of my life that could have spent on a good book Confused

Apolloanddaphne · 05/12/2019 15:44

Under the Skin by Michel Faber. I found it very chilling and skin crawlingly creepy. It stayed with me for a long time.

Danascully2 · 05/12/2019 15:44

The ice twins (can't remember authors name).

Beatgrrl · 05/12/2019 15:45

Yeah, I couldn't get on with Haunting of Hill House, but The Lottery and We Have Always Lived in the Castle also by Shirley Jackson are two of my favourites.

OP posts:
Blacmange · 05/12/2019 15:45

Following this thread. I have just looked at amazon reviews for The Perfect Child and they mention animal cruelty OP. I can’t stomach that either so won’t be getting it

scorpido · 05/12/2019 15:46

Naomi's room

Blacmange · 05/12/2019 15:47

I really enjoyed all Susan Hill novels that I’ve read but didn’t find them scary or chilling. They’re atmospheric though and good for this time of year,

tellmewhenthespaceshiplandscoz · 05/12/2019 15:47

Cheers OP, I'll try those.

Threads like this act like a good kick up the backside to me to stop faffing on my phone when I get to bed and get back to reading again which I really love. I'm now going to start an Amazon list for my kindle.

SillyUnMurphy · 05/12/2019 15:48

Naomi's Room. Utterly terrifying and horrifying.

I had heard this book advertised on the radio over and over when I was twelve and, enjoying scaring myself shitless, I asked my mum for it for Christmas. God it was horrible. It still haunts me to this day if I ever, God forbid, think about it in the middle of the night.

BeardedVulture · 05/12/2019 15:49

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski is scary and very weird. I've not read it on Kindle though so not sure how well it would translate to that format

Peanutbutteryogurt · 05/12/2019 15:50

Birdbox. I know lots of people don't like it but it really affected me! I read it in about two days and used to catch myself staring at the window in the middle of the night making a plan for what we could do if it happened, did we have enough stuff to cover all our windows etc...

haverhill · 05/12/2019 15:50

Christine by Stephen King. Scared the beejeesus out of me.

crosser62 · 05/12/2019 15:51

The shining

Househunt1 · 05/12/2019 15:54

@coldhandscoldheart turning the book around on the book shelf haha that made me laugh

moodolph · 05/12/2019 15:57

I read terror by night written by terry caffey. It is a true story written by him regarding the murder of his wife and two sons by their daughters boyfriend. His daughter is serving two life sentences for her part in it. It will haunt me forever.

Fizbo · 05/12/2019 16:07

Forgot to mention The House on Cold Hill and The Secret of Cold Hill by Peter James, very atmospheric and creepy!

Beatgrrl · 05/12/2019 16:15

My personal pick would be Let the Right One in byJohn Ajvide Lindqvist. It's perfect for this time of year and although it can be quite chilling it's also quite beautiful too.

OP posts:
Furballs35 · 05/12/2019 16:26

Naomi's Room by Jonathan Aycliffe
Bird Box by Josh Malerman (the film was awful, nothing like the book). I read it a few years before the film and it stayed with me for a very long time.
Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware was a little bit scary


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Foghead · 05/12/2019 16:42

Me too!

Naomi’s room was terrifying. I have The Historian at home so will start that.

Snozzlemaid · 05/12/2019 19:35

Mo Hayder's Birdman and also The Treatment.

Kyriesmum1 · 05/12/2019 19:41

Poppet has to read it all in one go 😖

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