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Does anyone have a Kokoni?

110 replies

GinBunny · 02/10/2015 14:56

I've recently discovered that my gorgeous rescue dog is a Kokoni, an ancient Greek breed. Not common in the UK by any stretch but quite well known in Eastern Europe apparently.

I'd love to know if anyone here has one so we can exchange tails tales about this lovely and little known breed.

OP posts:
Rebelmaw · 30/01/2024 07:09

He looks very similar to my kokoni cross after his brushing! 😀

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
wherestheweightlosspill · 23/10/2023 17:23

I'm so sorry GinBunny, our gorgeous boy passed away last week at 16.5 yrs old and we're devastated, have spent the last week as a family sharing our photos and videos of him. He was such a special soul and leaves a big whole. They're amazing dogs

GinBunny · 22/10/2023 23:00

Karentaylor123 · 22/10/2023 19:54

Hi my daughter, has just discovered her dog 'noodle' is kokoni too 💗

Welcome to the Kokoni club! They are such delightful dogs. Sadly my boy passed away last year at the ripe old age of 17. I still miss him so much. He was my heart dog.

OP posts:
GinBunny · 22/10/2023 22:59

L1ttlefoxxx · 21/08/2023 23:33

Hey there everyone,
my friend has a beautiful Kokoni dog and I really want to get one myself.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Breeder or rescue? x

I'd be surprised if you could fine a Kokoni breeder. They are usually rescues from Europe so will have been neutered.

OP posts:
Karentaylor123 · 22/10/2023 19:54

Hi my daughter, has just discovered her dog 'noodle' is kokoni too 💗

wherestheweightlosspill · 22/08/2023 06:56

Hi L1ttlefoxxx, you won’t regret it, they’re wonderful dogs. They’re not bred to my knowledge, all that I know of have been rescued from Greece/Cyprus/Romania/Macedonia etc. if you join this Facebook group they share adoption posts regularly and the charities charge a few hundred pounds to vaccinate them and travel them to the uk

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
L1ttlefoxxx · 21/08/2023 23:33

Hey there everyone,
my friend has a beautiful Kokoni dog and I really want to get one myself.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Breeder or rescue? x

RoundRach · 25/07/2022 20:48

I have 2 Kokomo’s, rescue dogs from a shelter in Paphycos, S.Cyprus. Lena I had first, at 18 months of age, she had been abandoned in the shelter with 3 siblings at just a few weeks old. Sammy I got a bit later, when I returned to part time work and it became apparent Lena had separation anxiety and after trying everything else the vet here suggested, a furry companion for her was the final solution. Poor Sammy had lived with an English Family in Cyprus but when they were returning to the UK they decided he wasn’t coming with them ( at 8 years old) and took him to the shelter. Perfect timing for Lena and I so he came to make our little Family complete. Love them both so much. They’ve rescued me far more!

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
Does anyone have a Kokoni?
Does anyone have a Kokoni?
Juliesansoni · 25/07/2022 19:30

Hi this is maya my gorgeous girl she is a 3 year old kokoni and she has the sweetest nature

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
wherestheweightlosspill · 05/03/2022 21:25

Aww congratulations @hredman my Dougal is 15 now but still full of energy, character and mischief, they’re such gorgeous dogs 🐕

HRedman · 27/02/2022 06:59

I have a 11 mth Kokoni male. Very energetic. I’ve never seen a dog whose tail fans out. Very unique

GinBunny · 04/02/2022 01:30

Welcome to the Kokoni club @GINGERGRACIE1! I drop into this thread every now and then and am always glad to see that people are still posting. My boy is 16/17yo now and his arthritis isn't good. But he still loves life and has the most adorable nature. He's such a precious boy.

OP posts:
GINGERGRACIE1 · 26/12/2021 18:55

I'm so glad you created this post! I rescued an amazing little dog from crete 3 years ago and always thought she was a saluki mix. But someone in the street told me last week that she's clearly a kokoni! So I googled, and found other beautiful ginger doggos sooo much like her. I'm stopped daily by people telling me how pretty she is. Lovely to see so many other rescues on here too. She's a lush little thing. Has a tail like a pony!

TonyThreePies · 16/09/2021 00:23

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

GinBunny · 15/09/2021 23:58

Well, I don't know what made me google this this evening but I can't believe that a thread I started 6 years ago is still going - and that there are so many MNetters who are Kokoni owners! I hope you and your fur babies are all doing well, aren't they a delight? My boy is 16 now - he's slower, arthritic and his eye sight isn't so great but he's still living his best life. He's curled up next to my feet snoozing like he was when I last posted 2 years ago! I recently had to do something like insurance or vets forms and saw that Kokoni is listed as a breed now. They're the goodest dogs Smile

OP posts:
wherestheweightlosspill · 02/06/2021 20:20

Sooo cute!!

PhoenixandJonny · 02/06/2021 19:53

Here is a link to Phoenix ☝🏼

PhoenixandJonny · 02/06/2021 19:48

Hi, It turns out I have two of them and I didn't even know! And here's the thing, I live in South America, right above the equator, so the place is really hot, and I have one (Phoenix) that has 3 layers of fur!

Allfurcoatandnoknickers · 17/04/2021 14:19


I just found out on Friday that my lovely rescue, Crumby, is a Kokoni. They seem to come in several colours (cream, light brown, tricolor and like Crumby). Totally wonderful character. Friendly, lovely, playful but not OTT, agile, and SO intelligent. She learns so quickly -I am crap at training her but she still learns-.

Blimey she looks so similar to ours!!
Allfurcoatandnoknickers · 17/04/2021 11:02

He’s just a big floof

Allfurcoatandnoknickers · 17/04/2021 11:02

Yes I think so! Our Romanian rescue looks like a kokoni

Does anyone have a Kokoni?
Frenchdressing · 15/04/2021 06:16



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littlecontis · 14/04/2021 08:47


aren't rescues the best? They are so loving

Frenchdressing · 14/04/2021 05:00

We have one. A rescue from Bosnia. Lovely dog.

wherestheweightlosspill · 13/04/2021 20:33

I think so but I’m biased Grin

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