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Weight Watchers

vintage WW 2016

85 replies

Wardy1993 · 08/02/2016 18:56

Hello all!

I've been using the vintage weight watchers system for A week now and lost half a stone, I have 3 to lose in total. I was just wondering if there was anyone else using the vintage system and if so thought we could share experiences/ support.

Thanks Smile

OP posts:
Mozfan1 · 08/11/2016 22:09

That sounds like vintage

Did you do half points? And point for fruit? If so it was prob vintage

Nyancat · 09/11/2016 03:52

Yep I did half points and pointed fruit, thanks. Might try and give it another go that way. Thanks

hayser33 · 22/11/2016 12:16

Can I join this thread?
I too have struggles with the new adapted pronouns /smart points system.
Much preferred "vintage"
I've found an old recipe book with so excited lovely meal ideas if anyone wants me to screen shot some of them and post on here
I am 5.4 and about 13.3 I think..I've put a stone on this year-I was slimmer last year and I'd just had a baby for heavens sake !!
Would like to lose about 7 pounds before Christmas eve !!

ThymeLord · 15/12/2016 16:26

Hi Nyancat that would be what is classed as vintage now. It was called 1, 2, 3 Success in 2000 but it's basically the same plan as SWITCH and Discover so you can buy books etc. on ebay.

Hi hayser, I sort of forgot about this thread because it was so quiet but it seems like there are a couple of us now so let's keep it going!

I'm halfway through week 13 and so far I have lost 2 stone 9lbs doing "vintage" points :-)

ThymeLord · 22/01/2017 09:51

Updating again just for anyone who's following or might find this thread with a search....

I had 11 days off over Christmas, ate and drank whatever I wanted and gained 8lbs. Wasn't bothered as I'd had a thoroughly good time stuffing my fat face! Have lost the 8lbs, plus another 1lb for good measure and have now lost exactly 3 stone with my next weigh in due tomorrow Smile

JanieLovesLuckySocks · 24/01/2017 15:27

hi ww buddies! well donr on your weight losses so far!

i was hoping to join in the chat - i did ww propoints before my wedding in 2012 and managed to lose 2.5stone, it's obviously now back on (2 babies and a greed fest later) and after trying everything else, i've dug out my old pocket guides and trying to re familiarise myself with the program.

i can't afford to rejoin the group so i will try to go it alone at home. fingers crossed.

has anyone got an app recommendation for propoints uk?

dizzyb23 · 25/01/2017 18:00

Hallo to everyone. I've been looking everywhere for copies of the old WW Quick Start programme. I started doing it 1988 ish. It was difficult at first but then something clicked and i ended up losing 7 stone. It took about 9 months but it became such an integral part of my life. I moved away and during the move i lost all my booklets.
I'm now at the point were i must lose weight after recovering from cancer and gallbladder disease. I'm looking for these booklets or photo copies of them. I've tried other plans but nothing fits me at all. And i'm not able to afford to attend meetings. If anyone knows of any way i can get hold of copies of these treasured little booklets, i'd be eternally grateful. I've ordered an old Quick Start cook book from Amazon for £2.00 and am hoping this helps me remember how to do this amazing diet. I would love to hear how everyone else is doing with their diets. Other peoples stories are always inspirational. Thanks

RandomMcRandomface · 28/01/2017 11:11

I've just found this thread and keen to join! I had great success with VP in 2003 but nothing has worked since. I'm going to try and replicate it based on what I remember Smile

RandomMcRandomface · 28/01/2017 11:13

P.s. I think VP worked because it was easy and less food was 'free', plus with the half points it was easier to calculate

Jane2017 · 30/01/2017 06:46

Hi everyone , I've just joined , I love vintage points and you will be pleased to know that you can get a free calculator by tying in Google vintage points calculator and then just save it to your bookmarks, hope this helps some of you

stevie69 · 31/01/2017 07:02

I've been managing OK on Smart Points but I really did prefer the simplicity of the old Points plan, so I'm glad to have found this thread.

Tonight is weigh-in night and, starting tomorrow, I'll start using Points and see how it goes.

I checked out my old cookery books and found that all the best ones are for the Points system. Result Smile

Good luck everyone. Let's share ups and downs on here.

S xx

Jane2017 · 31/01/2017 11:47

Hi , good luck stevie, if you total your points up for the week and stick to what your allowed weekly , you can save some up for a cheat day , you will still lose same amount of weight as long as you keep in your weekly points

stevie69 · 31/01/2017 16:26

Thanks Jane, I haven't got much further to go and am nearly at the end of an epic seven year journey, upon which a new maintenance journey will commence. So, it's been.... drop a dress size, maintain for a year. Rinse. And repeat Smile. I currently have around half a stone to do.

