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Weight Watchers

vintage WW 2016

85 replies

Wardy1993 · 08/02/2016 18:56

Hello all!

I've been using the vintage weight watchers system for A week now and lost half a stone, I have 3 to lose in total. I was just wondering if there was anyone else using the vintage system and if so thought we could share experiences/ support.

Thanks Smile

OP posts:
ThymeLord · 17/05/2017 21:19

Hi NiftyNanny, I've got my old SWITCH books which I'm using to do it at home. It's 4 points you can save per day, as long as you use them within the week Smile

9lbs in two weeks is fab. It really helps to spur you on when you get great losses like that!

I know what you mean about support, or lack of. It can be hard to find the right niche I think. Personally I've got into a mindset of being my harshest critic - not as messed up as it sounds honest! I just find friends and family will say oh you're fine as you are or, you've lost enough now, when realistically I know it's my health not my dress size that matters. So I'm tough on myself if that makes sense Grin

I know what you mean about veg! It's great to fill up on but it's costing me a fortune!

NiftyNanny · 18/05/2017 06:54

It really does cost a bomb right!?
I'm really lucky to have an allotment and I've got some salad on the go in my yard, so at least in a month or so I'll be able to use some of that. And then courgettes!

I popped in to Farm Foods as there's one opposite college & got 5 bags of frozen veg for £4, including peppers & green beans, so I'm going to use those for some meals. I was a bit worried about starting it as I'm vegan and didn't want the limitations on seeds and nuts etc but ...I think they're what made me gain in the first place & if you get all the selenium you need from 2 Brazil nuts... I probably don't need a massive slice of home made flapjack that's about 30% seeds!

Thanks for the right point carrying - I wish I knew where my books were! I've got a horrible feeling I gave them to a charity shop. Those were ones I bought off eBay years ago as well, to replace the old ones I'd lost!

ThymeLord · 21/05/2017 17:55

Oh how brilliant that you have an allotment! I'm jealous. I must bother to start growing a few bits.

I get my veg from farmfoods too. Haven't tried the green beans so I'll give those a go next time I pop in. The sliced cabbage is brill for chucking in soups and stir frys. I'm going vegan slowly over this year. Been veggie for 30 years and really wanted to go vegan. It's so easy to convince yourself you're being healthy whilst filling up on nuts isn't it!

Happy to photocopy and scan/post you anything you need from the books. I don't have the shopping and eating out guides, don't think there'd be any point buying them though as the info would be very dated. I bought a points calculator app which was about 79p and it's great. I think they do it for iPhone and Android - might be worth a look Smile

ThymeLord · 23/05/2017 14:34

Just updating with my weigh in result from last night! 2lbs off, so I have officially lost 5 stone now Grin

Squab1972 · 05/06/2017 00:05

Hi everybody I am going back to the old pro points system as my weight has gone back on again. I have tried smart points and I cannot get my head around it , :( I lost 4 stone and 8lbs on the old discovery plan and got to goal ! So now I am going back to basics as I feel that it could work well for me.

Tracyw43 · 06/06/2017 07:42

I followed the switch plan years ago , put 3.5 stone back on :( ive tried new ww cant get on with it , i still have all my switch info other than how to work out my daily points, can anyone help with this
Thanks xx

ThymeLord · 06/06/2017 14:29

Hi Tracy, this is the old points quiz

  1. If you are male 9 points If you are female 3 points

  2. Are you breastfeeding? No 0 points. EBF 10 points. Supplemented BF (with formula/solid foods) 5 points.

  3. How old are you? 16-20 5 points. 21-35 4 points. 36-50 3 points. 51-65 2 points. Over 65 1 point.

  4. How many STONES do you weigh? 1 point for each STONE (ignore the lbs!)

  5. How tall are you? Under 5ft 4 1 point. Over 5ft 4 2 points.

  6. In your day to day life are you; sitting down most of the time? 0 points. Occassionally sitting but mainly standing? 2 points. Walking most of the time? 4 points. Doing physically hard work most of the time? 6 points.

    For good health the minimum points allowance is 16 and the maximum 40.

    You can save up points if for example you are going out for a meal but should only ever save 4 points from each day. Use these saved points within a week as you cannot carry them over to the next week.
    Retake the quiz when; your weight drops the next stone down. You go into a new age bracket. Your daily activity levels change. You begin or stop breastfeeding.

