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Does anyone have a Kokoni?

110 replies

GinBunny · 02/10/2015 14:56

I've recently discovered that my gorgeous rescue dog is a Kokoni, an ancient Greek breed. Not common in the UK by any stretch but quite well known in Eastern Europe apparently.

I'd love to know if anyone here has one so we can exchange tails tales about this lovely and little known breed.

OP posts:
Boenkes · 22/07/2018 15:13

I have adopted a small dog from the Ilse of Los in Greece amost 5 years. And I only just now have found out she is a Kokoni. My lovely, gentle, very affectionate Sarah sticks close to me like a stamp. She is adorable. SOOO funny to see now she has look-a-likes.

Boenkes · 22/07/2018 15:15

Don't know how I can upload a photo. Can anyone help me?

RoundRach · 18/11/2018 16:07

Hi, I have 2 gorgeous Kokonis, rescue dogs from Cyprus-Lena and Sammy. They were in a shelter in Paphykos. Lena is 3 and Sammy 9- he was sadly abandoned at the age of 8, whereas Lena was taken to the shelter as a tiny puppy, with her 3 siblings. They are a lovely breed with a sweet nature and both are great with my little Grandchildren.

Rlbandmom · 31/12/2018 12:56

We have a rescue from south Florida, everyone says she looks like a mini golden retreiver, but looksike I have finally found her breed! Can't figur out how to post a pix on this site

RoundRach · 31/12/2018 13:56

Lena ( Christmas Pudding) aged 3 1/2 yrs. and Sammy ( Christmas Elf with overbite) aged 9 yrs. My ‘rescue’ Kokonis from Cyprus-who rescued me, in many ways. Now living on St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, UK.

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
BeckyBarney · 22/01/2019 22:43

Hello I might be adopting a kokoni I'm looking at him tomorrow afternoon. He's called Barney and 1 years old. I want to do agility with him. Does anybody else do any sport with their kokoni? Is there any groups for people with this breed?

SlinkyDinkyDoo · 23/01/2019 11:28

I don't but am here for the pics Smile

GinBunny · 10/02/2019 00:30

I had no idea this thread was still going! Lovely to see all your photos. My kokoni is snuggled up to my feet right now - and his girlfriend who I thought was a kokoni turned out to be a collie cross. She's as beautiful but my boy is my heart dog. Keep the photos coming!

OP posts:
RomanticFatigue · 10/02/2019 00:36

@BeckyBarney I'd love to see photos! My boy is a lazy arse. I don't think they are agility dogs but would like to hear how you are getting on.

Pixie3333 · 13/04/2019 22:19

We got our little dog last April from a rescue in Benidorm. We didn’t know what breed she was and assumed a mix. When in London at Christmas a lady stopped us and said’ ooh you have a ‘Kokoni ‘she is the best little dog in the world. Very sweet tempered even though she had a horrible start in life.

Karry123 · 22/04/2019 23:46

This is my absolutely gorgeous Kokoni I brought back from Cyprus in 2013 after living there for a year

starbuckstar · 23/04/2019 12:16

We adopted a Kokoni in 2018 from a London couple who had brought her from a rescue center in Cyprus where she had previously been a stray. She was having some trouble adapting to domestic life and being left during the day. She's much happier playing with our other dogs all day as we work with dogs for a living. She is a very loving dog, with a great deal of spirit and character. She still has a tendency to scavenge and she has the heart of a lion. A very unique breed that we've not seen before, but very happy we did. We call her Betty Boo or Little Miss when she's being extra cutie pants :-) x

starbuckstar · 23/04/2019 12:22

Awww, she's lovely. She looks a bit like our Betty Boo who also came from Cyprus. We adopted her last year. She's 3 now. (I can't post pictures yet as I'm new on here, but I will as soon as I can) x

amelo · 07/05/2019 13:57

I have a Kokoni from Greece, female and would like to breed her in July. If anyone with a male in London will be interested:)

starbuckstar · 07/05/2019 16:18

This is a picture of our cheeky Betty Boo 🥰

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
amelo · 07/05/2019 17:45

Betty sounds like a female and I am looking for a male...
Have two dogs Sun (female Kokoni, 4 years old) which would like to breed and should be in heat around July. And Star (male, also rescued from Greece) which is now 17 years old...
I live in West London, close to Ealing Broadway.

amelo · 07/05/2019 17:47

How do you post pics in here?

ManateeEquineOHara · 09/07/2019 07:25

Have found this thread while excitedly searching kokoni info....we have a home check next week for a 9 yr old Kokoni in Cyprus. This thread confirms all my positive thoughts and findings about the breed! I can't wait for her to arrive!!! I can't imagine anything will go wrong with the homecheck but I am paranoid that it will!?
This thread also confirms that humans can be straight up stupid. Dogs are overbred already, breeding from a breed where there are so many existing dogs needing homes is completely and utterly the height of irresponsible.

wherestheweightlosspill · 19/07/2019 15:58

I've only just discovered that our dog, who we rehomed from a family who were moving abroad ,but had originally rescued him from Cyrus, is a kokoni! We just thought he was a Heinz57 but someone in the park said 'he's definitely a kokoni, google it, so we did and he totally is!! @RoundRach he's so like your Lena!

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
RoundRach · 19/07/2019 16:23

Gosh, he IS like Lena. Does he have a lovely nature, too? Where I live, there are quite a few Kokonis now, all from the same shelter at Paphykos in Cyprus. Lena is about the largest/tallest and Sammy is the smallest and the only tri-coloured. A few of them have a little overbite on their lower jaw and all of them can run really fast!! Lovely to see your boy, enjoy your times together.

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
Does anyone have a Kokoni?
wherestheweightlosspill · 19/07/2019 17:36

He’s got a gorgeous nature. He’s 12 but really energetic, I thought we’d never find another dog like him so I’m thrilled to find out there are more like him

wherestheweightlosspill · 20/07/2019 10:44

He also has a funny run where his back paws move together so it’s like a hop on the back. V funny but cute. He’s wonderful with little kids but particularly seems to like teens (I think it’s because they often have food Wink), he wanders up to them in the park and gazes up. They melt Smile. It’s amazing how happy it makes me that there are more of him around

Does anyone have a Kokoni?

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Chads1 · 02/09/2019 18:26

I'm getting a kokoni mix pup from Cyprus in 4 weeks. I have a ragdoll cat and just wondered if anyone else has got a cat as well as their kokoni and if they get on😊

ozannieb · 30/09/2019 20:50

We have a kokoni and 6 cats They get on fine ! Good luck with your kokoni x

Cookie81 · 13/10/2019 21:33

We believe our mongrel rescue is a cross Kokoni. She gets more beautiful as she gets older. There are so many animals suffering in Greece, Romania and Botswana and many other places including UK so I would always recommend people looking for dogs to always rescue. Our gorgeous girl came from Greece imported by Chimney Farm Dog Rescue ❤

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