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Couch to 5k: whether you're picking up the pace or just starting the race

998 replies

QueenRunningGeekMum · 08/03/2012 20:16

Through rain and snow and skies of grey
We will keep running the C25K
Though lack of sleep and time do test us
We wil not let excuses best us
For 2012 will be the year
For weight loss, fitness and good cheer
Nine weeks of running isn't that long
So come on ladies, get those running shoes on!

Welcome to all runners, joggers, speed walkers and waddlers! All levels of fitness are welcome here on the Couch to 5k support thread. For more information see the NHS website

Link to the old thread

OP posts:
Kewcumber · 10/03/2012 12:33


Have been a non-runner. Calf tear was worse than though and has taken since 30th Jan to heal enough to start again at the beginning.

But the good news is - week 1 run 1 this morning! Hoorah! hurts but not unbearable and I managed to finish every run. Was going to join a sdifferent thread but I see some people have joined who are early on so maybe I'll stick around with this one.

Kewcumber · 10/03/2012 12:34

and have to say I am massively impressed with Rusmum running for 20 minutes - can that really be in store for me at some point (it seems unlikely at present!)

jchocchip · 10/03/2012 14:16

Well done weblette, 32 minutes is great! :( about the ankle, hope its better soon.

jchocchip · 10/03/2012 14:19

Hello again kew, I'm thinking of doing week 1again to work on my speed :) The running bit I find easy now, but I am soooo slow.

cece · 10/03/2012 14:47

jchocchip - as I said before my frined has done a course so she can mentor runners. She is going to sort me out some run/walk combinations to improve pace. Smile

MarkStretch · 10/03/2012 16:35

Hello! I completed wk2 today, DH tood DS to football training so I put DD2 (11 weeks) in her buggy and DD1 (9yrs) on her scooter and went over the park. In my head I was a super fit mum running in LA, it reality I probably looked a bit of a twat.

Quite pleased though as the Phil & Teds didn't let me down on the run, it wasn't too bumpy for DD2 and she snoozed all the way. DD1 got a workout too keeping up on her scooter! Am also pleased as it means DD2 and I can run when DS is at playgroup during the week and DH is at work.

Week 3 stars Monday!

HellonHeels · 10/03/2012 18:15

Hello all! I'm still on the sick list with my calf injury. Not so sore now but it's tight and uncomfortable. May get some physio next week I am desperate to get out on my runs again.

Well done to everyone sticking at it

kirstos · 10/03/2012 19:09

Hi everyone - mind if I join you? I've been lurking since starting C25K but have just finished wk5 r3 - can't believe I ran for 20mins without stopping [proud]

In January I had literally never run before - I was the kind of person who would rather miss a bus and be late than exert myself to catch it....

Crazy impressed with all the graduates and determined to become one soon so will be watching with interest! Also hoping that running will start to = weight loss soon - how have others faired with this??

ObviouslyOblivious · 10/03/2012 19:19

Jchoc and cece, do you think that doing all the weeks again but instead of walking and running, running and then running faster would help with pace?

cinnamongreyhound · 10/03/2012 20:00

Well done weblette thats fab!!

Must be the day for it MarkStretch, dss wanted to come with me but dh was worried he wouldn't be able to make it so he cycled with me, we covered 4.7K despite a path being shut and us having to run/cycle through brambles and very uneven ground for a few mins! He's 10 and was tired but ok, thinks he can run it next time so we'll see :)

Hope you're better soon HellonHeels!

kirstos I have lost weight but have been cutting down a lot with good too. I guess running must help as it burns 300+ calories each time but I am definitely more to toned than I was under the flab

ifink · 10/03/2012 20:52

Well done weblette! Well wk5 r3 done and dusted here....but I found it tough going and felt like death afterwards but pleased I managed to keep going. Have feeling that it's going to be tough going now...mentally getting my head round lots of long runs coming up is hard. BUT best news is that my clothes are looser!!!! Hooray!

nomorecake · 10/03/2012 22:15

Hi everyone!

well done weblette! really impressive time too.

week9run3 done....whoop!
I'm only getting to 4.3km including the warmup walk. Which is dissapointing.
But on the other hand, i completed c-5k!!!!
It wasn't a good run... but so what, I did it!

