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Doctor Who finale - The Big Bang

150 replies

JackieNo · 22/06/2010 15:33

Here you go. Shiny new thread, let's hope this one goes a bit quicker.

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titchy · 28/06/2010 12:36

Loved it - but didn't follow abit of it! What happened to young Amy? She just disappeared!

And why didn't the scientists wonder why the sun was the only star left in the universe - I'm sure Steven Hawking would have had something to say abiout that...

ProfessorLaytonIsMyLoveSlave · 28/06/2010 12:43

Young Amy disappeared because the whole universe was disappearing. All the people and most of the stuff had gone and the only ones left were the Doctor, Amy and Rory because they were anomalies and not really "of" that time at all.

ProfessorLaytonIsMyLoveSlave · 28/06/2010 12:46

The sun wasn't the only star left, it was the only star there had ever been.

Although that does mean that the history of the Earth would have been quite different (more different than the "Penguins in the Nile Valley" stuff that they showed) as apart from anything else the Church would have been right about the sun being a ball of fire quite close to the Earth, rather than a sun that we orbited round, and that would have had something of an impact on the development of science. Perhaps it was cancelled out by astrologers having no stars to witter on about?

RustyBear · 28/06/2010 14:26

And some people did have something to say about it - did you notice Amelia's aunt's comment about her fear that Amelia would get caught up in 'one of those Star Cults' - "I don't trust that Richard Dawkins...."

stressed2007 · 28/06/2010 21:37

Can someone explain these posts please:

"a story arc over two (more if you count the mentions in the David Tennant episodes) series..... "

"And the tie-in with the Weeping Angels episode, that appeared to be just a continuity glitch on first viewing -- inspired." what glitch?

ProfessorLaytonIsMyLoveSlave · 28/06/2010 21:42

When the Doctor leaves Amy in the forest in the Weeping Angels episode so that he can make his way to the control room (or wherever it was he was going) he doesn't have his jacket on. Then (from the point of view of someone watching that episode without having seen episode 13) he comes back, with his jacket on (I think the bow tie may also be a different colour, but not positive on that) and tells her to remember what he told her when she was seven, then buggers off again.

Once you've seen episode 13, you realise that it wasn't a case of the continuity people forgetting that the Doctor wasn't wearing his jacket at that point in the scene, but that the jacket-wearing Doctor is the future Doctor on his way back through his own unravelling timeline.

serenity · 28/06/2010 21:53

Haven't read the thread yet (am just about to) Bloody loved the finale (so expect everyone else hated it...)

Have you seen this?

Pixel · 28/06/2010 22:05

I didn't think it was the sun, it was the Tardis burning wasn't it? The Doctor said it was keeping the Earth warm.

ProfessorLaytonIsMyLoveSlave · 28/06/2010 22:18

Yes, but people on Earth thought it was the sun (and in a sense it was, if you define "sun" as "big shiny thing in the sky that brings light and warmth" rather than in terms of stars, which in a universe without stars people probably would).

pluperfect · 28/06/2010 22:22

Ah, what fun. I especially liked the way he kept using the Vortex manipulator to tweak his plan.

EricNorthmansmistress · 28/06/2010 22:43

That Orbital clip is amazing! Wish I had been there!

prettybird · 29/06/2010 11:11

stressed2007: The "story arc over two series..." is because there is a "bigger" story going on that we haven't worked out yet but that has been hinted at.

  • "silence will fall"????
  • who blew up the tardis?
  • Who is River Song?
  • Who did she kill?
  • Who/what is she to the Doctor? - She whispered something to him in the Library episode when she first met her, what did she say that made him trust her?

The "story arc" of this series was the cracks in time - but the reason for them and for the forthcoming silence, still hasn't been explained - and according to Stephen Moffat, will be in the next series.
ProfessorLaytonIsMyLoveSlave · 29/06/2010 11:58

Isn't it the "(more if you count the mentions in the David Tennant episodes)" bit that stressed is asking about?

I can't remember the mentions in the DT episodes myself .

prettybird · 29/06/2010 12:33

River mentioned "the opening of the Pandorica" and the "crash of the Byzantine" in the Library episode, when she was trying to "place" him - and we knew then that she was special in some way to the Doctor - but in a way that has not, as yet, been explained. But SM has promised that all will become clear in the next series

stressed2007 · 29/06/2010 22:33

I have loved this series. It is the first time I have watched DW. It is the best thing on tv by miles. I just wish I could get more people to watch it that dismiss it without even watching it.

I can honestly say I never understood much of the last episode but I LOVED IT!

Is there some sort of DW geekie website which provides synopsis and discussion of all the episodes?

Arcadie · 30/06/2010 13:01

OooOOoooh yes - is there?

Arcadie · 30/06/2010 13:06

Oh and a question for those who think these things through more avidly than I...

I get that we now have understood where Amy's parents were & why there was such a big house with no one else in it.

Do we know why the duck pond with no ducks is significant (TheCrackInTheFabricOfTheUniverse snaffled them up?. Why not!)

And do we know why Amy couldn't remember the daleks when she saw one in the dreadful iDalek episode? Are we supposed to believe that TCITFOTU snaffled all the daleks too?

And prettybird wasn't the thing that River whispered to the doctor in the library his real name? She says it to get him to trust her. And he says there's only one time I could possibly tell you my name. (Which I assume must be when he marries her, not when she kills him are he'd know she was going to kill him and he obviously doesn't)

I wonder if his real name is Bernard.

RustyBear · 30/06/2010 13:49

Gallifrey Base is a pretty active forum

Trouvere · 30/06/2010 14:07

Do we know why the duck pond with no ducks is significant?

They're hiding from the Doctor, because they're the ones who made all the (wait for it) quacks in the universe.

Arcadie · 30/06/2010 14:59

Trouvere ........ ........

Trouvere · 30/06/2010 15:40

I'll get me coat.

prettybird · 30/06/2010 16:18

... but we don't know that's want the Doctor said - and even if he did, we don't know why he told her!

There is still a load of mystery over what and who River is to the Doctor.


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stressed2007 · 30/06/2010 16:50


SaintIncognita · 30/06/2010 17:27

We do know that River told him his name, because he says at the end of Forest of the Dead "River, you know my name, you told me my name"

He then goes on to say there's only one time could tell anyone his name, which is where the ambiguity comes in. But she definitely knows his name.

ProfessorLaytonIsMyLoveSlave · 30/06/2010 17:45

Yes. And whatever that "one time" is it's obviously something that indicates the person is likely to be someone you trust, because the whole point of her telling him his name was to prove to him that he would come to trust her completely. So it's unlikely to be "being killed by someone".

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