    HTH Grin
Tracyw43 · 06/06/2017 17:45

Thats brilliant thank you so much :)

ThymeLord · 13/06/2017 10:37

No probs Smile

If you need any info, i've got most of the old books so can look things up!

Leahshannon123 · 23/06/2017 03:42


ThymeLord · 27/06/2017 09:03

Just updating for anyone who is following, and also for my own record! Lost 5lbs at weigh in last night so I've now lost a grand total of 5 stone 4lbs! 10lbs left to get to goal!

Leahshannon123 · 28/06/2017 13:53

Hi could you give me points for muller yogurts bread milk chicken Linda McCartney red onion and rosemary sausage thank you so much x

Leahshannon123 · 28/06/2017 13:55

Sorry meant to say on discovery vintage xx

Leahshannon123 · 29/06/2017 05:33

Hi can anyone tell me how many points for bread potatoes milk bran flakes weetabix fruit chicken bacon on discovery thanks in advancex

ThymeLord · 29/06/2017 14:38

I'll have a look at my books when I get home and find the points Smile

ThymeLord · 10/07/2017 14:56

Sorry, I forgot I said i'd come back to the thread! Linda McCartney sausages are 2.5 points for 2 sausages. Fruit is different for each kind of fruit. I'm vegan so I don't know about chicken or bacon i'm afraid. Bread is around 1.5 points per slice. Milk it depends whether you have full fat, semi skimmed or skimmed.

oldfatandstressed · 03/08/2017 12:41

Hi all,
Just started the vintage version again three days ago. Have got to do something- am 2 pounds below what I weighed before having my first (enormous) baby and officially weigh more than my husband (sob sob!)
Have been googling up a storm about the vintage version- does anyone know if you get any flexi-points (I seem to recall being able to use up to ten or so more if you needed it but only once a month or something)? The best thing about the vintage version is that it is only 1 point for a gin and slimline tonic! I will keep posting my progress- gotta try hold myself accountable some way!

Fallenangelflick · 27/08/2017 17:49

Hi all
I lost loads on vintage points and stayed there a long while! Tried pro points slimming world and smart points and I have gained 4stone!! Back to the old school for me!!!

Leahshannon123 · 27/08/2017 18:09

Hi I would love a old card what or graph where you can Cals with sat fat no diet like it

Fallenangelflick · 27/08/2017 18:20

I found an Online with calculator that you put in the cals and sat fat and it works out the points

Leahshannon123 · 27/08/2017 18:35

Can anyone send me pick of graph for Cals sat fat to my email thanks

Leahshannon123 · 28/08/2017 21:25

Hi everyone cauld someone please put points for food bread chicken portions potatoes ryvita mackerel in tomatoe sauce just basic sorry to bother you thanks x


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LadyD33 · 20/09/2017 00:32

Hi Leah, have you seen the website one more It is American but lists the WW points for everything under the sun. It gives the value in the three different ww plans that have been around over the years. I think the vintage points system is the same for US & UK. I'll have to double check. I have all the old vintage ww booklets etc in the attic & have resolved to get them dwn this Friday! If you still need the points values for that stuff let me know. I'm going to be starting nxt wk myself so I plan on posting here regularly for motivation although not much action on here at the moment. It would be great to hear how you are getting on all the same. I wish they never changed the old weight watchers points system as would be great to go to meetings for support but I'm going to try to tap into different threads on here for support.

LadyD33 · 26/09/2017 12:37

Hi everyone, I'm just starting Vintage WW this week. I know this thread has become quite. So a little bit more action on another thread I'm linking into.
Thymelord you have done amazing & your losses will spur me on when the going gets tough! I eat a lot of vegetarian food & am intolerant to dairy. I know that you are vegetarian / vegan. Do you have any meal plans or menu ideas or can you even point me in the direction of where I can find them. I'd really appreciate it, Ta.

wilfscorner · 11/10/2017 14:55


I just wanted to mention that I have a web page that I set up to help me lose weight several years ago and I still use it!

It's at

I'm also developing an app for iOS that will allow you to install it and use it without any internet connection.

If that's of any interest to anyone I'll gladly post here when it's available.
I may charge for it as I don't much like putting adverts in things but it won't be a lot.


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