Thanks you lovely people for listening, posting and responding on this thread.
I really wouldnt have been able to do it without the support here (and my lovely DH's help..but shhh don't tell him).


QueenRunningGeekMum · 11/03/2012 07:18

Well done Weblette

Congrats Nomorecake! You did it! So proud! GrinGrinGrin

Welcome thread newbies, lovely to meet you. Smile

OP posts:
rusmum · 11/03/2012 09:18

Week 6 starting tonight! I have lost 21 lbs sp far since 6 th jan. Need same again off. Am starting to enjoy running just wish I weren't so slow!! Sad

yehudiwho · 11/03/2012 14:10

blimey you lot - miss a few days and you all go mad and start a new thread as well!!
really chuffed as had nearly two weeks off with abad chest - but went out this morning to do w7 r1 and managed the 25 minutes without too much trouble- being off meant my niggly back started hurting again so struggled with a bit of sciatica but not during only afterwatds - hopefully it will improve now i can go out regulalry
all of you starters -persevre -I never thought I could run at Christmas but today I was surprised to hear laura tell me that 5 mins were up - it flashed by

cece · 11/03/2012 14:23

I have lost exactly no weight at all but now about to start week 9 (30 min runs). However, I have just been eating as normal... Blush

A few people have told me I look more toned - though think they might have just been kind. Smile

cinnamongreyhound · 11/03/2012 16:28

From what I understand cece to lose a lb a week you need to take in 500 calories per day less than you need. So if you burn 300+ calories 3x a week and eat what you need it would take almost 4 weeks to lose a lb. But I guess you're burning less than 300 in the earlier weeks too.

cece · 11/03/2012 17:25

That is a rather depressing fact cinnamon - no wonder I am the same as when I started! Still at least I can now run for 30 mins. Grin Could barely run for 60 seconds when I started. Smile

OneHandWavingFree · 11/03/2012 17:34

I found you! :) I have been stuck at the end of week 8 due to a series of very annoying minor illnesses - head cold becoming throat infection becoming ear abcess etc.

Feeling a bit better now, but I want to feel all better before I start up again, because I really don't want to set myself back.

I was due to start w9, but as it's been almost 3 weeks Shock since I ran, I think I'll set 25 mins as my goal for the next run, and if I feel like I can push on (to 28 or to 30) from there, I will.

I was so close to finished!!

What have I missed? Did Rebecca cross the finish line? She and I were on the same schedule.

dotty2 · 11/03/2012 18:54

Welcome newbies. And a very big well done to nomorecake, our newest graduate! And weblette on the amazing park run time.

I did my second post grad run today - with DH as had inlaws staying. Gorgeous morning here and we ran by the river at 7.30am and it was just idyllic. Found 5kish (3.5 miles, to be precise) in 35 ish mins perfectly manageable, so pleased with myself. (DH has been running for 2 years, and he did slow down for me, but not too much.) Unfortunately, an old knee problem has flared up and it is a bit sore and swollen. I ran on it and it didn't get worse, but think I might have a few days off and try to swim instead until next weekend, maybe.

Jnice · 11/03/2012 21:21

Congrats to all the new graduates! I hope to join you soon. Starting week 9 in a minute Smile

rusmum · 11/03/2012 22:01

Week6 run 1 done. That was tough! Smile bring it on! Lol how we all getting on? And what are graduates now doing? X still feel uncomfortable claiming to be a runner do still tell my family I am going for a wobble or a jog!


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trice · 11/03/2012 22:09

Great to hear all the success stories. Really inspiring. Sorry for all those set back by sickness or injury.
Did w4r3 today. Getting a bit of a sore knee. perhaps I should run on the grass? When I can run I want to get some barefoot trainers because I like the look of them but would feel a prat in them at the moment doing my little shuffle.

I see the parkrun lot gallop past the garden every weekend. Not my scene. It looked too much like p.e. and I have had enough of that to scar me for life.

ObviouslyOblivious · 11/03/2012 22:26

Didn't manage to get out tonight due to vomiting DS :( Hopefully he'll be better by tomorrow night and I can finish wk 5.

Jnice · 11/03/2012 22:48

Wow! Wk9 started, 4.2k in 30 mins so not far off! Smile

Had a trail run in forest with a friend in the sun minus buggy so pretty perfect really!

Will catch up with all the other progress later today.

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