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Love Island - part 4

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Violetroselily · 21/06/2018 21:59

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ElspethFlashman · 22/06/2018 00:07

In fairness I thought Rosie was trying to include Samira in the conversation, asking her what her type was etc. But Sam may as well be holding a sign up saying Not Interested.

I think the problem is that Samira just isn't flirty. Rosie is naturally kittenish but Samira plonks herself down like a lad, all elbows out. Literally none of the lads has had any interest. She's a lovely looking girl but she's not giving any signals at all.

OutofSyncGirl · 22/06/2018 00:09

Rosie is a pretty girl - she just needs less make up. I agree she's like Lindsay Lohan.

ElspethFlashman · 22/06/2018 00:09

Im very confused about the Hideaway. I thought it would be actually private but it's hilariously public. The bed is basically a stage with cameras buzzing all over it.

ElspethFlashman · 22/06/2018 00:11

Sam isn't as cringe as I dreaded. His disapproval of Adam gives him a lot of Brownie points in my book.

I suspect they're not allowed to actually give feedback on what people think outside. Just what they think themselves.

TatianaLarina · 22/06/2018 00:13

If by kittenish you mean desperate 45 year old all over him...

AngeloMysterioso · 22/06/2018 00:25

Jesus how did that last thread fill up so quickly! Season 2 didn’t even make 900 comments...

Anyway, I got the feeling with this episode that the producers caught on to the fact that the audience has been getting bored and decided to throw some booze at the problem...

Also not sure about Sam. I felt like his comments to/about Adam were a bit for show, saying what all the women in the villa (and at home) have been desperate to hear! Made himself look like the knight in shining stick on tattoos armour...

TatianaLarina · 22/06/2018 00:33

Oh definitely - he was trying to make himself a hero, and I think the producers may have put him up to it.

We’ll see what he’s actually like.

SmellMyBeads · 22/06/2018 00:57

@Angelo Totally agree. He knows the uproar about Adams behaviour and he thinks (and has it seems) he'd win over the public with his Adam bashing.

MakeItStopNeville · 22/06/2018 01:06

I wish they'd send in someone who was actually in to Samira. She's my favourite and I'll be gutted if she gets kicked out because Alex is going all Hugh Grant wobbly chin with Ellie.

tumpymummy · 22/06/2018 01:33

I don't want Samira to be the one who goes. I like new boy Sam so far, but he didn't really seem interested in Samira unfortunately.

Patienceisvirtuous · 22/06/2018 05:37

I want Samira to go... time has run out for her...

RideSallyRide76 · 22/06/2018 06:18

Sam going first and picking Zara would be great, i can't imagine Adam crawling back to Rosie so who would he choose? I'd love a recoupling where things got really shaken up!

So sad about Sophie, she's one of my favourite ever contestants Sad

desperatehousewife21 · 22/06/2018 06:37

I really don’t want Sam to go for’s too neat and obv I want him to go for Georgia/Ellie/Zara and cause a bit of drama!

MiddleClassProblem · 22/06/2018 06:50

My summery:

Adam - shit kisser
Rosie - cringe
Sam - will pick a new girl or Georgia
Alex - whiny
Myal - dullest chat, only shagging will keep them there
Me - feel like I have a wedgie constantly whilst watching the show

MiddleClassProblem · 22/06/2018 06:51

Oh and I think/hope if Sam picks one of goose three the spare boy would pick Samira over Rosie.

Twirlywooer · 22/06/2018 07:18

So Georgia reckons her and Josh haven't snogged properly in bed and Josh reckons they're in the 'do bits' society 🤔 think Josh is telling fibs!

Adam launching tongue first into Zara was gross, especially after she told Ellie there wouldn't be any tongues. Poor girl didn't have a choice. Adam is grim.

The way they were analysing Alex and Ellie's kiss was so cringe! I'm glad Ellie called him out on the 'staged' snog.

hattiesmumm · 22/06/2018 07:27

Imagine if Sam goes for dani 😔

NeverTalksToStrangers · 22/06/2018 07:38

Rosie really hasn't been slated enough for her "can't believe I wasn't in his top 4" comment. She's obviously used to getting a lot of attention, but as we've seen, the only one who really made a bee-line for her was Adam, so definitely the wrong kind of attention.

I'm not surprised he said Samira (it's generally expected for a newcomer to say they like a single person though) as she looked gorgeous with all the stickers last night.

I actually think Sam is quite good-looking, but yeah, the eyebrows are an issue.

Twirlywooer · 22/06/2018 07:45

I don't think Rosie has been slated enough for her response when Sam asked her if she was loud. I'm sure she replied with some sort of 'if you want me to be' sexual innuendo. I'd have to watch it again to be sure, but Samira looked at her like WTF! Just desperation on another level!

MsJolly · 22/06/2018 07:46

I think Sam will go for Georgia then Josh might go for Ellie leaving poor Alex to pick Sam again and Rosie to go.
But whatever permutations there are it always leaves Rosie to go IMO

Chipstick10 · 22/06/2018 07:51

I think Samira saw Rosie with slightly new eyes. And also knew or didn’t want to compete in the desperate flirting stakes.
I would love for Sam to mix it up a bit.
I still love Jack with all my heart but there is being cautious and being disinterested and Danni is the latter . No connection whatsoever. No sexual chemistry. She is just coasting

nowifi · 22/06/2018 08:01

Can't get past the new guys eyebrows they are so girly! Rosie is so annoying and really believes her own hype, however I do kind of want her to stay as she is so cringe.


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SmellMyBeads · 22/06/2018 08:56

Cringe for Samira doing a big dance about a new boy coming in. Rosie warned her from the get go that she might go for him too. Samira just couldn't compete with the level of flirting Rosie did and the new guy got sucked in.

Samira needs to go. She's not playing the game.

MiddleClassProblem · 22/06/2018 09:10

The thing with Rosie is that she is constantly trying to be sexy or strong but that’s what’s off putting because, particularly the former, comes across like a teenager trying to get a boys attention. I think she values herself too much on how men react to her.

Whatsnewwithyou · 22/06/2018 09:11

Agree Samira needs to go. She's sweet but it's just not happening for her and at least poor Rosie's entertaining.

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