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oh my ^loins^ that's SPIKE in the new series of Torchwood

85 replies

Cappuccino · 05/01/2008 14:13

OP posts:
AndAHabbiBuYear · 05/01/2008 16:03

Oh my loins indeed - watching third series of Lost on DVD, and having Nathan Fillion and Josh Holloway in the same series is almost an overload. Watching it with dh, however, so remaining politely mute...

SoupDragon · 05/01/2008 16:23

When does it start?

jezzemxmas · 05/01/2008 16:29


RustyBear · 05/01/2008 16:32

16th January Soupdragon, see my post above/below depending on which way you're reading this.

FlameNFurter · 05/01/2008 17:10

I keep bouncing at DH about James Marsters being in it

He really isn't on tv enough

SorenLorensen · 05/01/2008 17:14

I don't really want him to be in Torchwood (cos Torchwood is a bit pants, really and I just don't get the John Barrowman thing - he's just too wholesome and smiley and cheesy and, well, American). I want them to bring Buffy back. Or Firefly. Or even Angel.

Bouncingturtle · 05/01/2008 17:25

That has pushed me in to watching Torchwood. I guess I'll just have to fantasise that this series something nasty and fatal will happen to Owen, as he is the most fecking annoying little sh!t to grace a television screen.

FlameNFurter · 05/01/2008 17:52

I don't get the whole John Barrowman thing either. I am happy with JM in anything though.... would rather he got a part in Firefly, that way you get all the goodness of that too (the Captain is appealing but I can't quite put my finger on why)

SueBaroo · 05/01/2008 22:11

I'm going to see JB in panto. Have to say I've sort of slipped in my lust-o-meter with him because the promo pic for his singing tour is just so.. groomed.

But tush on you for being mean about Mr Boreanaz. I often flick onto Bones just so I can a quick fix. Like James Garner with really broad shoulders, yum.

And Spike... purrrrrrrrrr.

It is a mighty shame that Torchwood is such a steaming pile of utter cack-bum. Still, what's a completist nerd to do? I have to watch. Just please, can it not have any owen-sex scenes in the new series (tries to scrub the mental image of his 'sex-face' away)

serenity · 05/01/2008 22:31

The TW trailer does look good though (the BBC America one more than the UK one) I have high hopes for S2 If Owen even looks at Spike though........there will be trouble

SueBaroo · 05/01/2008 22:38

Of course the trailer looks good! That's the point of trailers and the art of the edit.

Still, even the clumpingly awful episodes were at least laugh-out-loud awful, so worth watching.

PortAndLemonaid · 05/01/2008 22:39

Bones got a lot better in Seasons 2 and 3 (I too initially abandoned it after a couple of episodes and have had to catch up). It needed time to settle down, I think.

Having seen JM (more or less) shirtless in the Torchwood trailer, a friend is hoping against hope that he takes off his shirt and strangles Owen with it (this hypothetical event being enough to boost Torchwood from "almost unwatchably disappointing" to "compulsive viewing" in her eyes)

LuckySalem · 05/01/2008 22:47

Angel, Buffy, Firefly/serenity & Bones all good shows!! Valentine (the film wasn't particularly brilliant but DB was)

I HATE torchwood but will watch the first ep to see if Spike makes it good.

PrismManchip · 05/01/2008 22:49

Torchwood is pants, isn't it?
I am going to have to work hard on DH to persuade him it is essential viewing

LuckySalem · 05/01/2008 22:51

Dp actually wanted to watch it when it first started to we gave it I think 1 and 1/2 eps then turned it off.

SueBaroo · 05/01/2008 22:58

Random shoes was possibly the dullest thing I've ever seen.

And they create this marvellously chilling final villain and all he is is a gatekeeper for a multi-dimensional godzilla that Captian Jack.. erm.. zaps with his 'life-force' ooo-er missus.

And for a top-secret, important earth defense organization, they have to be the slackest bunch of incompetent twats ever to drive around in a big black van with blue flashing lights and torchwood written on the side of it. Farcical.

But deeply humourous, too.

PrismManchip · 05/01/2008 23:00

It's Captain Jack that puts me off - aside from the massive plot-holes.
He is just dunno. He should be in a musical.

PrismManchip · 05/01/2008 23:00

I know. He's from the same stable as Sarah-Jane from CBeebies

Dior · 05/01/2008 23:02

Message withdrawn

SueBaroo · 05/01/2008 23:03

If he'd played it as Captain Jack from Doctor Who, it would have been much more watchable. But all the flirty spark was written out of Torchwood Captain Jack.

But whisper it I don't think JB actually has the acting chops to carry off the leading man, he's much better in support.

MaryAnnSingleton · 05/01/2008 23:03

Ianto !

Dior · 05/01/2008 23:04

Message withdrawn


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MaryAnnSingleton · 05/01/2008 23:06

I just love the Captain Jack kissing real Captain Jack - that episode was fab

Dior · 05/01/2008 23:07

Message withdrawn

SueBaroo · 05/01/2008 23:11

I quite enjoyed watching Janey the alien snogging Toshiko.

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