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Weight Watchers

vintage WW 2016

85 replies

Wardy1993 · 08/02/2016 18:56

Hello all!

I've been using the vintage weight watchers system for A week now and lost half a stone, I have 3 to lose in total. I was just wondering if there was anyone else using the vintage system and if so thought we could share experiences/ support.

Thanks Smile

OP posts:
ThymeLord · 08/01/2018 15:02

Gosh I remember your website from years ago wilf. I found it invaluable, so thank you!

I have just posted on the other vintage thread that popped up on here. Maybe we should start a new one so we are all posting in the same place?

I got to goal a week before Christmas, a total loss of 7 stone 1lb. From 17 stone, to 9stone 13lb in 16 months. I did put 6lbs on over Christmas which I need to lose Grin

Is anyone interested in starting a separate single vintage points thread?

ThymeLord · 08/01/2018 15:03

I'd also definitely be interested in buying an app, if you created one Smile

wilfscorner · 08/01/2018 15:18

Hi there ThymeLord.
You can see a couple of links to the app (iOS and Android) on this page:

It's very basic but I'd be happy to consider any changes that people want.
Cheers, Wilf.

ThymeLord · 08/01/2018 16:55

Excellent, I will have a look when I get home Smile

Minimar · 27/03/2018 18:05

Does anyone still do the old weight watchers with the calculator where you input caories and saturated fat to get points value of food ?

ThymeLord · 16/04/2018 15:43

Me Grin

wilfscorner · 25/04/2018 15:22

I recently made a change to Vintage WW app that will very soon be available on iOS for your iPhone or iPad.
Android version to follow.
You can now store your daily allowance and a weekly bankable amount that is depleted should you overshoot your daily points.
Hopefully this can be useful!



p.s. please do request any changes to the app via email ([email protected]). I'm always looking to change things :-)

ThymeLord · 30/04/2018 13:55

I'm getting a new 'phone tomorrow so will be buying your app then Grin

wilfscorner · 01/05/2018 11:08

@ThymeLord Thanks so much. Please use this thread or mail me at [email protected] to request any changes. I'm happy to adapt the app based on popular requirements.

Mimigug · 29/08/2018 20:49

I know this thread is no longer active but i jus wanna say thanks to all those who posted on here providing vital information about the vintage point system & sharing your success! Im going at it alone and using itrackbites app where the classic points setting is based on calories and saturated fat jus like the WW i had much success with in the past. The new versions of WW are terrible. I dont want freedom of certain foods and then be “charged” a hell of a lot in points for sweet or savoury snacks. Afterall, how much chicken breast, eggs and veg can u eat? Id much rather have everything available to me within a simple allowance/calculation and portion control. Anyone considering getting the app might wanna know that its American so has mostly American foods and most annoyingly, American units of measure of cups and oz which i just cant warm up to but having spent a fair bit of time saving my own long list of favourites and foods i regularly eat, im well on my way! The scanner is really useful and the point calculator along with other tools is right there so im happy with it. week one is over and 4lb down so whoop whoop! Thanks again to you guys, no other diet has ever worked for me either. :)

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