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Couch to 5k: whether you're picking up the pace or just starting the race

998 replies

QueenRunningGeekMum · 08/03/2012 20:16

Through rain and snow and skies of grey
We will keep running the C25K
Though lack of sleep and time do test us
We wil not let excuses best us
For 2012 will be the year
For weight loss, fitness and good cheer
Nine weeks of running isn't that long
So come on ladies, get those running shoes on!

Welcome to all runners, joggers, speed walkers and waddlers! All levels of fitness are welcome here on the Couch to 5k support thread. For more information see the NHS website

Link to the old thread

OP posts:
LilyPickle · 24/06/2012 18:53

Well done everyone and those of you who are running for pleasure a question - how long did it take you to start enjoying running?

Just done W3R3 and it was pretty crap. Had a very busy day where I have hardly sat down anyway and then my trainers were uncomfy tonight, my knickers kept going up my arse and to top it all off, I had a massive hot (menopausal) sweat in the middle of my last run.

Just looked at week 4 and am dreading it. 5 minute runs?! No way.

cece · 24/06/2012 19:53

No running again this weekend. Sad DH fell down the stairs and had to go to casualty so spent the morning taxiing DH and kids around... Today just didn't get into gear, although I did go swimming with the DC.

DC3 is in Nursery tomorrow so plan to drop him off and go straight out for a run then. Hoping the pain in the bum is better. Sad

I am impressed with all you going out 3 times per week and the brilliant time cinnamon. Smile

jchocchip · 24/06/2012 20:03

Oh dear hope cecedh is ok. Did he break anything?

RobotEyes · 24/06/2012 21:26

I just finished W2R2 - oddly it seemed harder than R1, but I did i.! Am hoping than in some weeks I'll be able to do what nomorecake and cinnamon have done and be doing a full run. But realistically I'll be happy to be where Lily is in just over a week and actually doing W3! cece - hope this week will be better than the weekend for you & your family.

cece · 24/06/2012 21:31

Thank you for your kind thoughts for DH. Nothing broken but he did cut his foot open and had to have stitches, so he is hobbling about. We have wrought iron filigree on the stairs instead of spindles and he caught his foot on a spikey bit. So I think that will be going and wooden spindles put in - just imagine if one of the DC had caught their head on it! Shock

FunnysInLaJardin · 24/06/2012 21:34

didn't run this weekend, we both had a rest! Me and DH that is. Am going out tomorrow though, hopefully for a 5k. And cinnamon you are running like a good'un. 28 mins is fab. Are you doing the bridge to 10k? I need to speed up but had thought if I could do it in 1hr I'd try it.

FunnysInLaJardin · 24/06/2012 21:37

Lily I started to really enjoy running about the middle of wk8, when I realised that I could sing along to my music and run. Now I can genuinely enjoy a 5k run provided I am quite slow e.g. 7.5kph. Anything over 8kph and I start to feel like I am 'running' again

cece · 24/06/2012 21:41

Has anyone looked at this? Hours of fun working out speeds/pace/distance.

Apparently it would take me over 6 hours to do a marathan! Shock

cece · 24/06/2012 21:42

Lily I agree it was about week 7 or 8 before I could start to enjoy it. When you don't have to think about it so much - you suddenly realise that you are running and been thinking about other stuff!

cinnamongreyhound · 24/06/2012 22:10

I don't know really LilyPickle, I don't always enjoy it now! I go because I know I generally feel better for running regularly, I like the way my body looks now and it is good for me! I was happier with the c25k when they runs were longer and there was less of them, when you're doing 8 intervals it felt like it went on forever. Once you can run for a good period of time and lose yourself in the run that is good, I like the head space it gives me. But I often feel guilty for having that time for myself and I at times I feel it should be easier which frustrates me. Generally I enjoy minutes 5-20/25, the first few minutes are always hard for me and after 20/25 (depending on the day) I spend a lot of time talking myself into keeping going to the end. I don't think I'm a natural runner!

Sorry to hear about your dh cece, not fun for him or you having a lot more on your plate. I like the little calculator, I'd do a marathon in 4hrs 30something- like that would happen!!!!

Well done on your park run jchocchip, might have a go now I'm consistantly actually running 5k and getting faster.

No I'm not FunnysInLaJardin, I don't really have the time to do more than I'm doing so I'm just trying to push myself each time and I have managed to get faster overall but still running 30mins.

brightonite · 25/06/2012 15:19

Today I have just done W1R1 and have been inspired reading your comments. I have never run anywhere in my life and other than housework (!) do no exercise. Has anyone else just started?

