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You know it's the end of term when

61 replies

elephantoverthehill · 17/07/2016 09:24

You try to get everyone up at 6.45 only to be told by dd aged 11 that it is a Sunday. Conversely on holiday you finish lunch at around 2.45 and think it is the start of the afternoon not the end of the teaching day. what are your tell tale end of term signs?

OP posts:
ThatsNotEvenAWord · 17/07/2016 18:52

When you get an email from slt banning you from taking any displays down as the backing paper is keeping childrens behaviour together Hmm

MummyIsMyFavouriteName · 17/07/2016 18:53

Hotcurry, not as difficult as you'd think! Grin I'm in a new school so didn't know what to expect in the box. It was amazing!!! I then had a mild panic over where I was going to put all the things! Especially when I found the previous teacher's box of stationary with 14(!!!) rolls of sellotape!

elephantoverthehill · 17/07/2016 18:54

ThatsNotEvenAWord Are SLT papering over the cracks? I really don't understand backing paper = behaviour

OP posts:
ThatsNotEvenAWord · 17/07/2016 19:16

elephant apparently if the paper comes down they will lose the plot or something. They're only primary! 🙄🙄🙄

elephantoverthehill · 17/07/2016 19:20

Mummy (whispers) having a stationary orgasm is one when you don't move. Sorry for being pedant. I didn't bite at first but Hotcurry made me do it.

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MummyIsMyFavouriteName · 17/07/2016 19:49

Wow guys! Meant to be a humorous comment about getting ridiculously excited about new stationary...

elephantoverthehill · 17/07/2016 19:57

Mummy I am now being a pedant, it is stationery. I once had a HOD who had labelled a drawer 'stationary'. It became know as the drawer that must not be move Grin. It is the end of term for many of us so I think we may be becoming a little less than cheerful.

OP posts:
elephantoverthehill · 17/07/2016 19:59

Now I'm at it * the drawer that must not be moved.

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SuffolkNWhat · 17/07/2016 20:00

The easy way to remember is e for envelope (stationery)

mineofuselessinformation · 17/07/2016 20:07

Coming back to say I'm looking forward to turning off the alarm, and taking my watch off. It's truly the holidays when I don't need to know what the time is!
I shouldn't moan really as I have planned ahead (six weeks ago) and have booked ICT suites for any remaining non-sixth form classes.

LockedOutOfMN · 17/07/2016 20:17

Mineofuselessinformation I did that and then the computers were all taken away before the end of term!

leccybill · 17/07/2016 20:21

I'm just sorting through my DVDs for tomorrow. Still a few last end of year exams to mark and upload data from, but can very much see the light now!

MummyIsMyFavouriteName · 17/07/2016 20:29

I see, you are all mocking my spelling. Nice.

elephantoverthehill · 17/07/2016 20:47

I am not mocking and I tried to be very gentle. I am a teacher and I guess you maybe too. So do I wonder how you correct spellings that give a completely different meaning. I can't actually have a conversation with you one to one as this is a public forum.

OP posts:
TheTroubleWithAngels · 17/07/2016 20:55

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SuffolkNWhat · 17/07/2016 20:59

Not mocking in the slightest, just sharing my way of remembering the difference Flowers

bungleknows · 17/07/2016 20:59

It's grammar more Than spelling.

For a fleeting second whilst skimming the thread I really did think you were ha ring an orgasm whilst standing in the broom cupboard Blush

monet24 · 17/07/2016 21:17

Sat here thinking last Sunday night don't want to go tomorrow feeling for 6 weeks yeahhhhhhhhhhhh

Sleeperandthespindle · 17/07/2016 21:19

Looking forward to thinking 'last Monday for six weeks' tomorrow.

LockedOutOfMN · 17/07/2016 21:21

I have stationery orgasms. My triggers are brand new sharp pencils, Post Its, Pilot ink pens, and, of course, nice clean new exercise books. (Our school doesn't stretch to very glamorous stationery).

reup · 17/07/2016 21:23

You get no work (supply teacher) and resort to clearing out the shed for things to sell on eBay!

elephantoverthehill · 17/07/2016 21:23

Monet Yeah last Monday morning for a few weeks. Is that why I tried to do it today Confused

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Foxsox · 17/07/2016 21:25

We broke up on Friday
Tonight I have NO SUNDAY NIGHT BLUES!!!!!!!!!!

elephantoverthehill · 17/07/2016 21:34

Foxsox for Foxsake feck off. DS2 broke up on Friday too. Those of us who have to go on until Wednesday are feeling very end of termish. Activity day tomorrow and then 'normal' lessons.

OP posts:
flutterworc · 17/07/2016 21:34

Your Year Eleven gain time is stolen back for Transition... Hmm

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