Please do let's share on here. The group stuff has really kept me going over the years.

Good luck , all.

S x

Jane2017 · 31/01/2017 20:42

That's really good stevie , well done ! I put on weight over xmas about 9 pounds so since then I have lost 3 , so 6 to go , I do have cheat days but as long as I'm losing a pound of fat a week I'm happy with that and I enjoy different diets to maintain but for now I'm enjoying vintage points as it's a change from calorie counting

RandomMcRandomface · 01/02/2017 01:11

Well I am now day three using VP and feel more on track that I have felt in a long time.

I think VP works for me as well because it doesn't punish bread as much, which I love, and when I did VP I ate a lot of bread and still lost a lot of weight. I really struggle to cut out bread under other programmes then fall off the wagon.

I think I need to look up that app though as there are foods I eat now that I never ate back in 2003 the first time around ie anything moderately exotic

Jane2017 · 01/02/2017 10:32

Weight Watchers® Calculator - Vintage Points.... that's the link to get the free vintage calculator
I have 20 points a day and was wondering if you get any flexi points ? as I can't remember , one site says you can have 35 to use when you like ?

Galmptongirl · 17/03/2017 19:35

Hi, is anybody still doing this? Would be great for support group! I did very well on it years ago and having now having tried just about everything else am going back to what worked!

ThymeLord · 20/03/2017 20:20

Hi Galmptongirl! I'm still doing this. Lost 3 stone 12lbs so far. Happy to help out with anything if you need it Smile

Galmptongirl · 22/03/2017 19:51

Hi, wow that's sounds good! Would you mind sharing some of your days menus as I'm just acquainting my self with the points values again. Having done pro points, SW and most other things I need to get back to old fashioned points.. I have got a pack of stuff from eBay to remind me. Last time I lost weight I was at home with small children but now I'm back at work it's seems more difficult to plan for! I seem to remember a lot of O pt soup! Thanks

ThymeLord · 10/04/2017 15:19

Oops, forgot about the thread again...going to pin it or something so I remember!

I'm up to a loss of 4 stone 2 lbs now, and it's weigh in tonight so i'm hoping for another loss! I'm at work at the minute but I will post some of my menus later on, if you like? I'm vegetarian but you could always add/drop things to suit yourself!

ThymeLord · 11/04/2017 10:17

A rather pathetic 1lb off last night but the losses have really started to slow down now so i'll take the pound! 4 stone 3lbs in total now!

ThymeLord · 20/04/2017 10:50

I'm just updating again for anyone who is following, or comes across this thread at a later stage. Also so I have a bit of a record for myself!

Lost 4 stone 5lbs so far now. Grin


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LexyD99 · 01/05/2017 08:37

hello all, can i join you? I'm not a mum (unless you include my cat that is) but I too have gone back to the old Vintage, or discover plan, I was always very successful when I did it years ago, but since then no other plans have fitted in with my lifestyle - I'm a veggie that likes to eat out a couple of times a week, and I love my wine. On this plan that was possible as you could save points, plus meals out aren't ridiculously high in points! I lost 3 stone myself, gave up smoking over a year ago and so gained some. I've just lost 7lbs in a couple of weeks, and have around 7 pounds left to shift to get back to where I was, be nice to keep up with everyone on here :-) xx

ThymeLord · 17/05/2017 15:35

Hi Lexy

I'm veggie, mostly vegan, so we can probably help each other out with points/tips etc. 7lbs in a couple of weeks is brilliant, a really good loss! How are you doing at the moment?

I'm up to a total loss of 4 stone 12lbs now. It's my birthday on Friday and i've got a night out planned for Saturday so am saving points all week so I can drink my considerable body weight in wine!

NiftyNanny · 17/05/2017 17:51

I first had success on the Switch plan - which I've gone back on because it's so simple and straightforward for me to follow.

I remember that you can carry something like up to 5 points over to the next day / previous day...

I've lost 9lb in 2 weeks and that included a pretty heavy drinking weekend!

Looking forward to shifting more. It's really hard to find places for support cos while I believe in body positivity & don't think there's anything wrong with being fat & healthy - it's totally possible to be both - I have a condition where my joints dislocate and I know my back and hips really feel it when I carry extra weight. I also know 2 out of 3 people I know with the same condition have needed to use wheelchairs and I'd like to avoid that if I can!

So I'm stuck between worlds... on Facebook where people encourage unhealthy eating patterns (been there done that, made myself really ill and too skinny) and this body positive world where any weight loss is seen as giving in to misogyny & fatphobia in society.


I think what I like about the old WW is that you end up eating so many vegetables and healthy stuff because so much is no count!

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