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Doctor Who finale - The Big Bang

150 replies

JackieNo · 22/06/2010 15:33

Here you go. Shiny new thread, let's hope this one goes a bit quicker.

Previous thread

OP posts:
stressed2007 · 23/06/2010 09:10

I think Amy Pond is fab. Ladies are we all a bit jealous as she gets to spend so much time with the doctor?

I know I am

alirosie · 23/06/2010 09:39

Yep Amy Pond is great - not a fawning simpering type (sorry - i'll stop moaning about Rose in a minute lol).

i think Amy's a great addition (though i do miss Martha).

SoupDragon · 23/06/2010 09:59

Not fawning but she spends a lot of tim pouting, posing and staring into the camera. A lot like this.

SoupDragon · 23/06/2010 09:59

Time. No idea who Tim is.

alirosie · 23/06/2010 10:04

awww that hamster is so CUTE!!!!


good pic tho soup

ShadeofViolet · 23/06/2010 10:14

There are alot of assistants that have been worse than Amy! - Perri, Mel, Nyssa, Jo to name a few.

ShadeofViolet · 23/06/2010 10:21

I was thinking about it last night - maybe Amy isnt real either? - though it wouldnt explain how she would be in the next series.

Miggsie · 23/06/2010 11:40

Amy is a bit of a nothing to me. She also has terrible posture.

I prefer River and Rory!!!!

Rory for next companion!

Davros · 23/06/2010 14:07

Amelia is all over the Radio Times so I think she has something to do with it. And surely they will go back to Amy/Rory on the Welsh hill?
Sorry, Matt Smith OK as The Doctor, but not fanciable to me at all. It could be because I know about his other major role in Toy Story.......

SoupDragon · 23/06/2010 16:21

Why would they go back to Amy & Rory on the Welsh hillside? At the end of that episode wasn't it just Amy on the hill?

stressed2007 · 23/06/2010 17:42

who was he in toy story?

mummyofexcitedprincesses · 23/06/2010 20:15

While we are waiting, what do you think were the best bits of this series?

We loved The Beast Below, the queen was cool and the star whale was such an amazing creature.

SoupDragon · 23/06/2010 20:48

i liked the Weeping Angels. I think they're my favourite monster.

SusanShocksOn · 24/06/2010 08:30

DS2 (7) has decided that somehow the box is the tardis in disguise - he just came out with it. Don't know if this theory has already been mentioned - apologies if so.

So in effect, the Dr is now somehow back in the tardis. And it's the fake one that blows up or something.

nymphadora · 24/06/2010 09:47

Rewatched it yesterday as I'd missed the opening and it was nice to see Queen Liz again!

Davros · 24/06/2010 11:04

Matt Smith = Mr Potato Head
Does anyone remember YEARS ago when HG Wells was in it? He was called Herbert. That was my bil's nephew and I was hoping even then that he'd be the next companion, he wasn't. Ner ner ner ner ner, I have a tenuous connection to someone who was in DW once! Oh, and we also sat next to Christopher Ecclestone in a restaurant one lunchtime. DD hadn't noticed but did when he got up to pay his bill. I said we shouldn't say anything as he was relaxing and not working. When we left the windows were open and she southed "Doctor Who!" through the window at the top of her lungs

JackieNo · 24/06/2010 12:24

SusanShocksOn - do you know, when Amy went into the side bit, when the cyberman was chasing her, and then Rory's sword came through the door, when she leant against that door, I really thought, and said aloud at the time, that it was the Tardis door, and that there was a second Tardis in there. It looked as if it had the same panelling. Though that wasn't in the box itself, of course.

OP posts:
Kaloki · 24/06/2010 13:02

alirosie Amy and Martha are my favourites too. Much more likeable than Rose and far less irritating than Donna!

I'm really impatient for this weeks episode now.

cornsilk5793 · 24/06/2010 20:17

I noticed something! ds1 is watching episode 1. When the doctor goes into Amy's house he is knocked out by the cricket bat. When he wakes up you hear the birds singing just like in the dreamlord episode. Also the doctor keeps going on about Amy's friend 'the good looking one.' I reckon that Emilia is with the good looking one on one time line and Amy is with Rory on the other.

cornsilk5793 · 24/06/2010 20:17

also the tardis had already blown up on that day once at the end of the last series.

cornsilk5793 · 24/06/2010 20:18

hence new tardis

LilyBolero · 24/06/2010 20:21

Ok, I reckon that the doctor goes back in time, having been let out by young Amelia, and tells her where to find the pandorica and how to open it, so she lets him out, he then beetles off to the weeping angels episode where he says to Amy 'remember what I told you when you were 7...'

things that may be important; Amy's house seems to have an extra floor - from the outside there are clearly only 2 floors - ground and 1st, but there are stairs going up from the 1st floor.

The doctor says to Amy in episode 1 "I am just a madman in a box - remember that, some day your life may depend on it" - the box presumably being the pandorica?

Fairytales - definitely a fairytale theme going on.

the duck pond....with no ducks!


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cornsilk5793 · 24/06/2010 20:31

oh yes - no ducks!
ds1 reckons the piece of tardis the doctor found in the crack is definitely from the old tardis

cornsilk5793 · 24/06/2010 20:43

also that 'There's one thing you never put in a' speech might be significant.

VoidofDiscovery · 24/06/2010 22:13

Okay, you've probably all realised this already, but the penny just dropped this evening (with a very loud thud and doh!)

The date of Amy's wedding is this Saturday's date - 26.10.10, had previously thought of it as a random date in the year, but the whole series has literally been building up to Sat.

Obviously, doesn't help figure out what is happening, but those clever rascals.

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