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Question Thread for New Year Bootcampers

782 replies

BigStickBIWI · 07/01/2013 16:14

As there are so many of us doing this, the chat thread is moving pretty quickly - and it means that lots of questions are being missed.

So here is a specific thread you to post any questions you might have about Bootcamp or low carbing.

OP posts:
EwanHoozami · 07/01/2013 17:33

thekitchenfairy I think that lemon and lime juice can add up to being a bit carby. And a clever person on another thread (forgotten who Blush ) was saying that citric acid is unhelpful to ketosis.

I like to put a chunk of cucumber in a water jug and leave it to diffuse for a bit and pretend I'm in a posh spa

slatternlymother · 07/01/2013 17:36

Ooooh thekitchenfairy I have not tried Thrones! Where's it to? Wink

BigStickBIWI · 07/01/2013 17:36

The best data I can find gives amounts for the juice of 1 lime, which it says is 3.2g carbs or 1 fl oz, which is 2.59g

That's assuming fresh lime.

I'd go easy with it, as it's probably quite easy to add a lot.

Or - buy yourself mineral water! I prefer sparkling water anyway, as I find it more refreshing and thirst-quenching.

OP posts:
LucyVFood · 07/01/2013 17:37

Does anyone have any thoughts on coleslaw? Or does it depend on the brand?

All experts are fab and amazing btw Thanks

BigStickBIWI · 07/01/2013 17:45

Coleslaw varies enormously - I did a post about it a while ago, I'll see if I can find it!

OP posts:
BigStickBIWI · 07/01/2013 17:46

Here you go:

From the Sainsbury's website alone:

Basics CS - 3.7g carbs per 100g
Taste the Difference CS - 4.8g carbs per 100g
Taste the Difference West Country Cheddar CS - 5.1g carbs per 100g
Deli Style CS - 5.4 g carbs per 100g
Jalapeno CS - 5.6g carbs per 100g
Be Good To Yourself - 6.2g carbs per 100g
Cheese CS - 6.5g carbs per 100g
Mango & Chilli CS - 7.2g carbs per 100g
Peanut Satay CS - 8.7g carbs per 100g

So Sainsbury's Basics it is! (Or make your own - then it will be additive-free)

OP posts:
Rollergirl1 · 07/01/2013 18:29

How many grams of carbs should you be aiming for per day? I did see it posted somewhere but there are so many threads and posts that I don't have a hope in hell of finding.

MFP has calculated that I had 28 grams of carbs yesterday. Is that okay?

LucyVFood · 07/01/2013 18:46

Oh brilliant, thank you!

Making my own sounds like a nice weekend task. I'll try and dig out a recipe.

AuntieMaggie · 07/01/2013 19:01

I need a reminder about the daily carb limit too please :o

Jacaqueen · 07/01/2013 19:04

On Bootcamp we don't really have a carb limit but Atkins limits you to 20g per day for the first few weeks. Other plans allow up to 60g. I try to keep it below 30 for optimal weight loss.

Jacaqueen · 07/01/2013 19:06

Most people with a typical western diet based on that stupid food pyramid will be eating over 200g of carbs a day. So even the higher level of 60g is still fairly low.

BigStickBIWI · 07/01/2013 19:47

The idea of Bootcamp is not to focus on counting carbs or to try and aim for specific daily amounts. As others have said, different diets make different recommendations, but anything under 100g per day for most people means low carb.

Atkins induction is 20g per day, but this actually quite low and means you have to be very strict all the time. Dr Charles Clark suggests 40-60g per day, and he allows a slice of wholemeal toast and an orange per day.

I would guess that Bootcamp, if you're really following all the rules, is closer to Atkins than Clark - but gives us the flexibility so that we don't feel we're 'doing something wrong' by not counting. Just focussing on the allowed veg and keeping milk and processed foods to a minimum will ensure that we are eating a low carb diet that will see weight loss.

OP posts:
BigStickBIWI · 07/01/2013 19:49

When I make coleslaw, Lucy, I shred white cabbage and grate some carrot. (On this WOE cabbage is better than carrot, so go easy with the carrot!).

I also add some finely diced shallots (lower in carbs than onion). Mix the lot together, then dress with some olive oil and white wine vinegar. Season with salt and black pepper.

Let it all sit for a while, so that the dressing starts to 'cook' the cabbage and carrot. Just before serving, stir in a generous dollop of full fat mayonnaise.

OP posts:
Ilovemyteddy · 07/01/2013 19:58

Savoury muffins are also great snacks. Whisk eggs, cream, and your filling of choice (spring onions, grated cheese, mushrooms) and put into muffin tins (invest in the silicon muffin cases if you can, saves a lot of washing up!)


Celery is my lifeline for snacking on - although I usually have a little bit of cheese with it. I am a bit of a cheese face so I cut a piece weighing 4oz and don't eat more than that piece in a day. It hasn't stalled my weightless, luckily.

I don't weigh my veggies even though I am trying to stick to 30g of carbs a day, but I check EVERY label on pre-packaged food.

Ilovemyteddy · 07/01/2013 19:59

Oh BTW you need to cook the muffins Grin

happygolucky0 · 07/01/2013 20:01

Just wondering if I can have gravy? I think I read not somewhere but it looks quite low on carbs?

BigStickBIWI · 07/01/2013 20:15

It depends what you mean by gravy! If you're talking about the juices that come from the joint/bird you're roasting, then that is absolutely fine - as long as you're not thickening them with flour/cornflour.

And don't use gravy granules! Bisto Rich Gravy Granules are 2.2g carbs per 50ml serving, so not that carby, but this is the ingredients list:

"Potato Starch, Maltodextrin, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Colour (E150c), Wheat Flour, Sugar, Flavourings, Flavour Enhances (E621, E635), Emulsifier (E322) (contains Soya), Herb & Spice Extracts, Onion Extract"

OP posts:
thekitchenfairy · 07/01/2013 20:36

Thank you BIWI and Ewan I will swap the lime for cucumber Smile

Pmsl slattern don't know too many Royal seats in Truro... I meant to direct you to Thornes, opposite the evil pink palace of pasta [grins]

LucyVFood · 07/01/2013 20:47

Beautiful! I think I'll make it to go with my 'reward' steak on Saturday night. Thanks BIWI.

HugAndRoll · 07/01/2013 20:57

Marking place

Yama · 07/01/2013 20:57

Thekitchenfairy - as EwanH said limes have citric acid in them which, according to dh can kick you out of ketosis as it disrupts the something-or-other cycle.

slatternlymother · 07/01/2013 21:02

Aaaah I'll give it a bash kitchen Smile thankyou


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timidviper · 07/01/2013 21:16

That's interesting Yama, I have read that before, yet I think Idiot Proof Diet recommends you start each day with warm water with a slice of lemon in. I have been doing that instead of a cup of tea as I hate tea without milk or with cream and have not had any problems AFAIK with slowed weight loss (I have a lot to lose but lost 2 stone on the last 10 week bootcamp)

happygolucky0 · 07/01/2013 21:22

hello ( i thought I posted this so sorry if i did somewhere else and you answered already).
I am just wondereing if I can have gravy? Thanks

happygolucky0 · 07/01/2013 21:24

sorry I found where you posted earlier on thank you very much!

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