Buddhastic · 25/06/2012 16:28

I have just completed W5R2. I hadn't run since school and didn't think I could. I am v. proud of myself for getting this far and people are noticing my changing shape. I am having problems with my left achilles though its really biting towards the end so have given myself two days off before my next run. Any tips on stopping injuries happening or how to deal with them when they do happen?

cece · 25/06/2012 21:12

I tend to just rest up and take it easy for a few runs when I get an injury.

I finally went out for a run this morning. Bottom muscles still sore so did a very slow 2 miles and although sore felt better than it has done for a while... Smile

Will do another one on Weds hopefully, with my running group.

nomorecake · 25/06/2012 21:12

Forgive me if I get anyone's name wrong- im ising my phone and its a pita to scroll.

budha well done, I found wwek 5 quite a step up! Dont know about injury, othwr than listen to your body. Dont ignore pain, runningthrough it couldmake it worse. Maybe check on some running forums/articles see what they suggest?

roboteyes dont worry you WILL get there, trust the program, it works! I struggled to do the first week, now can plod along for 30 mins non stop (very slowly though!!)

brightonight well done!! I found getting started was the hardest part.

littledolly · 25/06/2012 22:32

Hi all. I had a great run tonight! Prob means my next one will be a disaster though Grin. Covered 3 miles exactly - 5 mins walking then 31 mins running.

My pace has slowed a little as I've been all over the place the last few weeks. Averaging between 7mins 5 and 7mins 35 per km. Not bad, but I was closer to 7mins overall a few wks ago.

Good luck to all who are just starting out. Remember even super-experienced runners have good and bad runs, so don't let one bad run knock you off track.

FunnysInLaJardin · 25/06/2012 22:45

hello, had a rubbish run today. Wrong frame of mind plus drizzle meant 20 mins with walking gaps. Never mind onwards and upwards!

dotty2 · 26/06/2012 16:54

Hi everyone. Managed 3 runs (just) in my first week back after a two-week lay off. Hard getting back into it, though. And number 2 run was horrible. I always enjoy it when I'm back, though...

FunnysInLaJardin · 26/06/2012 20:41

well done dotty I need a really good run to get me back into it. Will go Saturday as usual. Running is now so part of my life I couldn't imagine a week without a run or two, good or bad.

cinnamongreyhound · 27/06/2012 06:51

Well done Brightonite, Buddhastic and littledolly!

Glad you're bum was ok cece and sorry you had a rubbish run FunnysInLaJardin, the next one will be better so much is mental! Well done for getting back to it dotty2!!

I will probably only manage 2 runs this week as I decided to try Zumba with my friend last night. Good fun and I ache a bit today, must be reasonably fit now as I coped with it all just need to learn the steps!!

yehudiwho · 27/06/2012 18:40

back again - went out saturday and did 25 minutes - slacking but still going at least once a week- well done all you swots

cinnamongreyhound · 27/06/2012 19:48

That's not bad though yehudiwho! I'm sooooooooooooooo knackered tonight but I'm hoping going out for a run will make me feel better, going to attempt at least 20 mins, if I don't fall asleep before I go Wink

rusmum · 27/06/2012 21:03

been out today and died! couldnt even do 5 mins? wtf???? starting again on week 3 build stamina back up again


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cece · 27/06/2012 22:42

Rusmum I think the humidity is making it difficult.
I have been out with my running group tonight. We went cross country with hills. I found it hard and was pretty slow. Held everyone up! How embarassing.

nomorecake · 27/06/2012 22:50

good work yehudiwho - was thinking that i hadn't seen your name on here for a few days. good to know your here!

don't know where you get your energy from cinnamon!

don't worry rusmum i had to work back up from 8 mins after missing only 6 weeks. You can do it! Plus running in this weather saps your energy. i'm sure next time will be better.

the scales have finally moved!! lost about 5lbs now. don't want to get too excited because i've lost and gained the same half stone twice before.
But using myfitnesspal and trying to run 3x a week.
My calorie intact was all over the place in the first week, but it getting more consistent now. i've been on it for 2.5 weeks now.

loving my new music on shuffle - its really help to distract me on the run, it seems to go so much quicker now.
oh and on the calculater, it would take me 7.5 hours to do the marathon! oh dear!! Blush

Stellan · 28/06/2012 09:48

Hi everyone,

I'm thinking about starting this but just wondering how you time the intervals of running/walking. Do you use a podcast? My (old!) iPod is a bit clunky to be taking out and about with me but I don't necessarily want to be glancing at my watch all the time. Help?

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